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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Tell Union Shut Up
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

04-01-2016, 12:15 AM

The Story So Far...

Trax, who had been battling with the serum-induced manifestation of the man he killed called Lucius Frey in his very psyche, was seemingly given an offer from his deceased enemy from beyond the grave: Seek out and help Madame Frey, the daughter of the deceased crime lord, with her business ordeals...a decision which would "pay off" Trax's "blood debt", the debt Lucius Frey explained Trax had created when he had killed him, a debt Madame Frey would mercilessly and endlessly look to collect, as she had already once tried to do when she abducted both Trax and his fiance Jackie days before Trax's match against Vinnie Lane at Snow Job. Trax and Jackie had escaped thanks to his scientifically granted superhuman abilities, however, after his match with Lane, Trax discovered that he was now powerless.Upon agreeing with the mental imprint of Lucius Frey inside his head to work with Madame Frey to protect his friends and family however, Trax's powers were restored.

Madame Frey would then hunt down Trax once again, tracking him in a bar while he was with his longtime friend Paul "Extreme Machine" hunter. Madame Frey tried to have Trax killed once again, but to her and Paul's surprise, Trax saved himself and Paul with his restored powers before proposing to Madame Frey to work alongside her to settle the blood debt. Madame Frey agreed to the offer instructing Trax to come with her. When Paul tried to stop Trax, in a shocking turn of events, Trax turned on his friend attacking him leaving him unconscious in the deserted bar.

While Paul and Jackie were left shocked and reeling from Trax's actions, Trax helped Madame Frey intrude on a meeting between several crime bosses and corrupt government figures looking get there hands on Lucius Frey's resources and profits, after Madame Frey explained to Trax her dead father was involved in the biological weapons and firearms trade. Not wanting her fathers death capitalized on, assisted by Trax, Madame Frey killed the men looking to make her fathers death a business expansion opportunity.

Days later, back in the world of XWF, Trax won a Intercontinental Challenge Royal Rumble to become the new number one contender for the Intercontinental Championship. Intercontinental Champion, Tush, who was actually a part of the match, would attack Trax after the match and reveal to the world that he had allied himself with fellow British wrestlers Scully and Chris Macbeth to form the all British stable The Union and that he was renaming the Intercontinental Championship the UNITED KINGDOM championship. Set to go one on one with the self professed Union leader, Trax is now looking to but a cog in the works in the newly formed Union by winning the United Kingdom Championship off Tush and reverting it back to its former namesake and glory. However...Trax's upcoming battle with Tush is not his only upcoming he is soon to find out, his assistance in the murder of several crime lords is about to incur somewhat predictable, yet ever so deadly, consequences...

Last Night.

The scene opens in a warehouse where dozens of men are unloading wooden crates out of several vans, some of the crates have a bio hazard symbols on them... giving indication to the sort of biochemical contents inside. The men around the vans continue to unload the crates while two men in suits standing several feet away monitor as they speak to one and another.

Big shipment huh.

Yeah, Madame Freys going to be pleased with this one.

The other men continue to unload the crates off the vans when suddenly the sound of gunfire and yelling can be heard outside, the men unloading the vans immediately stop at draw out their weapons. The gunfire and yelling continues outside but after a few minutes the yelling soon goes quiet and the gunfire less periodic, a panic stricken man comes running through the front entrance...

We're under attack! W-

The man doesn't get to finish his sentence as a armored car gets sent hurtling THROUGH the wall behind him and lands on him, crushing him instantly.A large figure then jumps through the hole in the wall the thrown car created...a MOUNTAIN of a man, at least 8 foot, covered head to toe in some sort of metallic Iron-Man like armour, a metal Skull mask covering his face. The men by the vans open fire on the figure, but they just stand there and laugh as bullets harmlessly bounce off his body, the hulking figure snaps his fingers and a silver blur comes speeding behind him zooming in between the men who are still opening fire, the blur then sped towards the man and stops next to him revealing...another man, also in metallic armour and skull mask,holding long curved blades in both hands, the men are no longer firing and it soon becomes apparent why as they look at their weapons in complete bewilderment, every single one of them has been sliced in half, the front halves now laying on the floor thanks to this unknown speedster. The two suited men who were monitoring the other men unload the vans before all the sudden chaos stared step back behind the disarmed henchmen as one of them speaks.

