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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Missing Person
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

02-05-2017, 10:31 AM

[Image: ssfm5ye.jpg]

[Image: oAc4hCa.jpg]

Sheriff: How can I help you, sir?

”I need to report a missing person”

Sheriff: Okay? What’s your name first son and who is the missing person’s name? Second!

Robert seems hesitant to answer the sheriff’s question. He places his hands on the front desk of the sheriff’s department looking around for a quick second and checking out his surroundings! There isn’t a single other person in the Clark County office besides other sheriffs and cops coming in and out of the front door! Others are behind their desk combing over piles of paperwork. The sheriff clears his voice and Robert comes back from outer space. Robert pulls his aviators off his face and places them on his head! Brushing the long curly hair out of his face. He looks into the sheriff’s ice cold blue eyes and sighs.

”God uh.. My name is Robert Main! I’m a professional wrestler with the XWF! You might have heard of us? We are the number one wrestling promotion on earth. The name of the missing person is and don’t quote me on this! “YA BOI” Shaun Crowe!”

Sheriff: Is this some kind of a joke Mr. Main? “YA BOI” Shaun Crowe? Are you serious? Do you want me to throw your smart ass in jail for filing a false police report? I honestly don’t have the time to be doing things like this! We found a body this morning in a ditch outside Las Vegas!

”I know how it sounds! Look the name up! He’s a professional wres… Scratch that back he’s not a professional wrestler like I am! More like a guy who gets into the ring and gets tossed around like a rag doll! Professional punching bag! We will go with that for now!

The sheriff shakes his head in disbelief. He leans over his computer and type in the name and waits for a second before raising his eyebrows. He looks at Robert then and shakes his head once more.

Sheriff: I can’t believe this but he is in our system! I apologize Mr. Main! What a name! And yes I have heard of your wrestling promotion hell son I’ve been to some of the shows here in Las Vegas! You boys put on one hell of a show! I’m a huge fan of Chris Chaos! Anyway, when is the last time you seen Mr. Crowe?

”Jesus he hasn’t been around for months! I didn’t think he even had a job with XWF anymore! I figured he was out flipping burgers someplace! Or getting his ass beat on the wrong side of town if you know what I mean? So yeah he hasn’t been around for months, weeks! Funny thing though Lethal Lottery pops up and all of a sudden he pops in says he will wrestle and like a flash of lighting he is gone again. See he is supposed to be my tag team, partner! I’m looking for him!”

Sheriff: Okay he’s been missing for month’s maybe weeks! What does he look like? Black right? Can you describe him to me?

”No he’s as white as you and I. Yeah I can describe him. Uh… Dumb dick.. Looks like a white guy pretending to be from the hood someplace! He has corn rows gold chains. He’s the typical dumb ass trying to be something he isn’t. Want to be gangster? Hell white people won’t claim him and neither will black people! He’s a guy stuck in limbo! No one want’s him! Hell, I don’t know look him up on the computer. Go to the XWF website and go to our roster page. Buy some a shirt of mine while you're on there! Can we put his face on some milk jugs? Or missing person posters. Post something on social media maybe? It will be the first time he actually gets seen in people’s homes! Because when he’s on television they turn the damn channel!”

The sheriff leans again over his computer typing in the web address. The computer screen cast a blue haze over his face as he leans in closer to the computer. He clicks a few times before stopping the sheriff's eyes dart back and forth as he reads something and stops shaking his head. He looks at Robert and laughs before speaking!

[Image: bwFZRL2.jpg]

Sheriff: Son you’re better off without this guy! If you’re going to a fight he is the last person you want in your corner! We’ll put out and alert! Put some things on social media! Posters all around town and send word to his hometown and see if they can find anything out for us! Oh, and the milk carton thing stopped a long time ago! Now Mr. Main before you go outside and climb back on that beautiful bike I need something from you! I’d like and autograph and picture if you don’t mind!

Robert halfheartedly cracks half a grin before nodding to the sheriff. The sheriff pull out his brand spanking new XWF autograph book and flips to Roberts’s page in the book! Robert looks at his picture before plucking a sharpie off the desk and signing the book. The sheriff looks like a kid in a candy store smiling from ear to ear! The two take a quick selfie then Robert turns his back and heads towards the front door. He pushes the front doors open walking out into the parking lot! It’s a ghost town! There isn’t a soul in sight! Robert looks off in the distance looking at the sandy mountains before walking over to his Harley Davison motorcycle black on black! He grabs his black leather riding jacket sliding in each arm one at a time and zips the coat halfway up before leaning up against his bike. He sprawls out his blue jean covered legs holding himself up with his black cowboy boots![gold]

[Image: ioV5EOO.jpg]

”Shaun I really hope someone some place on this planet can find your ass before our match at Warfare! Now I know you’re probably some place acting like a brutha or sista right now! But you need to wake up! You need to get out here and say something! You look like a freaking street show as it is! But now you’re going to turn coat and hide? Man up! Do you know how you’re making yourself look right now? Actually, that was a dumb statement! You already look like a freaking idiot! I know you have had your ass beat so many times you have probably become used to it by now! I also know you’re scared of your own shadow! But Jesus if you have any dignity left! Get out here and let’s get to work. Shaun, I will tell you this! You come into this match and cost me an opportunity to advance to the next round of Lethal Lottery! I will personally rip you limb from limb! You won’t have to worry about wrestling in the XWF anymore! Seeing how you never do anyway! I’ll put your ass in a coma!

