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Jervis Cottonbelly
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Jervis Cottonbelly Offline
The World's Sweetest Man

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

11-06-2016, 10:20 PM


In-Ring Name: Jervis Cottonbelly

Wrestler's Real Name: "See above please and thank you"

Nickname(s): "Gentleman," "The Big Dog," "The World's Sweetest Man,"

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: Returning.

Wrestler Date of Birth: Unknown, although he seems to have been born in 1800's England due to his politeness and way of speaking.

Height: 6'0 ft.

Weight: 14 Stone, 4 lbs

Hometown: London England

Personality: Jervis Cottonbelly is a gentleman in every sense of the world. He's polite to everyone in and out of the ring, and there's nothing more valuable to him than a warm hug and a cup of tea!

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Face

Looks Description:

[Image: b8929b2952jerviscottonbelly.jpg]

Ethnicity: White

Pic Base: Jervis Cottonbelly


Strengths: Jervis is well versed in the British catch-as-catch-can style of wrestling, making him an expert ring technician. He also can display surprising bursts of power and agility, making his offense very unpredictable for his opponents. When he gets serious in a match, Jervis can be a tough challenge for even the greatest of competitors!

Weaknesses: Jervis is very strict when it comes to following the rules, making it easy for more unscrupulous competitors to take advantage of his politeness. He often looks to hug or shake the hand of his opponent before a match, which his opponents can once again take advantage of. Jervis can also be frightened easily, often causing him to faint! He also refuses to use weapons of any kind, making hardcore matches extremely tough for him to compete in and keep his standards in tact. On top of all this, he has an extreme fear of heights to the point he can't even climb on the top turnbuckle without great encouragement from his friends!

Entrance Theme Music: Lover's Lane by Squirrel Nut Zippers

Entrance Description: As "Lover's Lane" plays over the loudspeakers, Jervis Cottonbelly appears on stage to the joy of the XWF faithful, wearing a top hat, a light blue blazer, and carrying a cane along with his usual ring attire. He strolls down to the ring, waving to and shaking the hands of fans at ringside on his way. When he gets to the ring, he wipes his feet on the ring apron before entering. He then hands his entrance attire to the ref, politely thanks him, and then offers a hand to his opponent to shake.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Drop Toe Hold
Bridging Vertical Suplex
Arm Drag
Side Russian Legsweep
Bunny Stomp (Double Foot Stomp)
Brie Bella Knee Lift (Running Knee to a Seated Opponent's Head)
Running Back Elbow
Springboard Back Elbow

Trademark Move(s):
Airplane Spin

Rock-A-Bye Backdrop: Jervis holds his opponent in his arms like he's cradling an infant and rocks them back and forth before dropping them in a backdrop
Scrooge McDuck Depth Gauge: Diving Crossbody from the ring apron to an opponent outside the ring.

Finishing Move(s):
Downton Lock: Ankle Lock
Diving Bunny Stomp: Diving Double Foot Stomp; only used in desperate situations

Favorite Hardcore Attacks: "Hardcore attacks? Ohhhhh...." *Faints*

Additional notes: RAZZMATAZZ!!!

[Image: Ewcom82MFFI7IE9xNhUGmPe-Hf_7ACVPIewA0IC_...00ffadffff]

"When times get tough and skies grow dark, always remember and never forget, Jervis Cottonbelly still loves you,"

Member of PATROL (w/ Thomas Nixon, Benito Angelo & Guppy Parsh)

1x Heavy Metalweight Champion
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