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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Shove-It! Boards » Shove-It! RP Board
Hell Have No Fury...
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

11-01-2016, 03:30 PM

Few Days Ago.

The scene opens in a scarcely lit room with the only source of illumination coming from a sole dingy lightbulb that hangs on the ceiling with a wooden round table underneath it. An ominous silence accompanies the, for the most part, darkness. Suddenly however the sound of a door opening and then shutting again followed by footsteps can be heard. A shadow looms over the wooden table and then a hooded man appears holding a steel briefcase. The man places the briefcase on the table then removes his hood revealing a fair skinned face of a man in his mid forties, sporting a thick scraggly black beard which matches his coal black eyes. The man looks directly ahead and speaks.

Madame, everything you need is in the briefcase.

The man looks ahead still seemingly addressing an unseen and unheard figure in the room, sure enough, a stern, somewhat familiar sounding female voice replies back from the darkness...

Were there any complications?

The man nods.

I was compromised. The old man woke up and came down to the basement. I did what I had to do, "The Professor" as they called him is no longer with us.

Shrill cold laughter erupts from the unseen female figure. So cold that even the man who has just confessed to killing an old pensioner in his home shivers, before regaining his composure.

Good. He can rot in Hell, Trax will soon join him. Him and the few friends and family he has in this world. He betrayed me and left me for dead, I will make him rue that day. Hell hath No Fury as a woman scorned, especially a woman such as I....

The woman steps into the light on the other side of the table placing her pale white hands on the briefcase and at the same time revealing her grossly disfigured and scarred face. Despite the disfigurement and scarring, the pitch black hair, and the look of pure venom in her eyes and malice in her voice cannot be mistaken. Its the same woman who many months ago had mentally and physically tortured Trax in an act of vengeance due to Trax killing her father who had done the same thing to Trax months before that. The same woman who, influenced by a mental implant of her deceased father in his brain, Trax had agreed to later work with to help maintain her inherited criminal empire thus clearing his "blood debt" and securing his family's safety. The same woman who Trax had later betrayed when he led a sibling duo of superhuman Russian assassins known as The Crane Brothers to her whereabouts, the brothers intent on killing her in retaliation to her killing their crime boss father and her late fathers other old business partners in an act to seize more power in the criminal underworld. The woman who is known as none other than....

MADAME FREY, and I will have my revenge.

More shrill laughter as Madame Frey, horribly disfigured but amazingly still very much alive, tilts her head back in sinister glee as the scene fades.


The scene opens in a cemetery, the weather is rainy and dark clouds contaminate a grey sky, a fitting atmosphere for the sombre feeling in the air as the a crowd of people dressed in black are gathered as a black coffin bearing the body of the man known as Jonathan Hovah is lowered into the ground as a Pastor makes a speech to the gathered crowd that has congregated here on this gloomy day to mourn the death of The Professor. In the crowd is none other then Mr Dominance, Trax, standing next to his friend Paul "Extreme Machine" Hunter and his fiancé Jackie. Trax is staring blankly into space almost, not even hearing the words the Pastor speaks, his words blocked out by the heavy rain and his own thoughts. The sermon ends as The Professor gets laid to rest in his burial spot and his grave gets covered over. Trax walks off still deeply rooted In his own thoughts as the proceedings come to an end, Trax doesn't stop to turn back, until he hears the sound of his friend call out behind him.

Yo...Trax...buddy, wait up!

Trax turns around to see Paul and Jackie following him, both with rather sullen, worried looks on their faces. OK?

Yeah man you good? You didn't say a word... throughout the entire thing.

Trax stares at the two of them, before finally shaking his head and looking down at the wet earth at his feet.

Nah I'm not OK, somebody killed him. Cold blooded. In his own home, and then on top of that blew up his lab with him still in it. I want to know why, was someone trying to get at me? Am I responsible for this? Is it my fault?

Don't talk crazy, none of this is your fault. We'll find out whose fault it is though you can bet on that, the police are on the case, I also got a couple of my people on the case, any leads you'll be the first to know, trust me. Now in the mean time, take Jackie home, get some rest, then look on preparing yourself for that rumble match you're taking part in.

Fuck that rumble now.

Nah man fuck that that kinda talk! That ain't you, we'll get to the bottom of this shit, and whoevers responsible, well they'll be HELL to pay, now go do your thing man.

Paul walks up Trax and pats him on the shoulders, as he does so Jackie also walks up to Trax and grips his left arm with her arms and kisses him on the cheek before burying her head in his chest. Trax eyes dart upwards towards the heavens as the scene comes to a fade.

