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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
It's A Barroom Blitz
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

03-06-2016, 05:13 PM

Ghost Tank continued to walk into his house, with the men coming after, with the women coming after them. Ghost Tank paid no attention to the three talking among themselves as they spoke about the baby. Ghost Tank moved at the end of the hallway, which branched like a T, with the left going towards bedrooms, to the gyms which are further away from the bedrooms. To the right is a massive den, which had three massive leather couches and several recliners, with three massive flat screen t.v.s. with two of the couches back to back, and the third being at the top, and each wall had a t.v. so that three different shows could be on at the same time. Past the Den would be the massive in-door pool, past that would be a large round ebony table, allowing nearly twenty people to sit at it. Behind it is a massive kitchen, holding three refrigerators, one freezer, about twenty cabinets just for dishes, and between the two is three stoves, allowing to make many different types of food to be made.

Then right behind the kitchen, if you go right down that hallway, there would be a large laundry room, full of top of the line dryers and washers. Past that is a few of the rooms for maids, each room is made to allow to be different based off what the maids wanted in their rooms. One of the younger maids seemed to like the new version of My Little Pony, and wanted different types of sheets, blankets, toys, whatever she'd like. One of the older maids just wanted books of her own, despite Oswald constantly telling her that the library would most likely have everything she wanted, she still wanted her own. She also wanted one of the cheaper beds, liking how stiff they could be and a rocking recliner. GT liked her well enough, though. They would read some books together.

Beyond the maid rooms were the cooks rooms, also personalized to their tastes. Beyond that is a massive round room, full books inside the walls, a spire four stories tall. Hundreds of books filling it. Three stories full of fiction books, from Action types to Zombie types. The top floor full of non-fiction. Books about every age. Though there were two special books on their very own stands. One being The Art of War by Sun Tzu. The other, while a book of fiction, is a book of stories by the Brothers Grimm. Filled with every fable they created, all placed into the book.

Branching off from the dining area, is a hallway of nearly twenty feet to the massive car garage with the keys off to the side, labeled by where the cars are placed.

Back to where the T section started, is a large sliding door leading to the large outside area, with the baby toys and things for Fuzen.

The only thing truly missing was video game systems and video games. While he was raised on the old school Nintendo and Atari, and loved video games, he spent most time training, or rather, now he spent time with his daughter and wife.

"So, make yourselves at home. This way-"

He gestured to the bedroom/gym hallway,

"Is where you can choose your bedrooms. Each bedroom has its own closets, bathrooms. So take your pick."

He then gestured to the more relaxed section of his home can be gone through,

"If you want to relax, swim, get a snack for yourself, read, or hell if you want to go for a drive, go this way."

He then moved over to Frodo

"I have a special day in store for us, man. Bet you wanna fuck something up, other than Tyrone. Probably want to get a taste of Chicago. So, let's go drinking."

He grinned, chuckling softly, knowing that his home had one of those cellars inside the kitchen, where a lot of liquor is stored. He then looked to the others,

"We're going to go have some fun. Anything you want, just ask Alysia for her card. If you want to go driving, follow us. Otherwise, Alysia will guide you whenever she wants to."

"Oh whatever, Ozzy."

She chuckled and shook her head, while Ghost Tank led Frodo off to the garage. He pulled out his cellphone, and his favorite Tesla car was started and ready for them to get to it.

Alysia, Katie, Sarah, walked to the play area for Fuzen, sitting down as they talked about the baby, about how motherhood is treating Alysia.

Crack and Joey went and watched t.v.

Ghost Tank drove them around town, grabbing some Chicago pizza to fuel up for what he had planned. Then they went to a very crowded bar, and Ghost Tank looked to his friend and grinned as if he were a schoolboy about to tell his friend that he had a crush on someone.

"Frodo, we're going to fuck some shit up, man. We've never hung out like this, and I plan on this being fun as fuck, man."

"What's your fuckin' plan then, Tanky baby?"

"We are going to start a good old fashioned bar fight."

"Dude, seriously? Like those movies where bikers bust people up, and old westerns where Cowboys beat shit up and it causes others to join in?"

"Fuckin' A."

So Ghost Tank ordered several Jaegerbombs, a couple glasses of the best whiskey, and then Ghost Tank chuckled and whispered,

"Follow my lead, man."

He then gave Frodo a push

"The fuck did you say, you little midget fuck!? Who the fuck do you think you are?! Look at you, motherfucker! Take back what you said, or I'm going to play some Midget Toss with you!"

Frodo slammed his cup down

"Midget?! Fuck you, you fucking Jolly Green Asperger'd fuck! I said it and I'll say it again, your mom's pussy is best kept cold, lest she rots further!"

That's when a six foot, bald, burly guy with sunglasses on at fuckin' night decided to walk up and look at Ghost Tank

"Dude, lay off man. He may be small, but that doesn't give you a right to call him a midget. Fuckin' calm down."

Frodo got off his seat and Shoryuken'd him, right in the balls, and his fist followed up and hit the man in the jaw, knocking him out cold onto the ground

"I don't need help cutting down this fucking tree!"

Five men, also bald(seriously, what the fuck? Are they a biker gang or something?) and just as douchey as they wore sunglasses too, but some were more fat than the others, walked up to GT and Frodo with one saying out loud

"We're going to fuck you up for hurting our friend!"

"Well come on, fucknuggets! Welcome to the teabag party!"

Frodo would then jump up and tea bag one guys' face through his pants, then begin punching him straight to his nose. When the others were about to gang up on Frodo, Ghost Tank rushed them, spearing two of them at once, causing tables and chairs to break into pieces. By doing so, nearby patrons had their drinks spilled, having themselves be pushed about. This made them angry, and the rushed those still standing. Some of the taller people would be met by a furiously head-to-ball sac headbutt by Frodo whenever they tried to touch him. Some groups of skinnier, less muscled people tried to take on GT, only for him to toss them off, which broke more tables, caused more people to rush everybody, until finally the entire bar was forty men and women all crazed with bloodlust, trying to kick everyone's asses, and in this mass confusion, Ghost Tank would find Frodo, go over to him as he would uppercut a woman straight to the clit. GT would pick up Frodo and rush them to his car, starting the car once more with his phone, putting him into the car and then getting into the driver's side, speeding off quickly before the cops could flood the bar and make his way to a Italian restaurant to buy several deep dish pizzas, meat lovers, sausage only, with extra cheese.

"Frodo, it's cool that you're in charge of Warfare."

"I did like pissing on Tyrone."

"Fuckin' hilarious. Seemed like a shitty GM, in my opinion. Though it seemed like a lot of people's opinion. Do you have any ideas for anything to come?"

"Nothing I can really tell you right now, man."

"It's cool, man. Hope you enjoy your time with me at my home. We should make this a thing. Once every few months, you come over, we fuck shit up, eat a shit ton of pizza, spend time with our families. Wonder what they're doing right now..."

Fade To Black

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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