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Anarchy : Championship Scramble
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Rain Offline
The Queen of Queer


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

06-20-2016, 11:34 AM Rainbow  Anarchy : Championship Scramble -->

Anarchy opens to a wide pan of all the fans, holding up signs, most of them concerning Ghost Tank being the 'real' Reaper of Souls and Shade being nothing more than a wannabe. We head to the commentary table, newly added, with former World Sports Entertainment commentators, Wes Rivers and Rex Winters manning the station.

Wes: Hello sports fans, and WELCOME to a brand new era in the XWF, the ANARCHY era! Just when they thought we were dead and gone, we're comin' right back at'cha! Rex, any words?

Rex: No.

Wes: And with that, we send it over to the ring, where our General Manager is standing tall before his desk, ready to conduct the DEBUT edition of 'The Show'. It's showtime, folks!

We head over to Reeve, standing before his desk, with a leather chair sitting beside it. He is clad in a dark, tattered purple suit and a lime green tie, shades of The Joker from Batman lore. His hair is ruffled slightly, he wears a pair of black leather biker gloves, and he holds a microphone to his lips, glossed in shimmering black.

Reeve: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the third edition of XWF Anarchy!

A decent pop rises from the audience.

Reeve: After Anarchy on Deck, we STILL haven't sunk, and we're STILL rolling! Tonight is a very special night for Anarchy, as it is the debut of 'The Show', my personal talk segment designed to take a closer look at the stars of this, the best wrestling company on the planet!, The XWF!!! Our first guest is a chick chalk full of dynamite, a punker gal with a bright future ahead of her... Alexis RIOT!!!

As "Ready Or Not" plays over the loudspeakers Alexis Riot is nowhere to be seen on the entrance way. Suddenly a spotlight shines over to the top of the bleachers where the fans are! Alexis Riot stands on top of the bleachers, stretching her arms out and taking in the cheers of the crowd. After awhile she steps down and starts making her way through the crowd into the ring, high fiving and hugging fans along the way.

When she gets to the guardrail, she jumps over it and makes her way up the arena steps. Then she does a flip over the ropes and immediately runs to the corner of the ring to once again bask in the cheers of the adoring crowd. She then flips off her hood and removes her Respirator Mask, once again stretching her arms out in a Jesus-like pose to take it all in, showing off the scars on her hands. She smiles and backflips off the top turnbuckle, landing on her feet and handing the Mask to the ring announcer.

Alexis and Reeve shake hands, and Reeve invites Alexis to take a seat, which she does, as he takes his position at the fine pine wood desk.

Reeve: So, Alexis, enquiring minds want to know-- What's at the top of the to-do list for you here in the XWF presently?

ALEXIS RIOT: Well, Reeve, let me tell you something. Ever since I've returned to the XWF after, you know, being crucified and such, I've had only one question in my mind, what the hell has the XWF become? I mean, when I went away to, you could say lick my wounds, the company was already becoming a clusterfuck. Now, it's a complete mess! Every time I watch Warfare now, every single segment mentions Vinnie Lane or Frodo at least once! Hell, sometimes they find it right to come on down and interrupt matches, Frodo with his European fuck buddies in the union and Lane with his bunch of geeks! Last I checked, this wasn't the "Vinnie Lane and Frodo Smackins Wrestling Federation", this is the "X-Treme Wrestling Federation"!

ALEXIS RIOT: I didn't come to the XWF to see two fuckers have dick measuring contests to see whose better week after week, I came here to see some people do crazy shit! I want to see the Ghost Tank's, the Peter Gilmour's, the Makaveli's, the Rebel Star's, the Trax's, the Robbie Bourbons, the Reeve Alexandra Gordon's, and I can go on and on! Point is, this GM bullshit is not X-Treme, no one wants to see it. What the people want to see is carnage and bloodshed, and that's what Anarchy brings to the table week after week! So Reeve, this is what I have planned. I'm going to raise hell on Anarchy, get a shot at the Anarchy Championship against Ghost Tank, win, and help make Anarchy the number one brand in the XWF! Because in the end, Warfare is not what the XWF's all about, Anarchy is, and if I'm XWF for life, well, you can call me Anarchy for life! This is the second coming, this is a rebirth, this is the new revolution, and it starts right here on Anarchy!