Later that day.

Trax is in his personal gym, dressed fittingly for such an environment wearing a vest and sporting shorts, going to work on a punching bag set up in the corner, throwing a series of fluid punches with speed beyond comprehension. As he does so he darts around the bag with quick precise footwork and reflex's, ducking and weaving before tagging the bag with more quick fire shots. Jackie walks into the gym area from the changing area, also sporting gym gear, she watches Trax from a few feet away, but Trax fails to acknowledge her presence. Jackie raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms.

Thought you was going to prepare for your upcoming match?

What's it look like I'm doing Jackie?

Taking out your frustrations.

I'll tell you what's.... frustrating....

Trax continues to punch the bag, but he transitions from rapid fire punches to slower heavier hitting ones as he continues to talk as Jackie continues to watch.

Its frustrating....


Knowing that an old man....


Was murdered, shot and blown up halfway to Hell in his own home...


And most likely its got something....


To do....



Trax unleashes a full force blow on the punching bag and it comes flying off its chain and gets sent crashing to the ground. Trax pants heavily, hyperventilating, sweat dripping from his brow. He turns to Jackie, clearly registering the look of concern on her face.

Jackie... don't look at me like that. I'm not crazy. Someone killed The Professor to get to me. That much is certain. That much is obvious. I need to find out who and why, and I need to find them. Preferably before they find me, or even worse, they find and kill someone else to get to me. That's including you. You're not leaving my sight, understand? I'm going to HELL in a few days and I can't take you with me, nor would I want to, so I need to get to the bottom of this shit before I make that trip. And I will do just that, and when I find out whose behind The Professors death, they'll be HELL to pay, now excuse me, while I address the sorry excuse of competition I have to share a ring with Saturday. I'm done here.

Trax storms off to the showers leaving Jackie where she stands as the scene fades.

Later Still.

The scene opens once again and we see Trax at his office desk, the shit eating grin that usually accompanies his face is nowhere to be seen, Trax instead burns a hole through the camera with piercing eyes and a grimace as continues.

Sup XWF Universe.

Its me Mr....fuck it.

Fuck the introductions and pleasantries.

I've got a lot on my mind so everyone just shut the fuck up and listen. Listening? Good.

Now as we all know we've got a Top Rope Elimination Rumble Matchcoming up, myself Trax, and 19 other wretched souls are going to be stepping into a ring in the middle of HELL, which has been confirmed to me by backstage XWF staff to indeed NOT just be the given nickname for New Jersey, but the literal, biblical Hell, fire N' brimstone and all. Interesting. Am I taken aback by this? Do I find this hard to digest? Hard to believe? Not really. I have super powers and the roster is chockfull of people who claim to be Demons or Immortal. We make the unbelievable believable in XWF so taking a trip to Hell actually doesn't seem that out of the ordinary at this point I'm sure we can ALL agree. Anyway, the sole survivor of this hellacious rumble match will be granted the honour of being crowned the NEW Unified X-Treme Champion among other rewards. Now I know I've made it clear that I'm only really interested in reclaiming the Universal title so some people may be a bit confused as to why I'm partaking in this match. Well its simple, the Xtreme title wasn't up for grabs when I opted in and two, the reason I opted in the first place was because a rumble match seemed like a great way to shake off the remaining ring rust I accumulated in my several months hiatus. I mean no offense to Peter Gilmour or Makaveli but neither of those guys are really at a high enough level to bring out the 100% in me again, you feel me? So I'm hoping this match will do just that and make me truly fighting fit to reclaim that which I feel I deserve. Speaking about Peter Gilmour and the Universal title actually, I am aware that he is the number one contender for the Universal Championship and will be facing Scully at an upcoming show for the title. Interesting how its the guy who recently LOST to me that gets a shot at the title before me, very interesting indeed. I mean Scully being the yellow bellied yellow teethed British pussyfuck that he is has gone without defending the title since he won it which was three months ago and in his first title defence he decides to duck me and others and go for one of the easiest options. Round of applause for our top champion everybody. THIS is exactly why I came back. Cowards like Scully holding prestigious titles? Incompetent morons like Peter Gilmour getting shot after shot at prestigious titles? Give me a goddamn break. It sickens me. Peter I'm well aware you're in this rumble match. I hope you're ready. Because I'm going to show everybody why neither your NOR Scully should be anywhere near the Universal title when I beat you once again but this time beat 18 other people along with you.

