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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
I talk with Tiffany about Eric
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Ginger Snaps Offline
<3 Ginger <3

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

03-14-2016, 09:46 PM

Travis McCoy doesn't like my life? Oh, I should cry now, right? Should I feel bad because he doesn't take me seriously? Or, should I just win this match to show him how little his approval matters to me? That's what I think I'm going to do. I think I'm going to go out and lock in the Ginger Tap on either him or Menos and not let go until they tap out. That's what I'm going to do. And then I'm going to celebrate my win by watching home movies with Tiffany. Does that sound like a plan to you, Travis? It sounds like it's going to happen, because I want to win, and watch home movies.

Travis, you're a bully. You're a big bully. You're not the good guy like you want to act like, you're just a bully who's feeling insecure because people do things besides focus on wrestling all the time. People have lives besides stepping into the ring to fight people, but does that not make sense to you? Travis McCoy wants me to spend the next ten years of my life abandoning everyone who isn't a wrestler, so I can show him how serious I am about being a wrestler. Nevermind the fact that the night I won my first match, I won a second match for a title, against the current Universal Champion. Nevermind the fact that I fought the Universal Champion for the Universal Championship, and he needed help to beat me. Nevermind that I won the Intercontinental Championship, either. Let's focus on the fact that I share my personal life with my fans.

Why do you hate that I don't breathe wrestling? Why do you hate me? Do I intimidate you? Because you know you can't keep up with me, and I still manage to look pretty doing what I do? Is that a problem for you? In your 15 years of toil and struggling you haven't made it half as far as I have, and I've been at it less than a year? Is that a problem you have? For fifteen years you've been struggling to be relevant to anyone, right? I've never heard of you, so you couldn't have been that good. I hate to break this to you, though, you're not the best thing to walk through those doors. Not when you're being compared to me. Nope, people will always remember the time you looked like you would show some major promise, then you lost to me, and gave up.

Maybe you stick around for a while, but you won't be the same. That hope you had? It will be dashed, because you think I'm so far beneath you and yet I'll walk away the winner of the match. I'm going to go mourn my dead boyfriend now. Because, that's why I fight. To kill the pain in me.

[Image: 24008-clip-art-graphic-of-a-world-globe-...ns4biz.jpg]

I'm sitting on my couch eating some scrambled eggs with my comfy warm socks on. I love these socks. They're fuzzy and pink. <3 :) My eggs are delicious and warm, and fill my rumbly little tumbly. The room is warm, and I have a blanket wrapped around my legs to make sure I keep myself perfectly warm. This is the best morning ever. Garbanzo is curled up in a fuzzy ball of love at my feet. He's so adorable and loving. Johnny used to love to pet him, and rub his belly. Garbanzo loved it when Johnny would rub his tummy, too. The door handle turns, and I watch as it gets pushed open. I'm not getting up to see who it is. I'm too comfortable for that.

Hey, Ginger. Figured I'd stop by and see how you were doing.

I refuse to get up from my nuzzled up warmth. I will tell her this.

I'm all warm and cozy, and not getting up. Commin.

She walks over and plops down on the couch next to me. The dozy cow even grabs my plate of eggs and begins to eat some.

Ta. Was famished.

I make a stink face.

Oi! You dozy cow, you pinched me eggs. I were eating them.

She makes a stink face back at me, and then shows me the chewed up eggs. We both crack up laughing.

Love ya, sis.

I take a sip from my coffee. It's warm and makes my tummy happy. Happy tummy makes Ginger happy.

Yeah, how is it being married to Georgie?

I set the coffee mug down.

Eh, it's pretty cool. I get to be sisters with my bestie, I get to wake up in the morning knowing that the person next me to remembers my name, and actually gives a shit about me. I get to know that I matter to him. Plus, sparkles!