W-who the hell are you people, what do you want?

The larger of the two mysterious figures walks towards the group of men, all of them stepping back as he approaches.

I am Vladimir Crane, that is my brother Alexander Crane. We're the sons of Demetrius of the people your employer Madame Frey and her personal bodyguard slain, we have a message for them both... but it only requires one you being alive to pass it.

Suddenly the second figure, Alexander Crane, takes off again at lightening speed towards the men, seconds later, all but one of the men, the suited one who spoke out, falls to the floor, throats slit wide open. The lone surviving man looks around in trembling terror at the bodies of his dead associates but before he can react Alexander grabs him and carries him, quick as a flash, into the awaiting hands of his brother who grabs the man by his collar and effortlessly lifts him up one handed.

We're coming for her, Madame Frey, and her new pet, and they will pay for what they did, make sure our message is received.

Vladimir throws the man one handed into a pillar several feet away and he crumples to the ground, the last thing he sees is the Crane brothers walking away side by side before he loses consciousness and everything goes black....

Present, Next Day.

Hello XWF.

Trax is sitting in the back of a chauffeur driven limo, the car windows are tinted both sides and it appears to be dark and heavily raining outside... all of these factors contributing to the obscurity of Trax's current location. Trax is alone in the back of the exquisite car, Jackie, who usually companions Trax during rides such as these is noticeably missing. However if Trax is truly bothered by this is anyone's guess as he continues.

Trax here. Mr FN' Dominance. Soon to be Mr FN' Intercontinental because to absolutely nobodies surprise I entered the Intercontinental Royal Rumble and walked out the winner, granting a match with the current, soon to be former champion, Tush.

Hey Tush.

How you feeling? I'm sure you'll lie and say confident when we already know that isn't the case. You said before the rumble that you was going to come out on top in that match but regardless this match was going to happen despite the rumble stipulation. How did that work out? Yes this match is indeed now happening like you said it was going to, but because I earned it by being the rumble victor, me, not you. I won the rumble even after being brutally attacked by Alexis Riot and now here we are. So things have already failed to happen in they way you said they were going to, have they not? What a pity.

Things not going your way.... thats why you joined up with your fellow countryman Scully and the Scottish born Chris Macbeth to form the UK representing stable The Union right? Because you all feel...discriminated against? Undervalued? Under booked? You all feel you're not in the positions you deserve to be, not earning the respect you deserve to be. Know what I think about The Unions claims?

They're fucking bullshit.

I mean come on, you are all EXACTLY in the position you are meant to be, well you being a little bit higher Tush but I'll fix that, and are all receiving the appropriate amount of respect based on your talent as far as I'm concerned. You point at Scully and Chris Macbeth and criticize the fact they both seem to living in mid card purgatory, as if that is managements fault. Well lets evaluate that shall we? Scully and Chris Macbeth have BOTH had chances lately to boost their careers here in XWF. Scully was given a shot against Austin Fernando for the X-Treme title. Macbeth was placed in a contenders match for the Universal Championship. What happened when your buddies where given these opportunities to get out of mid card Hell though Tush? Thats right, they failed to deliver. They couldn't get it done and just weren't good enough. This isn't the first time they've failed when given the chance to make more of themselves either. Scully was in an X-Treme Title Match against myself and Morbid Angel at Relentless last year. I won of course. I barely remember Scully being in the match, in fact, I just about remember him laying on his back for most of the match making it pretty much just me vs Morbid Angel. Despite Scully's lack of involvement or effort however the match still turned out to be a classic thanks to yours truly.

As for Macbeth, I don't know too much about his history here other then hes already ran and took his ball home once, he disappeared into obscurity in 2013 and has only just reemerged his head. And just like Scully he's shown the inability to capitalize on opportunities placed before him, not that this surprises me at all, I've seen first hand what Macbeth can do in the ring and his place in mid card seems justified to me. I've been in the ring with both of your teammates already Tush, and both those times I came out the winner, handily too with not much effort on my behalf. So maybe the problem isn't management, or this non existent xenophobia conspiracy you're all trying too sell. Maybe the problem really is yourselves, maybe you're all simply not that good. The most likely possibility. I know Scully and Macbeth have a chance at the tag team titles this upcoming warfare, and when they lose and Luca and Fern retain, I also know they will point the finger and blame their loss on everyone but themselves. And they say us Americans fail to take responsibility for our failures, pathetic.

