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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Derailer Part One: Lead Me To The Cross
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Alexis Riot Offline
You Will Respect Me

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

03-23-2016, 10:28 PM

"Hello rioters, Alexis Riot here, and I'm going to talk about a real asshole,"

"He walks like a asshole, talks like a asshole, walks like a asshole, sounds like a asshole, feels like a asshole, and pretty much can be summed up in one word, "asshole"

"I'm, of course, talking about the soon to be "Mr. F'N Dominated," himself, Trax."

"Either you're bad at choosing names for yourself or your mother just hated your guts before she went full vegetable,"

"That's right, I brought up someone's comatose mother. Why?"

"Because I have no respect for Trax,"

"Now Trax, I know what you're thinking with that acorn sized brain of yours, "Who dis bitch think she is? I'm MR. FN DOMINANCE (Except when it matters the most, such as when I'm facing actual top superstars like Vinnie Lane), she betta respect me before I give her a pimp slap! NEVER CROSS THE TRAX!!!!!!1!!!!!!"

"Well listen here, the reason I don't respect you is simple. You don't respect me. By respect, I don't mean "being a ass kisser" I mean "acknowledging that you're not hot shit". In fact, this whole thing didn't start because of what you did to me on Shove-it, you would have done that to any other superstar in the XWF locker room, even the men. I'm not sitting here claiming "SEXISM" and "RAPIST PIG" like you ignorantly say I am, I'm saying that you are a disrespectful sack of human waste who needs to get his back broken, fucked in the ass and made humble,"

"I know of a contraption that can do two of those three things."

"Hint, it's not an oversized dildo, I'm no Frodo Smackins,"

"It's the crucifix,"

"Think about what you're getting into for a second Trax. The match you and I will be in can only be won by subjecting the other to the same form of torture that made Jesus, the son of God, cry out into the heavens screaming "Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani?"

"Like Jesus, you will be forsaken from even the slightest hint of God's compassion, but unlike him you will not rise again,"

"Your body will hang on that cross, becoming a lifeless sack of meat for the flies, and when your friends and family come to take your body down with tears in their eyes and heavy hearts, I will stand in their way and say, "Let him rot,"

"You want to be a complete dick to everyone around you? You will die a dishonorable death,"

"The first step is nailing your body to the cross itself. Rusty iron nails, around 7-9 inches long, will be driven into your wrists, between the radius and the ulna. As you feel those nails be driven through your very flesh, you will experience pain like you've never felt before. You will cry like a bitch, praying to the God you once never even feared that the nails will cut your arteries, causing you to bleed out and die while also escaping the pain for good."

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen. I want you to feel every bit of suffering possible. Don't expect a mercy kill."

"Not only will your arms be nailed to the wooden cross, but so will your legs, preventing you from escaping the torment to come. After you've been nailed to the cross and everyone who's tired of your bullshit spits on and beats your pathetic body, the cross will be risen upright, and then the real fun begins."

"I hope none of you ate something before watching this,"

"When you're hoisted high into the air, attached to the same structure that killed the son of the most high, you will experience hell. Your body will of course slope downward, due to gravity, but as your limbs are nailed to the cross, you will find yourself in an awkward position. A position that leaves you unable to breathe. As you struggle to work your way up the horrific torture machine for a simple breath of air, getting severe splinters in your back while doing so, you will feel the effects of having large nails driven into some of the most sensitive areas of the body, as well as the effects of the beating I will give you before the crucifixion even begins. You will tire and grow weak, closer to death. The elements will bear down on you, causing you dehydration, severe sunburn, hyperthermia, or even heat stroke depending on the weather given to us on that faithful day. You will simply hang there, feeling your filth and excrement all over your own body, suffering, decaying. You will cry out, feeling your wounds slowly get effected with gangrene and other painful infections, that is, if you even have enough air in your lungs to scream at all! The pain, humiliation, and fear will be the most you've ever felt in your entire existence, and I will watch all of it with a smile on my face. You will look down on me with anger and bitterness, but also another emotion that you've never felt before."


"After you finally give up and die, disgraced, what will I do then? Maybe I'll go and taunt your family, including your precious mother. Maybe I'll name myself "Mrs. F'N Dominance" as a last fuck you to your legacy. Maybe I'll get some more names crossed off my list. Oh wait, I know what I'll do! I'll go after the Intercontinental Championship held by the former wheelchair bound himself, Tush!"

"But Riot, Trax won a battle royal to gain a shot at that title! Wait your turn!"

"Well, the thing is, do you know why I didn't screw Trax out of the battle royal? Do you want to know why I didn't just cost Trax the match after the beat down I gave him?"

"Because dead men don't win titles,"

"Now, there's another factor that I think I should bring up, and that's the other asshole I mentioned earlier, Tush, and his band of dick riders The Union, or Wanker World Order as I like to call them."

"Listen up you tea guzzling morons, I know you have your problems with Trax, many people do, but this crucifixion match is between me and Trax only! If you try to interfere on either of our behalves, well...."

"Just see what I do on Friday to Trax,"

"Trax, you don't want to pray? How about this?"


[Image: RgWkPlt.jpg]

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