Reeve: I like your fire and passion! Alexis, it seems like you have huge aspirations for your time here in the Realm of Xtreme. And personally, I'd LOVE to see you not only take on Ghost Tank, but take him down in the process. So I'm placing you in a contender's match, to determine one of Tank's four challengers in the main event! What exactly do you think of Ghost Tank? Does he deserve the title, or do you think you'd make a better champion?

Alexis smirks a little before speaking.

ALEXIS RIOT: Good question. You see, I have a hell of a lot of respect for Ghost Tank. He's a man who's almost done it all in this company, and is showing no signs of slowing down. I've seen what he's done to people, hell, I've seen what he's done to you, and looking at that alone, he is the definition of X-treme and more than deserves the Anarchy Championship. Here's the thing though, it's one thing to deserve something, what really matters is if you get it and how long you keep it. Ghost Tank might have the belt, but his days with it are numbered. When I get into that main event, not if, I know I'm in for one hell of a fight. The other three contenders aside, I'll be facing Ghost Tank, arguably the most fucked up SOB in XWF history. A man who has set people on fire, ripped out their organs, tortured people live on camera, buried people alive, and has competed in the most unique and gasp inducing stipulations in XWF history.

Alexis then holds up a finger.

ALEXIS RIOT: But, he's not the only batshit insane one here. I've been thrown off scaffolds, set on fire, crucified, and I'm still standing. Call it what you will, luck, immortality, maybe even divine intervention or demonic powers at play, the fact is, if I can take all that, nothing Ghost Tank can do can faze me. Oswald, if you're watching this, I want you to listen. I expect to be bloodied, beaten, and face to face with death itself, but you shouldn't expect to win. There will be a new Anarchy Champion, and the belt will be held in these hands. Look at them.

Alexis Riot then holds up the palms of her hands to a near by camera, showing the gruesome nature of the wounds up close.

ALEXIS RIOT: These are the hands of your new Anarchy Champion.

Reeve nods his head, an assured look on his face, knowing that Ghost Tank has one helluva fight on his hands.

Reeve: Well, Miss Riot, there's only one question I have left for y--

SUDDENLY, the light shut down...

"BreakDown" by Twiztid hits, and the X-Tron fills with images of fire engulfing an entire city... followed by visions of hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters. This is soon replaced with images of anarchists running through the streets, painting graffiti, smashing windows and toppling statues. Finally, we see the shadowy figures of five people...

The lights return, and Kid Kool, Ophelia McVeigh, Tony Santiani, Christina Nash and Ann-Thraxxx McVeigh all stand in the ring, before Alexis and Reeve... all five of them wear 'Reevolution' tees, with Kid Kool holding one in his hands.

Reeve: ...and that question is, Alexis Riot, would you do me the honor of joining the Reevolution. You have the ability, talent, and passion to help the rWo, MY world order climb to the top of the mountain and cement Anarchy as XWF's #1 brand. You have the same devil-may-care attitude as the rest of us...

Kid Kool: Plus, you'll get a fancy shirt and free cupcakes! XD

Reeve and the rest smile, awaiting Alexis' response....

ALEXIS RIOT: Well, another group looking to run rampant over the XWF. Listen, I've seen groups like this before. CCWF, Black Hand, Ferngotti, and you know what? I've fought against them. Sure, maybe I didn't always come out on top, but I damn gave them fights their members will never forget. So, you know what I have to say to you guys?

The rWo begin to tense up and look at each other with worried glances as Alexis Riot stands up, a serious look on her face, and says...

