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The Personification of Perfection, David Stone
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David Stone Offline

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

11-04-2016, 12:10 PM


In-Ring Name: David Stone

Wrestler's Real Name: David Jonathan Stone

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New

Wrestler Date of Birth: December 4th, 1983

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 270 lbs

Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana

Personality: Cocky git

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Heel

Looks Description: Tall, muscular but not overly so. Has long dark hair and dark eyes. Usually seen wearing a black leather jacket, black T-shirt and black jeans. Always wears a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses.

Ethnicity: White American

Pic Base: Randy Orton's body with Shaun Michaels's face and hair


Strengths: Brawling as well as his strength, experience and ring craft

Weaknesses: He has a weak right ankle and can sometimes go for the kill too early if he especially hates someone. Also allows his arrogance to show through too much at times.

Entrance Theme Music: Step up by Drowning pool

Entrance Description: The lights in the arena cut, leaving a spotlight at the top of the entrance ramp. The XTron flickers to life, and the words 'Personification of perfection' appear in red under a picture of David Stone's face. As the crowd reaction builds, the speakers crackle and a voice can be heard. "I am the personification of perfection, bitch! If you wanna step up, step the fuck up!" This is followed by the opening to Step up by Drowning pool.

A sheet of gold pyro then explodes and David Stone makes his appearance. His usual ring attire is a pair of full length dark blue wrestling pants, a black "Personification of perfection" muscle shirt and black boots.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
side walk slam
release German suplex
even flow DDT
sharp shooter
tiger suplex and pin
bull dog
pulling piledriver
chop block
neck breaker
diving elbow
fall away slam
chest/rib breaker
spine buster
leg drop
big boot
small package
gut buster
back suplex

Trademark Move(s): Thumb to the eye, Perfect plex, side kick
Description(s): Left thumb to opponent's eye (David is left handed), hanging fall away suplex or cradle suplex or fisherman's suplex (whichever you want to call it) which he then bridges into a pin most of the time, left footed sidekick to the head

Finishing Move(s): Stone cutter, Stone crusher
Description(s): Stone cutter is a left footed superkick and Stone crusher is the Shamrock ankle lock

Favorite Hardcore Attacks: Likes to use either a pipe or a hammer

Additional notes: Best friend and tag partner of Ronnie Cage. Also speaks fluent French due to being half French on his mother's side.

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