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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
The turnaround
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OneInTheChamber Offline
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(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

08-28-2016, 05:30 PM

August 28, 2016
Las Vegas, Nevada
Just around dinner time

The scene opens up to a bustling hotel lobby. The camera chases through different hallways eventually ending up on the penthouse floor, where we find Chris Chambers and his sister in the main suite. Chris Chambers pacing around a hotel room. His sister Jenny is sitting on a bar stool laughing at Chris as he is pacing. Chris looks around and smiles. Jenny puts her phone down and address Chris.

Jenny: Chris, if you like her, you need to ask her out man, take her to dinner or something, I know it has been several years, but she was the one that stayed by your side during surgery and everything else! Plus she’s definitely not bad looking ya know?

Chris: I know, I know, I just don’t know if Samantha is even into me like that or not, but I really should be focusing on my match with Dillinger. After all this sitting back and hiding, he decided to step out of the shadows and decided he wanted to make a match of this, and I couldn’t be happier. Just a shame that I won’t be taking his title from him but a win over a champ is just as good to me, besides I have bigger fish to fry.

Chris looks over to his sister who is texting away on her phone and he looks around the room for his. He walks over and picks up his phone off the bar. He scrolls through the numbers and finds Samantha. He hesitates for a second and takes a deep breath and hits send. The phone only rings for like a second and Samantha answers on the other end excitedly.

Samantha: Hello?

Chris: Hey Sam, it’s Chris, I was wondering if you had dinner plans tonight? If not, I would love to take you out to dinner if you don’t have anything else going on.

Samantha: I would love nothing more! What were you thinking?

Chris: I’ll come pick you up in about an hour if that is good?

Samantha: Absolutely, I’ll be waiting for you!

Chris: Ok, I’ll see you soon!

Chris hangs up the phone and looks over to his sister who is absolutely cheesing. She jumps off her stool and runs over and gives Chris a hug and pops him on the shoulder.

Jenny: I told you, nothing to it big fella!

Chris: Oh I know, now I need to find something to wear and get a shower!

Jenny: You go get your shower and I will pick you out an outfit before I head out!

Chris: Thanks sis. Love ya!

Jenny: Love ya too bro! Have a good time!

Chris walks into the bathroom and closes the door behind him. Samantha walks over toward the closet and fumbles through a few shirts hanging in the closet. She pulls out a gold button down and some black slacks and hangs them on the door. She pops the door with her hand and says bye as she leaves. Chris oblivious to what is going on as he jams out to some worship music on his Spotify on his phone while he washes his hair and shaves. As Chris finishes up his shower, he opens the door and looks at the outfit that his sister picked out and smiles. He walks over and grabs some boxers and socks out of a drawer and gets dressed. He puts on the outfit and does a once over in the mirror and grabs his phone and tosses it in his pocket. He sends a quick text to his sister saying thanks and another to Sam to let her know he was on his way. Chris makes his way to the door and down the elevator. Chris makes his way out the lobby and the valet brings his car around. Chris opens the door to his Audi and hops in. Chris speaks to the camera as he drives off.

Chris: I think I’m more nervous about this dinner date than I am my match with you Dillinger. I mean really, since my arrival in the XWF, I’ve seen a bunch of guys claiming to be in my same lane, but the reality is that I don’t have any brakes. I’m here to move to the top, and I do not intend to stop. Even with the bump in the road that was my match with Madison, I sincerely think that I’m out of your league big guy. I mean I’m on a whole different level, and come Monday, you’ll see why I say that. You say you kill people, and that’s all fine and dandy, but for you to think you could possibly kill me is a joke. Your career isn’t much longer than mine, and yet here you are, the intercontinental champion, standing at the top of the ladder looking down. And yeah I know, this isn’t a title fight, but I treat it like it is. You see, facing you is going to be a great challenge for me Dillinger. I may talk myself up a lot, and I do hype up a good bit, but truth is, you are a Champion here, and when I defeat you, that means something to me, it means something to the fans, because they see that I mean business when I say that I am not going stop until I stand on top of the mountain and look down at all the people I’ve beaten when I hold each and every belt in this federation. So enjoy your time while you can Dillinger, this is just the beginning for me, and sadly, the start of your decline. I appreciate everything you’ve done so far man, and I hope the best for you after our match, especially with the tag tourney coming and all, but that’s not my cup of tea. So you prepare and do all you might, and please, actually show up to fight, because I want to walk out of there Monday night as the victor of a worthy opponent, I mean at least Robbie gave it his best try, and hopefully you are willing to do the same, but again, you’ll come up short.