ALEXIS RIOT: Give me my fucking shirt and cupcakes! XD

Alexis Riot then takes the shirt out of KK's hands and puts it on to the joyful surprise of the rWo. Reeve, with a smile on his face, extends his hand to Alexis. She accepts the gesture and shakes Reeve's hand, further solidifying this new partnership!

~ + ~

Kid Kool and The Underbaker are already in the ring here at DisneyWorldLand in sunny CaliFlorida staring intensely at each other ready to go at it.

Would Kid Kools Legend Killer Tour continue on its mostley successful path so far or has he finally bitten of more than he can chew.

When Suddenly.

The opening piano notes of Bohemian Rhapsody blast out of the P.A system and the crowd erupts to the sweet sound of the almighty Queen. Kid Kool and Baker turn to the entrance ramp just in time to see guest GM.s walk out onto the ramp wearing matching referee's jersey's and microphone headsets.

Ted: "Mamma..."

Orange: "Just killed a man..."

The pair continue to sing along with what is quite possibly the greatest song ever written as the walk down the ramp towards the ring momentarily stopping to slap hands and pull of a chest bump.

The famous guitar line made famous by Wayne's World kicks in as they enter the ring and walk over hands outstretched towards the Kid Kool and The Unnderbaker who both refuse to shake hands with the dynamic duo. Ted and Dave just look at each other, shrug and signal of the music to stop which it promptly does.

Ted: Hi, my name is Ted.

Dave: And my name is Dave, and collectively we are known as...

Ted: Dave and Ted.

Dave shoots a look towards Ted...

Ted: Im sorry my black friend. I mean Ted and Dave... Dave loves coming second.

Dave: Haha funny you fat fuck.

Ted: Anyway we are hear as your guest GM's for this magical edition of Anarchy live from DisneyWorldLand here in sunny CaliFlorida.

Dave: It's the circle.... the circle of life.

Ted: Yeah right, ok. Well anyway we have decided to not be one of them in the background guest GM's who sit their doing nothing and taking the plaudits for a great show. No, no, no. We are actually going to get our hands dirty and do some work to ensure this is the best edition of anarchy that their has ever been.

Dave:Under the sea, Under the sea, Darling it's better, Down where it's wetter, Take it from me.

Ted: Wait, what?

Dave: What?

Ted:Oh nevermind. Anyway, tonight we will not only be GM's we are also going back to our XWF routes and will be once again the number one commentators the history and not only that we will also guest ref this little shin dig we got going on now. So on that note...


Ted: That is wonderful Dave but please give me a moment to explain the first changes we are making to this pretty sub-par card we have found ourselves in charge off.

Dave: Word.

Ted: Ok so, Kid Kool we feel as your guest GM's that you are doing nothing except holding yourself back facing up against these legends in the not that exciting Legend Killer World Tour bollocks.

Kid Kool takes a step looking slightly aggressive towards Ted whom takes a step back.

Dave: Woah, Hakuna Mattata dude.

Ted: Dont worry Dave, I think once Mr Kool here see's what we have for him his attitude will change. So without further a do I would like to announce that this very first match of the night will be a Ted Team Match.....

Ted smiles as Kid Kool, The Underbaker and even Dave look a little confused.

Dave: A what?

Ted: It's like a tag team match except the team is me and you refereeing... Awesomely I might add.

Dave: But Ted, you already told everyone we were refereeing this match.

Ted: Did I? Oh well ring the bell.

Dave: Ding!!!

The Underbaker charges Kid Kool with a big boot but quick as a flash Kool drops to the mat and scissors the big guys standing leg causing him to topple to the floor face first into the mat.


Kid Kool quickly begins to stomp away on The Underbaker relentlessly not letting up before rolling him over and going for a cover.

Ted: Hey Dave, what times kick off tonight?

Dave: I don't know actually, I'll check my phon... Oh shit, sorry dude.