Oh but no things are going to be different this time around aren't they man? Yeah, Scully and Macbeth are totally going to win. And you're totally going to retain. The Union will be unified in victory....April Fools motherfucker! No such fucking luck. Your boys are going to fail once again and so are you. I'm taking that title, and no amount of "nan" or black insults are going to save you I'm afraid, I won't be receiving your "scaly" dick which you may need to get checked out if thats really the condition its in, but you will be receiving my size 13 in the back of your throat but hey you're used to deep throating Scully and Macbeth at the same time so shit you might be able to handle it, I may need to come up with a different strategy but don't worry I'm on it, theres many ways I can beat you, just like you THINK theres various ways you can get the better of me.

Fat chance.

I know the sort of verbal diarrhea you're going to come out with and try to pass off as "complex" trash talk. Save it. Yes Tush I lost to Vinnie Lane. Because losing to a multiple time champion and someone in the top 50 is a huge embarrassment. I've also lost to Morbid Angel too. Also a multiple time Universal Champion and in the top 50. Those are the ONLY people to beat me here in XWF, I've only ever lost two matches and they were against two two-time Universal Champions. See, when you're as great as me, the only time you sometimes lose is against multiple time champions and certified legends. Can you say the same? No because you let Christopher Isles get the better of you in your "debut" match. You recently lost to Luca in a triple threat when you failed to break up his pin on Robbie in time. And even more recently you got eliminated in a rumble by two guys whose ink on their contracts hadn't even dried at the time and still hasn't, two guys who I effortlessly eliminated afterwards... remember? You've been here for less time then me if you choose to pretend this "New" Tush is a completely different person with no connections to the old one whatsoever, but you've already managed to lose more then I have and to worse people to boot. Congratulations.Oh but you managed to beat Ginger Snaps! A broken, utterly disinterested Ginger Snaps... again, congratulations.

Trax shakes his head, looking out the window as the car continues to drive and the rain continues to persist.

When I beat you for this title, I don't want to hear anymore talk about discrimination. You don't know the meaning of the word. You're white Tush.... you have it good, try being black in this business. When I first debuted here I got called out by Swagmire because I was black. I've been ran over by cars and targeted by Dimallisher, Dick E and the KKK because of my skin. I've mentioned this to you before and I believe your response was those things have happened because people see my skin and think I'm weak? Maybe so, but its not too long before people realize their fatal mistake. Dimallisher called me sub human. Talked to me like I was dirt under his shoe, what did I do? I took his X-Treme title. So please Tush, go ahead and ignore or discredit all my accomplishments and think me weak, thinking the same thing won't happen to you.

Because it WILL happen.

And you know whats going to happen after? Don't worry you won't lose your job... It seems I get to pick the stipulation for this match, well the stipulation is this... Cage of Death match, the same match I bested your comrade Scully in, this match will make sure there is no interference, nobody gets in and only one of us gets out in one piece, furthermore whoever loses this match can't challenge for another title again for the rest of the year. Thats right. That cancels out any chance of a rematch, which you already admitted you was hoping for because you know you don't stand a chance, and it prevents you from ever bastardizing a title ever again by renaming it in your image. I know we had talks of making this career vs career, but in all honestly you don't deserve a match THAT big, you don't deserve to have the possibility to end my career because compared to mine your career here is nothing. If this was career vs career, if I somehow lost, that would cause shock waves in XWF and leave a void that would never be replaced. However when I beat you, if this was to be career vs career, only three people would care about your imminent departure: Yourself, Scully and Macbeth.The fans certainly wouldn't give a damn. You think you're a good "Heel" because in your eyes the fans love to hate you, no man, they just can't stand to see a joke like you strutting around with that strap shitting on what it stood for and I share their sentiments. You are a joke. Your career doesn't stack up to mine in the slightest so why would I reward you such a high profile match, even though you're going to lose, if this was Career vs Career the fact you was in such a match with me with stakes that high would be a huge career ending highlight. However me ending your career would mean nothing to me or the fans, and since I'm GOING to win, why would I pick a stip which outcome means nothing to me? Sorry to disappoint, but hey I'm doing you a favor, trust me, you might be losing your title and won't be allowed to challenge for another in 2016 but hey at least you get to retain the honor of still wrestling in the same company as me.