Chris arrives at Samantha’s house, parks the car and gets out and walks to the door. As Chris knocks on the door, Samantha opens the door and there she stands with her fiery red hair up in a bun, a long black dress, and stilettos. She walks out and hugs Chris around his neck and they close the door.

Samantha: I never thought you were going to ask me out!

Chris: I’ve always wanted to ask you out, but then you left when we were kids, and it took me this long to become part of your life again, and after all I’ve gone through, you never know when you are going to leave this Earth, and we aren’t guaranteed another second, and I didn’t want to miss my chance with you.

Samantha: Wow, I had no idea, I adored you when we were kids, and now, here you are… I am just amazed at how God works sometimes. Where are we going for dinner?

Chris: You’ll see when we get there.

Chris opens the door for Samantha and helps her into her seat. As she sits down she notices a box on the dash that is black with a gold bow wrapped around it. She takes it in her hands and holds it in her lap as Chris walks around the car and gets in the driver seat.

Samantha: What is this?

Chris: Just a small surprise for you. It’s the least I can do after you basically saved my life and stayed by my side during everything else that was going on. I can never express my gratitude to you.

Chris reaches over and grabs Samantha’s hand and kisses it on the top. Samantha becomes flustered and begins fumbling over the box and opens it slowly. As she pulls the bow off and opens the top, she gasps and becomes choked up and starts to cry. Chris smiles and continues driving. Samantha picks up a small Eiffel Tower toy out of the box that has a post card behind it. On the card reads:

One day we will go here
You and me Sam
We will be on top of the world
Just the two of us
Us against the world

Chris stops the car at a stop sign and reaches over and wipes a tear from her cheek. She grasps his hand and just holds it for a second and speaks.

Samantha: Where in the world did you find this? I thought I lost this mess when we moved!

Chris: I’ve always had it, we've always wanted to go to Paris, and I held onto it, and now that my life is where it is at, and I have you back in my life, I am going to fulfill my promise to you one day, and we will go to Paris, and once I finish my match with Dillinger this week, and then my match with Gilmour on Wednesday, we are going to get out of here, I’m going to take you wherever you wanna go sweet girl.

Samantha: I … I just can’t believe… you … all this time?

Chris: Yes, all this time. By the way, we are here.

Samantha looks out the window and they are parked in front of Caesars Palace. The valet opens the door and escorts Samantha and Chris into the entrance. Chris holds the door for Sam and they walk into the entrance of Caesars Palace and make their way into Restaurant Guy Savoy. With it being Sunday, they are typically closed, but the doors open and there stands a few staff members who escort Chris and Samantha back to a candle lit table in the middle of the floor. Chris pulls out Samantha’s chair and helps her sit as she still looks in shock. Chris walks over and sits down and they begin to speak.

Chris: I am so sorry that I couldn’t take you to Paris now, so I figured I’d bring Paris to you.

Samantha: This is nuts! This place is way too expensive! But gosh… I’ve always wanted to eat here since we moved here…. Thank you Chris.

Chris: No, Thank you Samantha. You have really helped me gain clarity on what is important to me and helped me really get back onto that straight and narrow path towards my climb to the top. You really have inspired me with your selfless heart, and I am going to hopefully spend the rest of my life catching up and trying to make it up to you. I just ask that you be patient with me as I begin to work my way through the ranks of the XWF and these next few busy weeks.

Samantha: I’ve waited this long for you Christopher Chambers, I’m just … I have wanted this for so long, as long as I could remember, and now here we are… I’ve missed you.

Chris: I didn’t even know it, but I missed you too. I promise you, once I defeat Dillinger tomorrow, and get through my match on Wednesday, we will be able to do whatever we want!

Samantha sighs as she reaches over and grabs Chris’ hands and the camera pans out and out the casino and to the Las Vegas skyline. Fade to black.

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Dillinger (08-28-2016), Vincent Lane (08-29-2016)

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