Dave notices the cover and drops to the mat to count the pin but it's a little to late and The Underbaker kicks out after a 1 count to the annoyance of Kid Kool who gets to his feet and angrily pushes Ted who in turn pushes into Dave who was looking up the kick off time on his phone. Kid Kool grabs the phone off of Dave and snaps a quick selfie before tossing the phone back to Dave and turning his attention back to his opponent.

A few kick shots to the Underbakers gut then to the face causes very little damage but does rock the big man a enough to give Kool time to bounce off the ropes and connect with a dropkick to the face of his opponent which sends him backwards and through the ropes to the floor below. Kid Kool raises his arms before launching himself over the top rope and connecting with a cross body to The Underbaker just as he had gotten himself back to his feet.

Ted: Is it a bird?

Dave: Is it a plane?

Ted: No it's... Who is it again?

Dave: I have no idea. Hey shouldn't we be counting?

Ted: Oh yeah... 1...

Dave: ... 2...

Ted: I can't be arsed with this counting shit, let's just end this match so we can go get drunk.

Kid Kool slides into the ring followed by the groggy Underbaker and begin to face up to Ted and Dave who back up a little bit.

Ted: Oh no... Not us.

Suddenly, Felix and Scully rush down and beat up Kool and Baker with a couple of tire irons. The match is thrown out as Felix, Scully, Ted and Dave all celebrate.

~ + ~

Tommy Wish is already standing in the ring, waiting for the second competitor in the scramble.

Kings by Tribe Society begins to play, and out comes Jakob Davis, looking all business tonight. However, there is no sign of Tim Davis to be found! Jakob looks behind him hoping as if Tim is just playing a prank on him and comes out, however the stage has no one else on it. The fans begin to boo as they see no sign of their favorite drunkard of a father, however Jakob merely shrugs off their boos and enters the ring.

It appears as if he will be tackling this match solo.

Wish is clobbered with a clothesline from behind by Jakob, who begins to stomp Tommy into the ground. Jakob lifts up Tommy and drops him with a cutter. Jakob goes for the cover and gets the three! Wish slams a fits to the mat, before standing up and going for a tackle... Jakob gets out of the way, and Wish smashes into the corner post. Wish rolls out of the ring and slumps down by the corner, catching his breath.

Shade comes down to the ring to the boos of the fans with some scattered cheers from halfwits. Shade stomps Wish, pulling him up and slamming him back down. Shade pulls Wish back to his feet before dropping him with an Eat Defeat [Gail Kim's patented finisher]. Wish is KO'ed and Shade slides into the ring. Jakob hits the cutter on Shade and pins him, keeping the belt in his camp.

Ghost Tank comes down to the ring and stomps Wish some more, as the fans chant his name. GT lifts Wish up and tombstones him onto the floor, cackling harshly into the wind. Tank grips Wish by his throat and lifts him back up before chokeslamming him into the ground. GT rolls into the ring and big boots Jakob, before going for the pinfall, getting the three count, and claim of his own title.

Alexis Riot finally storms down to the ring with a fire blazing and an ire in her eye. Riot boots Wish's head into the post, busting the back of his head open... blood pours from the back of Tommy's skull, as Aleis kicks him once more across the face, shoving him to the floor. Alexis slides into the ring and heads after Ghost Tank who sends her into the ropes and clotheslines her on the return.

Alexis stands up and Tank boots her in the gut, dropped with a ddt into the canvas. Tank rebounds off the ropes before laying himself out over Riot witth a violent body splash. Alexis rolls over and starts coughing up blood. Tank heads over to pin her... but she cradles him!!! The ref slides in to count the fall just as the timer ticks down!




......and the tumer hits zero!!! Alexis has done it!!!

Announcer: Your winner, and the NEW Anarchy Champion, Alexis Riot!!!

Alexis Riot holds the belt over her head on the outside while Tank throws a tantrum on the inside. He roars around before tossing the ref over the top rope to the outside. Riot smiles to herself, as the cheers wash over her and the show fades to black.