She holds her egg covered hand in my face to show me the ring he bought her. I go to the chain on my neck, and go down to the ring hanging from it. The ring that I got from Johnny's mom. The ring that he intended to give me. The ring I was supposed to wear when I became his missus. I never showed her. I should show her. That will make things way less awkward right now, right? She won't be showing off as much to me if I show off the ring I should have been wearing on my dainty little finger right now. This logic makes perfect sense to me right now.

I pull it out and show it to her. She grabs it, and the chain begins to choke me. I'm gurgling and gasping, and struggling to breathe. I struggle to get the clasp undone as she tries to pull it towards her, but it does come free, and I can breathe once more. This makes me happy, and I have no issues showing her the ring now. She’s looking at it, and holding it up to the light, and smelling it, and trying it on, and all the normal things. There’s even a few oohs, and ahs. So, I guess it passes her test.

Johnny had written his mum telling her how he wanted to marry me, and give me that ring if I’d have him. So, when I went to go visit her she gave me the ring. I keep it on my necklace next to my heart at all times. It makes it easier to live without him. But, I know I need to try and move on at some point. I don’t want to, and I’m not really trying to forget him or move on now. I’m just trying to survive. George is right, though, I need to get on. If I can figure out how to do that, then I’ll be set.

Sweetie, it’s not forgetting him, or getting over it that’s the problem. He didn’t dump you, it’s not a break up that you can get over and find someone new with. He died, he’s not coming back, which means you mourn the way you need to mourn. George doesn’t know that he died, he still thinks you two just had a spat and split. Now, tell me about the guy Eric.

I shrug my shoulders.

Not really much to tell. He’s just a bloke that owns the Chippy and rescued me on the train. I haven’t really interacted with him much, just enough to find that out. You were there for most of the interactions.

She squints one eye at me.

Most? What did I miss?

I hear footsteps approaching. Please be a Llama. Please be a Llama. Please be a Llama.

Hey, Tiffany. Right? It is Tiffany?

Oh, poop. I guess I might have to explain this to Tiffany. Her eyes go full wide, and we both look back at Eric, he's standing there in a pair of blue and white striped sleeping trousers, and no shirt. Her eyes go back to me, then back to Eric, and then to me.

Did you two shag?!

He laughs. Don't laugh. It only encourages her. Oh, now she's imagining me shagging Eric. I wonder if I'm good at shagging Eric in her mind, or I'm terrible. I should ask.

Hardly. No, we spent the night watching films and chatting. I don't think my husband would be too happy if I shagged a redhead girl. Soz, Ginge.

Wait, you're a poof?

He chuckles, I'm uncomfortable now.

Not the term I'd use, but I guess. Yeah.

She starts to laugh uncontrollably.

[Image: 24008-clip-art-graphic-of-a-world-globe-...ns4biz.jpg]

Oh, Travis did you like the look into my life? Did it make you squeal with delight? Ginger talks with a gay man and her sister in law, that's what you've been waiting for, right? Waiting so you can start to pout and cry about how I'm boring, and not fulfilling. Meanwhile we get to sit through videos of you whining about what your name means, and whether or not Joey Menos's dad is racist, or your dad is racist or something. I had trouble following it because it was all so pointless. At the end of the day, no one cares. I don't care that your name is Gaelic, any more than you care that my real surname isn't Snaps. Although, you're so dense you probably thought it really was.

Please tell me I'm wrong, I really hope I am, but something tells me I'm not. I also hope that you weren't thick enough to think that we care that you were in this business for 15 years before having to lose to Ginger Snaps. But, you probably think that's exactly what you need to say to intimidate us so you can win. It won't work, but it's a nice touch. Maybe it would have worked on Joey, because he's a bit dense. But, it won't work on poor little Ginger. Ginger who confused a goat and a Llama.

And Joey, Johnny is dead, so I can't go back to him. I figured a bottom of the barrel joke would be a little more sensitive, but I guess I was wrong. I guess you're just a bottom of the barrel joke. Travis McCoy will be joining you in that spot soon, though. Don't worry, it won't be too lonely.

[Image: aTUIZMN.png]

<3 Gator <3
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