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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Serious Rp 2
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Shade Offline
The Prince Of Death


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

03-24-2016, 02:59 PM

Chicago, Arena, Locker Room

We shade is backstage in his locker room watching the prodigy promo unfold. Hope is behind him on a sofa petting his bird's who are sleeping. She looks over at shade and asks

Hope: Hey babe that guy,
She points at 15 Shows on the Tv,
yeah him what do you think about him, well he gave you a compliment and that's weird for you because you normally get insulted for being shit on the mic and your promos are trainwrecks at best but out of the three guys in your team he say still you're the best,
Shade looks at her. but he doesn't respond to her question, he just walks over to the sofa and sits down gets the remote and changes the channel which lands on a random promo.
So you have finally decided to talk when it necessary, wow so you don't see this kid as anything alright,
. Hope then looks towards the tv and another promo from the opponent is up but it from the other team by the Team Leader Prince Rich, as they watch through the whole promo from looking at Shade. Hope see that he got an impression on Prince Rich. she then asks him,
Okay now tell me what's your opinion on this guy, he's the team leader of the other team and he looks like he could be a problem for our domination over this company, Shade still does not respond to her and just continues to watch until the next promo comes on which was from Keith Marvellous.
As they watch the promo until it ends hope asks shade again,
Okay there must be be an answer for this guys, come on out of all three of them, this guy called you out and said and i quote ''
Quote:First there's Shade.... What are you?! It doesn't really matter cause you don't matter, you are gunna be irrelevant after this match.
'' are you just gonna stand by and take this or are you gonna answer your Starlight.

Shade who is now fed up with her persistence says
Shade: If you want an answer so much. my new opinion of these guy are, well in my eyes they are delusional thinking that they are better than me. I'm not going to bother myself insulting these lads because i'm not trying be like all the other idiots in this company proclaiming their the best when they get beat and lose to someone who is more useless. Shade pauses and sigh. I'm the best, and the only people above me is the boss and the champions that are put in them spots because they earned their place. But i'll gives lads credit they have balls and they aren't afraid to say they here. the rest of the roster should be on suicide watch for these guys because underestimate them will be the least of their worries when they kick your ass and show you up.
Hope suprised that shade said something without making a mistakes says in a proud but still playful voice
Hope: Panter you finally said something without making a mistake you know what you deserve a reward, a very sexy one you know
As hope crawls over to shade, she puts his hood over his head then proceeds to remove his mask. Suddenly knocking came from the door and hope says in an irritated state.
Always happen when it's getting good. She sigh and goes over to the door, but when she opens the door she sees 4 men in suit come in and she turns to shade who has his hood up looking to the ceiling saying in a very excited mood Babe we have guest and it looks like they are very their not here to fight.
Last thing is Hope closing the door of the locker room, but just before she does she notices the camera, she reacted by putting one finger to her lips saying ssssshhhhhh, before closing the door with shade plastered on the front.

The camera fades to black

End Of Transmission

[Image: YZrYFEd.jpg]
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