The car stops and Trax looks towards the chauffeur.

We are here Sir.

Trax nods and smiles before looking back at the camera.

I saw your little Union team profile on Tush. They do those now? Adorable. I saw that little quote from you on the page, you know that clock promo you cut which basically recycled a really old joke that you thought you'd be able to rip off and sound clever? Yeah that joke. Here's a question for you Tush. If America is so bad why do you wrestle for an American based company? Why don't you, Scully and Macbeth take your "talents", and I use the world loosely, to an all British promotion? I'll tell you why, because America is where the opportunity is, America is where the money and fame is. You wouldn't make nearly as much money and fame if you chose not to wrestle in America, go ahead and say I'm wrong but we all know I'm right. Its a fact. You NEED America...but America doesn't NEED you, XWF doesn't NEED you, and you fucking HATE that, you took the title off a transitional champion only to yourself become a transitional champion and you'll try and spin it that you got screwed somehow after this but the simple fact is you're simply not on my level son. You're the champion yet everyone sees you as the underdog going into this. I'm not the "challenger" in this match...YOU are Tush. I'm the man. Loved everywhere, even in your home country. Hell I'm probably more popular in your home country then you are...lets inquire about that shall we? Because I'm IN your home country. Thats right, I'm in England Tush. South London to be exact. About to make an appearance at a friends show of mine who happens to be from here.I know you're not from South London but these are still your people right? Heh, lets see.

Trax's chauffeur steps out the car and opens Traxs back door. Trax steps out the car and looks at the building in front of him, a nightclub revenue of sort, loud music can be heard inside,and two burly bouncers stand by the entrance outside. Trax is about to make his way to the entrance when he hears someone call out.

Oi! You there geezer!

Trax turns and sees a gang of hooded youths approach him from the shadows.

You're Trax ennit!?

I am.

The gang whisper among themselves in awe.

Yo my man, we just got one thing to say to you fam.

Yeah fam?

We mad rate you fam! Your matches in XWF, madting you get me? 'Nuff respect brudda nuff respect.

Arrrr safe fam, you're fans then? Keeping up with XWF lately?

Yeah XWF is serious.

Trust me.

Nice, what do you guys think about The Union then, those guys represent you right?

The gang all laugh among themselves, Trax joins in on the laughter.

Fuck them batty boys man!

Yeah dickheads man, fuck Union we don't rate them around here.

Scully's from Birmingham that makes him a side man you get me.

The gang all laugh again and again Trax joins them.

Yeah I get you, nice talking to you fellas but I've gotta head into this club, I'm a surprise guest tonight.

Yoooo Stormzys performing in there right now! You're rolling with my man Stormzy!?

Yeah fam.

Serious ratings fam.

Yeah serious.

Trax fist bumps all the hooded chavs and then makes his way towards the entrance...

Meanwhile inside, world famous UK Grime Artist Stormzy is on a stage rapping one of his latest hit songs "Standard". The crowd, a sea of people of all genders, age and races are going hype as Stormzy spits his bars over the songs beat. The song finishes but the crowd are still going hyper, most of them drunk and high off all types of shit. Stormzy sips some water before speaking to the crowd.

You guys are making me feel blessed. Thanks for the love but yo, let me ask something real quick, are they any wrestling fans in the crowd right now?

The crowd cheer and Stormzy nods obviously happy with the reaction.

Thats cool then because I got a special guest tonight ennit. Special being an understatement, this guy is no musician but I met him during a tour when I was out in NYC. An American wrestler but is a big fan of the UK Hip Hop and Grime scene, told me once he was a big fan of my music for which I feel blessed. Lemme get him up here real quick, ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Mr FUCKING Dominance you get me, man like TRAX!

The crowd go nuts as Trax walks onto the stage Stormzy is on from a back entrance, Trax and Stormzy firm each other and side hug as people in the crowd are still losing their shit.

Yo Trax waddup.

Yo Stormzy whats good.

Good to have you join us tonight.

No problem, like you said, I'm a fan.