Because I'll just come straight out the gate and say it, I'm the biggest threat in this match and that goes without question. I mean am I wrong? I'm the most decorated wrestler in this match up, one of the most physically imposing and on top of that I'm the only person walking into this match with a royal rumble win already under their belt. I will admit this rumble is more star studded then the last rumble I won to get a shot at Tush and his Intercontinental Championship but it matters not. It makes no difference. The outcome will still be the same outcome as the last rumble match I was apart of....yours truly winning the whole goddamn thing no matter what shit talk my shit opponents have to say. Some of which have already spoken. Very well, lets address some of these guys I will take great pleasure sending flying over the top ropes Saturday.

I'm going to turn my attention firstly to the several nobodies that have spoken before I focus on the few people in this match I actually give a slight rats ass about. Simply put. You got this Gabe Reno kid who thinks he's being edgy and cool by talking in rhymes and cutting promos that actually don't make that much sense. He speaks a lot but he says nothing and because of that he's no different to a large majority of the roster no matter what he thinks. I know what you're looking to do kid, you're new, you want to make an impact, a lasting impression. I get that, I respect that I really do, I was in your position once and I know how desperate and hungry you must be to come out on top of this, but I have to be the bearer of bad news and tell you you've picked the wrong match to try and make an impact in. See one of your adversaries in this match is me, and I know you're new around here so you may not know this yet but when most people find themselves as my adversary in a match? They find themselves on the losing end of that match. There's several people in this match that can confirm that for you if you like Nico Lavey, Gilmour, they'll tell ya. You won't be no different from them, I see from your bio that you're a high flyer, fitting, the way I'm going to send you flying high way over those ropes, very fitting indeed.

Then you've got "The Man With Two Hands" if to say that's some sort of unique trait...James Ellsworth.. are you serious? Give me a break son. Your involvement in this match is a joke and one I don't find funny at that, in fact, it leaves a rather sour taste in my mouth. You've been doing this for 14 years and what have you accomplished exactly? Other then a handed win over an over rated redneck champion in that OTHER company. What I've accomplished here in XWF in around a year and half trumps what you've accomplished in over a decade, how you feel? I believe you said "nervous" and damn right you should be, you're going to HELL and entering a royal rumble match with a wrestling GOD motherfucker. You think because I can't hit The Trap Silencer on you due to the fact you haven't got a chin means fuck all in a royal rumble match where the aim is to throw people over the top rope? Any man with two hands has a fighting chance you say but you could have twenty hands and still wouldn't be able to prevent me throwing you over the top rope kid and I'm going to use MY two hands to do just that. Bye now.

Who else we got? Oh yeah we've even got Kurt Angle up in this bitch. Now Kurt I admit I admire what you've done in the ring. Arguably one of the all time greats...well, that was before you bastardized you own legacy by going to the sinking ship called TNA. Heh. That wasn't that smart, what was your decision behind that by the way I'm curious? Was it because your body has slowly breaking down bit by bit over the years and you couldn't handle a busy schedule anymore? I think it is. In fact its common knowledge, I've seen your recent matches, how sluggish you are these days. How you get so gassed after 5 minutes in the ring you turn purple like Barney the freakin' Dinosaur. Its a sad sight in all honesty. Learn when to pack it in Kurt. But instead of knowing when to call it a day you've decided to step into this match and your questionable health and stamina is really going to be put to the test because I assure you I'm a hazard to both. If you're not careful you're going to get gassed out trying to keep up with me in that ring and that's when I throw you over the top rope, recklessly may I add, causing you return back to Earth with yet another broken freakin' neck. "Oh its true, its damn true."

Now that I got the couple of scrubs and over-the-hill wrestlers that have spoken out the way I'd like to turn my attention to the somewhat more relevant people in this match. Well relevant being too strong of a word for guys like Robbie Bourbon. To think people thought he was going to be the next top guy when he came to XWF, bearing in mind he joined around the same time I did. Ha. Hilarious. We started our XWF careers around the same time but I sky rocketed while you've remained stagnant pretty much your entire time here. Failing to grasp opportunities over and over again. I even tried to carry your dead weight bulbous ass to a decent tag team title run, remember that? Remember how you got pinned in an elimination tag match and blamed me for your incompetence and inability to kick out of simple moves? I remember that. I then went on to win the Universal championship and Intercontinental Championship after our short lived tag team alliance, while you went from pretending to be a zombie to forming a second rate version of The Black Hand with Morbid Angel and Pest. You proposed a match against me several times if I recall last time I was here, thinking that Trax vs Bourbon is a blocker buster main event or something. Wake up you pretentious masked fool. Trax vs Bourbon may of been a hot match when we first started but a few months removed from our debuts I proved you're simply not in my league. You've been eating my dust your whole career. Now in this rumble you get to eat my dust some more, and judging from the size of you, eating is the only thing you're good at Robbie, so bon appetite.

