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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Redemption 2/3?
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Barney Green Offline
Back In Black

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

08-25-2016, 10:36 PM

The past is behind me and I am looking towards the future. Prove to the world that the old school style is just as effective as this new style of wrestling.

I remember back when I started wrestling on the independent scene traveling over two hundred miles for a fifty dollar pay day. Wrestling was just a hobby back then because I was rich and had all kinds of money so I could afford to do that.

When I lost everything, I started to appreciate any money I gained after that from wrestling. I have gotten to see so many different places that shouldn't have been possible for a guy like me.

I am the average fan who got lucky and was able to use his skills to win over the crowd. Heart of the underdog. Even in the blackest night, There is always a ray of light that can be seen.

I have been to Japan numerous times which is always fun. Granted, My style is a mismatch because I am not about that flippy bullshit so I got pegged as a death match wrestler which was fine. Most painful injury I ever experienced in Japan was when I separated my right shoulder during a match after landing on a cinder block. I saw stars from that one but I still came out on top even with one good shoulder.

I have been to Australia twice in my lifetime and that is one too many times for my liking. Dude tried to stab me there because I told him how I really felt about Fosters. Fosters is straight up garbage. Drink Guinness. Much better beer.

I am never setting foot in Mexico again either. I got looked down upon because I drank beer and didn't chase the white rabbit like they did. They didn't understand my style and I got pelted with garbage every night even though I was winning and doing everything in my power to make the fans like me.

I have been to Canada a lot. I always enjoy wrestling there. Easy to get to from Boston in a car and more convenient. It used to be a pain to get across the border to wrestle before I had a visa. I got turned around at the border a few times even when I was sober. Now, I got that piece of paper, I can travel there and wrestle as much as I want which is always fun. My favorite place to visit has to be Toronto though. Good bars and I always have a good time there.

This run in XWF is about redemption for me. I need to prove to these new guys that I ain't some old man who can't win anymore. I may be older than some of this new talent in the XWF but that just means i got experience and wisdom that they lack. My stock may be at all time low when it comes to fans expecting me to win but I will prove everybody wrong and come out on top.

Even though Luna scares me a bit because I know of her wanting to kidnap me, I have taken precautions and plan on having people come to Savage with me from People Power Academy as a training seminar of sorts. They get to see the road and I get people to watch my back for free basically.

Only things I had to cover was the plane tickets and food. They are staying in my hotel room with me which means there will be five guys sleeping in a room with two beds. All good though.

The scene opens up inside of People Power Academy located in Boston, MA. Its a dimly lit gym with an old looking ring in the middle of it with frayed ropes and a stained canvas. We see some exercise equipment in the background along with a camera set up facing the ring recording the action going on. We see Barney Green, dressed in black shorts with a Bruins jersey and no shoes, and John Laurinaitis, dressed in black and red People Power shirt with black jogging pants and grey sneakers. Outside the ring stands six people looking at them.

John: Congratulations on making it this far. To think, This class started with twenty people and we are down to six. Its only gonna get harder from here on out. In order to be a wrestler, You gotta have discipline and respect. If you don't respect this business, You will go nowhere in it. People have died doing this. Friends of mine have passed on. Four of you get to go on a special trip this week to Las Vegas with Barney Green. I know there are six of you but Green only wants four of you. I am picking the four that i deem worthy and ready to experience life on the road.

Laurinaitis pauses as Barney goes to speak.

Barney: You get to see a bit of the road with me. Maybe even get a spot in the XWF once you complete your training here. There are only 5 more classes left. Some of you will succeed while some of you may fail but that's okay. At least you did more than the other fourteen who quit. I am proud to call you my first students of People Power Academy.

Barney pauses as Laurinaitis goes to speak.

John: I pick Billy, Bubba, Chester and Dale. You four have shown the most progression and I see a bright future for you four. Don't let this go to your head. This is an opportunity to present yourself in an actual wrestling environment outside of this school. You will treat everybody with respect. This was a hard decision because both Wade and Rowan have potential as well.

Billy, a tall white lanky guy wearing a black tanktop with black shorts and black sneakers goes to speak.

Billy: I am truly grateful for this opportunity and I will not let you down.

Bubba, a short fat guy dressed in a green tanktop with green shorts and green sneakers, goes to speak.

Bubba: I look forward to this opportunity. I appreciate everything you guys have done for me. I am just the son of a farmer from North Carolina who traveled here to be trained by one of the best wrestlers out there.

Chester, a medium height guy with long blonde hair dressed in a gray tanktop with gray shorts and gray sneakers goes to speak.

Chester: I am excited for this opportunity. I will not let you down, Barney.

Dale, a medium height guy with a shaved head dressed in a white tanktop with black shorts and black sneakers goes to speak.

Dale: I will try my best not to disappoint anyone here and I will represent People Power Academy well.

Barney goes to speak.

Barney: I hope the four of you do me proud out in Vegas. I will cover the plane tickets and food but anything else is on you.

The scene fades to black as Barney and John continue lecturing the class.

[Image: juXb2Dg.jpg]
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