Blessed. Tell us though what you doing over here in England.

Well I got a title match coming up against a guy from this country who thinks he represents this country, you people. I just wanted to know if thats really the case.

Whats my mans name brudda?

Tush, and he's got two pals, called Scully and Chris Macbeth. They call themselves The Union.

Yeah? Yo people, do these Union cats represent us and this country?

The crowd boo signalling their disapproval.

I don't even know much about these cats in all honestly Trax my brudda.

Not much to know, theres one thing you might find interesting though, one of the members, Scully, from Birmingham....

The crowd boo and show their disapproval of the mention of "Birmingham", a recognized shithole in England.

...he actually considers himself a talented rapper, makes little rap songs all the time in his promos, even did a rap for Unions theme song, Tush thinks hes better then me at wrestling, and Scully is so deluded he probably thinks he's better then you at rapping.

Stormzy laughs and shakes his head.

You know what I think Trax?

Whats that?

I think you need to tell my mans SHUT UP.

The beat for Stormzy most popular song "Shut Up" begins to play and the crowd once again lose their shit.

I'll give these Union guys a rap... then its a rap. Yo Brudda... state your name again cuz.

Trax ennit.

What we gonna do right now?

Rip The Union pussies a new one ennit.

Stormzy and Trax turn to the crowd and begin jumping up and down the stage getting the crowd hyped.

South London...LETS GO
Tush thinks he better than Trax
Tell my man shut up
Mention his name in your promos
Oi rude boy, shut up
Better than Trax?
Shut up
Best in the scene?
Tell my man

Couple man called Union look like back up dancers
Talent wise behind Trax like they some back up dancers
You might wanna go get some back up, bastards
The mans in your promos, backup dancers
The man in your clique, backup dancers
Mans wanna chat shit get slapped up after
Big man like Trax with the braids
He a big man, how the fuck can he...look

One man army suckers better know
Union better run when Mr Dominance show
Walk to the ring walk all over Tush
Title reign done, everybody go home
Apart from the girl dem, you lot stay
Walk in the arena , all the girls say hey
Tell a man like I'm K to the A
There's no champagne, we don't rave

Yeah, we the best, we so cocky
We got a mob like A$AP Rocky
I set trends, dem man copy
Union catch feelings, Trax catch bodies
They roll deep, I roll squaddy
Got about 25 goons in my posse
They drink Bailey's, I drink Vossy
Trax get merky, Tush get worried

Dead wrestlers, blud, leave me alone
Me and your girl, we speak on the phone
Trax kill a whole crew of wrestlers on his own
Trax kill a a fake champion to dethrone
He hungry, so damn hungry
Man tried eat then leave him bones
Now this nigga, his legacy still grows
Taking out some pussies, stale Union to go

If you don't rate me, shame on you
If you don't rate Trax, shame on you
Can I order a deathbed for a pansy?
Union want beef? Make that more then two
Anyone else wanna make that move?
Anyone else wanna pay their dues?
Imposters wanna take my tune,
Stiff Chocolate, yeah my face so smooth, check it

Tush don't even talk too much, you're a talker
Dem man still go halves on a quarter
Saw me turn from a prince to a pauper
Two cigarettes and a bottle of water
Told the bouncer I'll get the bottles in order
Man in the kitchen putting in orders
Stiff Chocolate, skin clear like water
Smooth on this ting, start locking up daughters

Yeah, so Union and any other dumb dickheads shut your fucking stupid mouths
Chatting bare fucking shit
Shut the fuck up, shut your fucking mouths
Oi rude boy shut up
One time yeah, chatting bare fucking shit
Shut up man Trax is going to kill you
Pussy's what

Stormzy drops the mic, Trax who was interacting with the crowd while Stormzy was rapping his improvised version of his hit song, walks up to Stormzy and firms him again before speaking into his mic.

Great shit, thanks for that. Tush is indeed going to "Shut Up" when I Trap Silence him in the mouth and take his title.

No doubt brudda no doubt.

But for now fuck that, lets get this shit popping some more.

Stormzy nods as a heavy baseline beat hits the PA system, for the millionth time tonight the crowd go wild as Stormzy prepares to perform another song and Trax goes back to interacting and hyping up the crowd as the scene fades out.

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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