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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
RP#3 ... Its going to be a bloodbath!
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LiddleJ Offline
XWF Geordie King

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

03-22-2016, 12:41 PM

The scene opens, we are in California. We are inside pure Gold's Gym on the first floor where LiddleJ is working out and getting ready for battle on Friday night.

[Image: alessio-sakara-att-2.jpg]

We see a man putting LiddleJ through his paces during his workout, this is due to the knee injury to LiddleJ's original manager and coach, Pete Jenson.


LiddleJ finishes his workout and they head to room LiddleJ hires for an hour downstairs, they enter the room and set the mats up and go through his usual drills practicing his moves and he shows the new temporary coach how he likes to train and practice his drills. They do this for a good hour before finishing off for the day with both men heading for the changing rooms to take a shower and get ready to leave, both men appear from the changing rooms, chatting away before LiddleJ and his temporary coach, say their goodbyes for the day.

LiddleJ: Hey thanks man, I will see you tomorrow at the same time.

The temporary coach nods and leaves the Gym. Liddle is about to follow him and walk out after grabbing a water, from the vending machine. When he notices a new girl on the front desk, he walks over to her to making eye contact, so she knows he is coming over to start a conversation with her.

LiddleJ: Hi there, You new here?

Receptionist: Yeah, I just started yesterday. I was here last week, having my interview and noticed you walking out but I don’t think you seen me.

LiddleJ: No I definitely did not see you, I would remember your face for sure. I'm LiddleJ.. But you can call me LJ.

He holds his hand out to shake the hand of the young lady.

Receptionist: Okay, my name is Melissa, Melissa Corvette.

LiddleJ: Like the car model?

A massive smile and appears on the face of Melissa, She begins to nod.

Melissa: Yeah, well it is spelt the same as the car. People joke about the difference all the time but it never gets old.

LiddleJ: Yeah I bet it doesn’t, well it's nice seeing you anyway and hope to see you again, glad to see you work on the shift when I come in here.

Melissa: Yeah I hope to see you again tomorrow.

LiddleJ: You will, Catch you later Melissa.

LiddleJ gives Melissa a little wink, she blushes a bit as LiddleJ turns around to leave, he is spotted by XWF fan who works out at Pure Golds Gyms.

XWF Fan: Hey LiddleJ, I am big fan of XWF and have been watching the show the last couple of months. I noticed you last week in the gym working out, I couldn’t actually believe it, when I noticed it was you to be honest, I mean, I work out at the same Gym as a guy that is currently undefeated in XWF. A guy that that has made a huge impression in his first week in the company.

LiddleJ: Hey, thanks for that, well let me assure you, if you train at Gold's then you train at the same Gym as LiddleJ. You look a big enough guy, do any sports yourself ?

XWF Fan: Yeah but not for any teams or nothing like that, I fill in playing football when I get a call saying they need and extra guy. I hear your facing Cole Adams this week on Warfare in what I believe that could be one of the best matches I have seen in XWF, with the rules they set for the match. What if the guy gets you good and you bleed out or something like that? I know you mean business from your first two matches, but there's always that chance.

LiddleJ: Hey I know what you mean, looking at the rules and stipulations of the match, most people would run a mile and curl up, hide and make a no show. That just isn't the way I role. That wasn't the way I was brought up and certainly was not the way LiddleJ wants to seen from the fans, who do you think I am.. Cole Adams? I mean, I saw the guy disrespect some XWF fans the other day, just for cheering XWF! XWF! I mean come on leave the guys alone who love the company so much, for its great entertainment that the guys in the locker room produce for them, week in, week out. I mean talk about disrespect. The guy is full of it.

XWF Fan: Yeah I have noticed. Why does he try and get under the skin of the bosses. He like a little pest, I hear that he wants to go for tag team titles with some mystery partner. Probably that lady he drags around with him, she's more of a man than him and has a lot better sense than he does. Think she likes playing games with him, didn’t she tell the guy that you were gonna plan an attack of some sort against him on Shove It?

LiddleJ: Yeah she did, maybe she just wanted a little fun and wind the guy up, I would be doing that twenty four seven to the guy, the shit that comes out of his mouth Is just funny as fuck and a right joke to listen to, I would do that for a week or two, then I would just quit the job. I noticed he did admit something though. Which I already knew but would love to point out to the rest of the guys in the buiness.

LiddleJ pulls his phone from his pocket and scrolls on the XWF official website and taps on the promo from Cole Adams and scrolls down the page of disrespect and bullshit to the bit he is looking for.

LiddleJ: I will read this shit out for you, word for word and see if you notice anything at all about what Cole Adams says here. "I'm going to go to Shove It and I'm going to let him do whatever he wants." That's the bit his bitch was taking the piss out of him, what I was on about beforehand then he says this right.. "The entire world can see just how much of a little bitch he really is. After I show up and survive his little bullshit attack, the whole entire world is going to see him in a new light. He won't be someone to be feared. He'll be someone to be pitied" Well in that sentence, now Shove It is done and dusted, he will feel really stupid for one, admitting that he fears me and now realizing, I don't have to be pitied by no one and everything he said, makes him look really stupid. Bet his little girly friend will be laughing her head off somewhere at that one, either that or sitting in a hotel room somewhere, playing with herself over pictures and videos of LiddleJ. Just like this new receptionist will be tonight.

LiddleJ and the fan share a laugh together.

XWF Fan: Yeah she Is a little beauty that new girl in here. She wouldn’t half get it! I think after hearing what you have to say on what Cole said, he will be pretty pissed off at the fact he admitted that, what a stupid ass!

LiddleJ: Well he certainly will, if I were dumb enough to come out with that shit like he did, I would shut the fuck up from now on, that mouth of his, just isn't getting him into bother no more, its starting to make him look a right stupid cunt! But that’s exactly what he is, so why would he act or say anything to make anyone think any different. The guy tries to take the piss out of me of the weapons I choose, comparing them to Liam Nieson films or playing dead rising games or some shit. Hey I watched Taken, what he does to the guy in that film wasn’t real.. The things I have done and seen was real, The torcher I have put people through for fun was real, the place I grew up, well that was no game, believe me, It was real life do or die shit, That is the problem with this guy. He lives in a fantasy world, where he thinks everything comes easy.. Hell, he is from the place nicknamed 'Big easy'. If Cole thinks this is games, then he Is In for the biggest shock of his pathetic little life. The countdown is on for the guy, the doctors have his blood type and plenty of blood packs on standby to save his life. That might not even be enough, I've had enough and he is going to find that out.

XWF FAN: Hey I believe you, can't wait after hearing you speak and hearing the words you come out with, you say it with such passion, I really do not envy Cole Adams. Not that any man ever would anyway. Well anyways good luck on Friday, I am gonna hit the gym.

LiddleJ again shakes the hand of the fan before deciding to depart and go home. He turns his head to the front desk, where he gets a cheeky smile and a wave from Melissa the receptionist. He decides to turn round and approach the front desk and try his luck with Melissa.

LiddleJ: Hey Melissa, I was wondering if you were free to have dinner tonight?

Melissa: I thought you would never ask, some of the creepy looking men that have giving me the look and cheesy chat up lines today is unbelievable. The only man that I'm glad said hello today was you, I get off work at seven. You can pick me up from my place around eight, that okay with you?

The scene fades away as the two continue to chat away, LiddleJ looking very pleased as the young lady is a incredibly good looking girl.

[Image: o7YoFf2.jpg]
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