[Image: Dahvie-vanity-botdf-crew-31823997_zpsgzuqvwx0.gif]

iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above

Former 24/7 Xtreme Champion [x1]
Born: 10.31.89 -- Died: 09.13.13 | ReBorn: 08.11.2014 | #emoHero | #BROKEN

@the_rain_storm (on forum) | @the_rain_storm (on twitter) | FaceSpace | The YouTubezz
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Alexis Riot Offline
You Will Respect Me

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

06-20-2016, 09:22 PM

Backstage we see an elated Alexis Riot celebrating her momentous title win. She looks at the belt with a mix of disbelief and pure joy as the XWF's official interviewer, Steve Sayors, stands nearby.

STEVE SAYORS: Riot, congratulations on your victory. Now that you're the Anarchy Champion, how does it feel?

ALEXIS RIOT: Well Steve, I think it's pretty obvious how it feels... it feels fucking epic! I mean, look at it! It's beautiful! It's.... it's... it's almost overwhelming to just hold it. Since day one Steve, since the day I first stepped into this madhouse, I've only wanted to prove one thing, that I'm the best in the wrestling world. I've faced the best this company has to offer, I even beat a king and won a gauntlet in the same night, but this... this right here.... this is what I've been after. This belt right here says that all the blood, all the sweat, and even all the tears have been worth it. This victory goes out not just to me, but to anyone who has been told that their dreams are a little too big and that they should just give up yet persevered and made those dreams into reality! This goes out to all my Rioters who have supported me my entire career! This goes out to... fuck the inspirational bullshit, this is awesome! If anyone wants to try and take this from me, I only have this to say. Bring it on bitches.

STEVE SAYORS: Strong words from our new Anarchy Champion! One last thing Alexis, even before your incredible win, you were already making a buzz here on Anarchy after joining the rWo. Tell me, what plans do you and the rWo have for the XWF?

Alexis Riot smiles and props the Anarchy Championship on her shoulder.

ALEXIS RIOT: That's for us to know and you to find out Steve. I'll only say this, the XWF will soon learn the true meaning of Anarchy... but until then, I'M THE QUEEN OF THE WORLD BABY! Man... I need a drink.

Alexis Riot then walks off, continuing to celebrate her victory.

[Image: RgWkPlt.jpg]

Love me? Good. Hate me? Better

1 Time X-Treme Champion
Snow Job Gauntlet Winner

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[-] The following 3 users Like Alexis Riot's post:
Ophelia (06-21-2016), Rain (07-13-2018), Vincent Lane (06-21-2016)
Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

06-20-2016, 09:52 PM

Ghost Tank yawns, stretching, watching Riot's little interview, then chuckles,

"You're not the Queen of anything, Riot. You're the champion of a show that's dying. However, I am now free of ever stepping foot inside that decaying shell. You will take my place.

Enjoy this tiny celebration. Let me know when you actually decide to join the Major Leagues. All Anarchy was, was a paycheck. And soon, you'll feel the same way. Also, way to suck up to the the authority of Anarchy. Guess you don't mind changing yourself into nothing more than a pawn playing at Queen. But, my dear, we all know that you're nothing to a true King, especially when the King has held two different titles that matter. The Intercontinental championship belt and now, the Hart Championship belt.

But please, revel in your minor win in this company."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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Tommy Wish Offline
Some Nobody

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

06-21-2016, 05:18 AM

We see Tommy inside his Brooklyn home re watching the taped Riot and Ternks video package, then laughs in pleasure of the outcome.

Hey world, as you all know... Reeve anit shit with this so called Anarchy brand of his... now, you seen me take on these people for an unsanctioned championship. I am not upset with how Reeve's Russo like booking has effect the quality of... well a already dead show.

So fuck the brand, I got my money out of it...
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Vincent Lane (06-21-2016)

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