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Big Lincoln, new aspiring wrestler
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12-17-2016, 07:26 AM Brick  Big Lincoln, new aspiring wrestler -->


In-Ring Name: [b]Big Lincoln

Wrestler's Real Name: Sindy Waters.

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New to XWF.

Wrestler Date of Birth: 14/02/1991.

Height: 169 cms.

Weight: 65 kgs.

Hometown: Saskatchewan, Canada.

Personality: Little Sindy Waters was raised in a nice neighborhood in Saskatchewan, Canada. Everything was going well for little good, welcoming, adventerous, affectionate, brave, bright, little Sindy, when, suddenly, a bunch of kids started to bully the poor, white as a snowman tiny kid. Sindy didn't like being bullied all the time. He hated his life. So, he decided to come up with a plan, a plan that would guarantee him safety from these terrible, evil, bullies.
He decided to change his entire personality, and become a more "hip", "cool" and "rad" kid. He started listening to his dad's own mid-life crisis rap CDs. He started to educate himself on all the slang used in those historic songs. He wrote down the lyrics of MC Hammer's hit song U Can't Touch This hundreds of times just so he could remember all of it.
After months and months of knowledge gathering, he showed off his new earned skills to the other kids at the playground. He started rapping in front of all of the children. Everyone, and I mean, everyone laughed at him. Even the goddamn English teacher, Mr. Johnathan Huncool, treated him as a joke after Sindy's spit of rhymes.
Sindy Waterson was devastated. After he left the school, he went right into his room. He closed himself in there. He didn't know how to do. Now everyone treated him as a clown... Was he going to be laughed at for the rest of his life? After all, everybody knew each other in Saskatchewan. The story of the dumb, fat, white kid rapping in front of his schoolmates would spread like a wildfire.
In that moment, something snapped inside of his head. He had found the solution to his problem. He needed to hone his rap skills, and then rap to millions and millions of people. He wanted to prove all of those damn ignorant children a lesson. He knew he had enough talent. Hell, he even chose a cool rapper name: "Big Lincoln". The only thing that was missing, was a platform to showcase his abilities.
He then remembered the stupid wrestling show he used to watch when he was only 5 years old... XWF. That was it. That would be the platform. Sindy didn't know how to wrestle. But he didn't care.
"My daddy told me that wrestling is fake, so it shouldn't be that hard, right?" he whispered to himself.
Sindy Waterson, or as he liked to call himself, Big Licoln, studied the fine art of rapping for 17 years. When he finally turned 25, he felt ready to rock. He wouldn't let his race get in the way of his vengeance. He would have... CERO CHILL.
If I didn't leave it clear enough, Big Lincoln is the opposite of cool. He uses old slang just to try to sound cool to the bullies that harrased him during his youth. He is an insecure little brat. He always accuses the audience of racisms when the audience boos his little "raps". He hasn't got any kind of wrestling training, meaning that he only does simple moves. The only complex move he knows is the Overdrive, because that's the only move he remembers when he saw XWF that one time. But, he is resilient. After dealing with the bullying for years, he has learned to take a punch, which makes him tough to beat... but he isn't in any way shape or form a good wrestler. He is scrappy.
The only reason that he particpates in XWF is to get exposure. He only wants to get a belt, so he can get more recognised.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Heel.
Looks Description: He is basically just like Vanilla Ice. He has blonde short hair, brown eyes. He doesn't look buff at all, since he didn't spend any time actually training. He looks chunky, actually. He is qute short, too. He wears generic black trunks to the ring. He is quite proud of the "Jordans" his dad gave to him when he was 7. He doesn't know, though, that they are actually fake.

Ethnicity: Caucasian. 100% caucasian.

Pic Base: [Image: iceLFI1104_468x762.jpg]


Strengths: his "charisma" and his quite vast knowledge of rap lyrics make him a quite formidable promo. Also, he is quite fast, because he is short and because he trained his speed when running away from playground bullies. He is quite resilient, too, because he wants to prove the world that white people can rap too... sort of.

Weaknesses: his in-ring skill is crap. He hasn't trained at all, although, he is kind of tough. The bullies hardened him a lil' bit.

Entrance Theme Music: Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice Baby

Special Entrance (if any):

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
DDT, Snap Suplex, Hangman Neckbreaker, Mudhole Stomps, Middle Rope Fist Drop, Middle Rope DDT, Combination of Kicks and Punches, Lariat, Clothesline.
Trademark Move(s): VanilLariat, U Can't Touch Me
VanilLariat: Discus Lariat, sometimes after a wristlock, like the Rainmaker.
U Can't Touch Me: Five Knucke Shuffle, instead of saying "you can't see me", Big Lincoln says "you can't touch me" and does MC Hammer's traditional dance. Replace Cena's fist drop/punch with an elbow drop to the neck.

Finishing Move(s): Zero Celsius, Colder Than Ice
Zero Celsius: Overdrive, or O-Zone. Randy Orton's old finisher.
Colder Than Ice: Running Knee to kneeling opponent.

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: Slingshot Knee to the Outside. Suicide Dive.

Additional notes: I would like to clarify that this is not a 100% comedy wrestler. Yes, obviously, it is supposed to be a little comedic, but I would like him to be taken seriously once in a while.


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