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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
King vs. King
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Elisha Offline
Don't go down to the woods tonight.

XWF FanBase:
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04-22-2013, 05:49 PM

*Eric Rex and Sal Valencia are standing at the edge of a very steep cliff. Lush trees all around and underneath. In Rex's arms, he holds an obedient, white, purring kitten. Sal has a pained look on his face.*

[Image: Bob+Odenkirk+AMC+Premiere+Breaking+Bad+S...xejzux.jpg]

Hi. I'm Sal. Sal Valencia. And this, well this is Mr. Puddles.

[Image: Cute_White_Cat.gif]

OH! And this is my client, Eric Rex. White Lion, it's unfortunate that you have to go up against this man...THIS malicious, menacing, malevolent man in the state that he's in. So far, he's had 2 matches in XWF and he's had them both STOLEN right out from under him.

*Rex is staring down at the kitten while it purrs softly. Alllllllllllmost asleep.*

Now, we're still going over all of our options and waiting for Wallace to make things right, but in the meantime, there's you.

The lion. The king of the jungle. One on one with me. With Eric Rex. The King of His Domain. My domain is pain. Wednesday, White Lion, I'll be rolling out the red carpet for you. Wednesday, you get to dine at my table. In my kingdom. When you do, you'll realize that your roar is not so fearsome. That you're less like the fabled king of the jungle than you realize. You'll learn that you're more like this little kitten in my arms. Fragile, weak, and pathetic.

Whitey, have you ever seen The Lion King? I'm sure you have. Most furries have. Now, right now, I know you're thinking you are the king of the jungle. And, as of right now, maybe you are. For argument's sake, you are. Sure. You, White Lion, are the Mufasa in our story Wednesday. This man, this MONSTER behind me...That's your Scar. That's the guy that's tossing you off a...Oh, what's this? A cliff?

Your pride and your PRIDE will be left broken on Wednesday, Lion. Broken and trampled.

*Eric Rex begins to squeeze the kittens throat as it claws at his arms. Sal winces. Rex turns and drops it over the edge of the cliff.*

[Image: tumblr_lltksl8Zo81qa1id2o1_500.gif]

Ooooooohhhhhh...That's not good.

I'll introduce you to the pet on Wednesday, Lion.

[Image: 2b6d4bc0-f04e-46fe-98b2-4584c5178299_zps1fa4586d.jpg]
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