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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Darren Zirado Vampire Savior?
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DZirado Offline
Southern Charm and Superior Strength

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Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

03-02-2017, 07:29 AM

”People always try to paint me as a stupid man, but I’m not stupid. I’ll admit that I may be a little slow on the uptake from time to time, and sure, I have a little trouble remembering things correctly, but I’m not stupid. My intelligence is proven by the fact that I not only acept Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior, but that I continue to walk with him, hand in hand. I have the holy light shining the way for me in this life, and into the next. What is it that you have again, boy, some sharp teeth? I follow a path of light, at path of the righteous, and I have a heavenly kingdom awaiting me at the end of my road. That in itself makes me a very smart man, does it not?

Now I will admit that perhaps I have been blinded by my own hatred for all things evil. After speaking to a friend of mine last night, and taking some time to reflect, I’ve come to the conclusion that killing you may not be the best course of action. You see son, Jesus preaches forgiveness. Every man has sin in their heart, and every man has the power to be cleansed of that sin through Jesus. At first, I didn’t think that it was possible for a monster like you to find redemption in the eyes of the lord, but my friend here has not only convinced me that it’s possible. He has agreed to come here today and help me in explaining why.”

The camera pans out from the tight shot on Zirado’s face to revel Micheal Graves looking very much like he doesn’t want to be here.

”Now Micheal, last night you told me that you used to be a vampire, is that correct son?”

Micheal has trouble looking into the camera. He obviously isn’t comfortable with this situation.


”And through the power of Christ he was healed!”

”Not exac…”

”When Micheal told me that he used to be one of those unholy creatures… Well to say that I was flabbergasted would be an understatement. I mean, here’s a kid that I’ve taken under my wing, a kid that I’m proud to call my son.”

Micheal raises a finger to make a point.

”I’m not yo…”

”And now he’s telling me that he was tainted by that awful curse. It brought tears to my eye’s, it really did. You know what, though, it made me realize something. Micheal ain’t a vampire no more. I see him in the daylight all of the time.”

”Actually all vampires can wa…”


Micheal just hangs his head low, shaking it in disbelief.

”So I figure, if Micheal can be cured by the power of God, then so can you Mitch Ashcrust. So please forget what I said about holy water and garlic. Know that I’m not going to bring these here stakes or that rifle. Instead, I’m going to meet you in the ring as a man. A man with a good book, and the power of God on his side. I’m going to help you find salvation from this vile existence that you’re living. No longer shall I come at you with hate in my heart, and murder on my mind. Instead, I will seek you out as a friend, a brother, and I will try to bring the healing power of Jesus into your life!

”He scared you didn’t he?”

Darren stands there for a moment with a dumbfounded look about him. Finally, he nods and says.

”Yes son, yes he did.”

Micheal stands up and pats the big man on the back a few times.

”It’s cool bro, he’s probably not even a real vampire, right?


Micheal smiles and gives me one more pat on the back before he makes his exit of the room. I’m trying to put on a brave face. Trying to act like Micheal could be right about Mitch Axecraft not being a vampire, but deep in my heart, I know the truth. I’ve seen the evil in his eyes, and it scares the shit out of me…


I need to take a shower...
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