Now onto business! Gabe Reno! How are you doing buddy? Must be awful tired from all the gabbing you have been doing! Hell, I heard you recently had a trip to Walmart! How did that go for you? Oh, wait! It ended in failure like everything else you do! You got your ass kicked in the damn cereal aisle! You just can’t make this shit up! How did it feel to let another championship slip through your grips? I bet you’re numb to the fact anymore! Losing to champions and losing your championships is something your very good at! There nothing like being labeled a paper champion! Speaking of something that makes me sick to my stomach! Your promos! Jesus! I get vertigo watching the damn things! There’s just too much going on! Besides that playing cowboys and Indians? What’s next guys dressed up like me robbing banks? I’ll tell you what you can go, Gabe Reno! Get all dressed up like that and head down to your local gay bar! You’ll be loved there! Hell, you might even meet that special someone! That is until you open your mouth and start talking! Someone needs to get ahold you and break your jaw! Wire that sucker shut so you can’t talk! Oh, Wait I have a match with you coming up I’d gladly assist you!”

[Image: s02MQoH.jpg]

Robert stands up and gets on his bike pulling his black leather gloves out of his pocket and places them on each hand. He sits quietly for a few long moment before grabbing his helmet from the handlebars placing it on his head! He’s pretty sure at this point his tag team partner is going to either no-show him because he is just too scared to get into the ring with the big boys! Or he’s going to show up and screw up everything! Either way, Robert is behind the eight ball here. Gabe Reno running his mouth seemingly putting out a promo every few hours! Flooding the airwaves with his mumbo jumbo. Robert knows the highs and lows Gabe Reno is willing to go to! He’s seen a lot of his matches now and looking at the tapes Gabe is a show stopper! But so is Robert! Gabe has accolades reaching far and wide! It actually quite impressive! Through Robert would never say that out loud or to Gabe Reno’s face. The championships won by Gabe is something many often dream of as they lay awake in their bed at night hoping one day just to have one championship run! Gabe has had multiple! A true Icon of the sport!

But then you add Chris Chaos to the fire and you have a team that has done more in their careers than ten will do in their very own. Robert has never really had the opportunity to bump into Chaos! Only watching from afar! The things that Chris can do in the ring are unimaginable. Always seeming to be three steps ahead of his opponent! Like the ring and Chris are one single entity working together as one until! Stunning to say the least! Robert respects Chris. He is after all the Champion! The number one guy always willing to fight and always willing to defend! He is a fighting champion! A damn good one too! What can Robert do? Other than go to the ring and wrestle the match of his life. They say you shouldn’t swim after eating. But here’s Robert jumping in the deep end! This isn’t the big fish small pond kind of thing! No! Chris and Gabe are the sharks circling. Without a partner. Robert knows they sense blood in the water. The only thing he can do it fight them off and try to make it to shore before it's tool late. Last week Robert told Jim he would smother him in their match! Now a few weeks later Robert faces that same reality.

[Image: WvLuUP1.jpg]

”Chris Chaos! I know you don’t really have the time or care to be quite honest who I am! But I’ll introduce myself anyway! I’m Robert “The Omega” Main! I’m the guy who is your warm up match! You sweat more taking shits! Yeah, that’s me! Now that’s out of the way! Chris, I look at you and see a god honest true champion through and through! You defend like no one else that I have ever seen! You always come to fight in the ring and you always seem to have the perfect game plan. The things you can do is honestly unthinkable! I’m not trying to drive wedges between you and Gabe here! But Chris how can you trust him? I understand you need to keep your head on a swivel as you said. But it just takes one shot and your down! You see how he did Trax! He’s always willing to go there and stab whoever he needs to in the back to get what he wants! Once he takes that shot on you what happens from there? Is the briefcase more important to you than watching for a snake? Gabe comes across like you two have kissed and made up! For the greater good of course. But do you honestly believe that given your past?

You can’t. If you do! You’re being foolish and blinded by his bull shit. He’s a smooth talker Chris! Don’t fall into his trap! I know you have to see through it? Like I told Gabe. I’m not coming into this thing just to lay down on the mat and let you guys pin me. I’m going to fight! Where the chips fall I don’t really know! It could go a lot of different ways. I damn sure will not just let you two walk into the second round! Someone has to put up a fight against you two! That guy will be me. I respect everything that you have done Chris for this company and for the wrestling business as a whole. We need more guys like you to lead the way. If you don’t watch your back round one might come to a screeching halt. I know you think I’m just some punk who shouldn’t be standing in the same ring as you hell even the same arena as you! You look at me like I am a no one! In your eyes that may be true! But the easiest way to become someone in this business. You go and fight the top dog!”

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[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
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Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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(02-15-2017), Jane Carver (02-15-2017), JimCaedus (02-05-2017)

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