Unlike Robbie, I was one of the fastest, one of the most successful, rising stars this company has ever seen. Now we have a couple of new rising stars in the rumble such as Chris Chaos and Dolly Waters. Chris Chaos has a win over the man over seeing this match, The Doctor himself. Now I know he thinks that gives him some sort of bragging rights but it really doesn't when you think about it. I mean all he did was put Doc in a coffin to win the match, and it wasn't even like he was in it that long either. I mean sure in the history books a win is a win but you didn't show you're better then D'Ville by pinning him or making him submitting now did you Chris? See me being an old school kinda guy, despite ironically being one of the youngest on the roster, I've always had a issue with gimmicky wins like that. They don't really prove anything. Alexis Riot also beat The Doctor in an ambulance match and I proceeded to destroy her literally a few week after that, so if you think a cheap win over D'Ville is going to give you enough momentum to run riot through this rumble allow me to introduce you to the 6'4 brick wall that's going to stop that momentum known as Mr Dominance Mr. Chaos. I will diminish that momentum and your dreams of winning your first major title here along with it. Same goes for you Dolly. I won't belittle you by mocking your gender or your age, I don't give a shit about either of those, you're good, but you're no Trax and that's all I really have to say on the matter, keep playing around with titles such as the HMW, Feder, TV and Hart Championship since those titles are your sort of level but please don't look higher then that, there's nothing for you at the top but a stark realization. The realization that you don't belong up there if you ever try and make that climb, owning dweebs in the minor leagues is what you're best at so stick to that. You're not ready to frequently face guys like me, not yet, ask your old carer Morbid Angel if you need any insight on just what the Hell I'm capable of. He entered a match with me for the original Xtreme title along with current Universal Champion and he and Scully BOTH came out of worse for wear and I walked out the winner. This match will hold the exact same result and I'd hate to make a little girl cry but if you try your luck and attempt to eliminate me I'm going to have to knock you on your ass and show you that which I already knew, despite the fact you've been on fire as of late dominating a bunch of scrubs holding a bunch of lower tier titles, you've yet to be involved in a match with someone my level and you're going to find out Saturday just how over your head you actually are.

Finally there's one last person in the rumble I want to specifically address, the guy I consider the biggest threat next to me in this match despite the fact he's had a longer hiatus away from the ring then I have. The man known as Gator. I won't bore you with Deadpool references and all that shit G. I respect you and what you've done here. Don't take that as me kissing ass now dawg, but rather simply showing respect where respect is due. And you've earned your respect, I mean management obviously feel the same way, since they placed you in a Universal title match with Lane and Doctor last year when prior to that match you was MIA and thus hadn't really done anything to earn it. Now that's pull. You was the one that got pinned in that match right? Pity. Never quite understood how a dude fresh out a coma was able to outperform you that night, whatever though. Now you're back and what... looking to claim some gold once again? More power to you. Let me tell you the issue with that though, to win this match you or someone else is going to have to eliminate me and that's simply not going to happen. So that's that. You'll come out get a huge pop from the nostalgic fans, no doubt you'll eliminate a handful of people, but then a Trap Silencer out of nowhere is all's its going to take to send you over the top rope and that's a wrap. Then its back to obscurity for you, or do you actually plan on sticking around this time after you lose? It doesn't matter, as long as you realize your presence in this match or here in XWF in general has no effect on me or what I set out to do, I think me and you can co-exist just fine. Shit I'm no hater you can even hit me up for a beer sometime, a real one, not that watered down shit you English brothers drink, you feel me?

I'm going to end this here for now, I know I haven't mentioned a bunch of people in this match, and the reason for that is well... I don't see why I have to do mention some of you. Feel free to pipe up as to why I should mention you, why I should take you seriously. Feel free to expose your delusional mind state even by coming out and declaring your going to eliminate me and go on to win the match. It doesn't matter what any of you say or do, every single one of you will fail to back up your empty threats and promises and I will go on to become the NEW Unified Xtreme Champion on my way to becoming the SECOND time Universal champion and theres not a damn thing anybody on the roster, in this match or not, can do to prevent that from happening. Peace

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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[-] The following 6 users Like Mr Killjoy's post:
Barney Green (11-01-2016), Dolly Waters (11-02-2016), Gator (11-01-2016), Peter Fn Gilmour (11-01-2016), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (11-02-2016), Vincent Lane (11-04-2016)

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