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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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Prof. Bobby Bourbon Offline
Mad Scientist

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

03-06-2016, 04:50 PM

Robbie Bourbon prepares to face off against someone he's always had a soft spot in his heart for in Ginger Snaps, the tragically fated young lady who competes in the XWF.


We open to see Robbie sitting on a stool in a darkened room.

Hi Ginger.

I, damn.

I don't know what to say here.

I know I don't want Vanessa coming around to speak for me, because what I have to say is from the heart.

I have always loved you. Always. I have always found you to be the brightest, best, most shining beacon of hope, of joy, and of true happiness in the fucked up, twisted reality that is the XWF.

Here was a girl who was going to change the game. Here was a girl who was going to take all the negativity, all the angst, all the sorrow, and drive it out with a gale of righteous innocence.

And then that girl became a victim.

The lights flash up behind Robbie. We see two hooded figures, tied to chairs. Their heads thrash as the lights come up, some light filtering through the burlap on their heads.

"Whoa! Who's there?"



Robbie walks over to the hooded figures and backhands each. They each whimper.

Ginger, what happened? Your boyfriend died, you drown yourself with booze, you got raped, and that's all sad.

Sadder than five frownies in a row. That's pretty sad.

I really do feel sad for you, Ginger, that you became this outright victim, this punching bag for happenstance, that life decided to kick you in the teeth and tear at your soul like that.

But not as sad as you're going to feel after we go to the bar together.

Oh no, not by a long shot.


See, I've been hurt, I've been punished, I've even lost matches in the XWF. I won't go into detail there, I'm sure you'll tell everybody how humiliated you would have been if you were me, like the victim you are.

Some of us are victims, and some of us have picked themselves up out of the fucking dirt already and trudged forward.

Some of us decided when life gives you lemons...

Robbie removes the burlap hoods from each of the men. They look heavily bruised, and beaten on. Their eyes are swollen, with dried blood stains trailing from their broken noses and busted lips. Cyberjaw and Diamondback walk out and hand Robbie two small collars, each a set of leather straps attached to a steel ring.

[Image: s-l300.jpg]

Robbie places the collars on both the men so they fit snugly around their heads with the metal ring bracing their mouths open. fucking brains.

Robbie slaps both men again.

I'll get to you two fucks in a second.

Now Ginger, that doesn't mean I can't make money off of the fact you're such a wholesome little victim.

Cyberjaw and Diamondback roll out a large box, which has pictures of Ginger Snaps all over it, and a hole about 3 inches in diameter about 3 feet up, right between her legs.

There are sick sumbitches everywhere, Ginger. I'm sorry you have a habit of running into them time and time again, I'm sorry they victimize you. What I'm not sorry about is how much money I'm about to make off of all that. See, those are what we in the know call "glory holes". Ever heard of a gloryhole, Ginger?

Tush can tell you about 'em.

See, what I'm going to do is take these two guys and put them in that box. And then those very special fans of yours are going to come by and pay tribute to you, all at a simple $50 a head.

Now these assholes.

Robbie points to the men bound in the chairs with their jaws rigged wide open.

These assholes right here interrupted my brunch. It was a lovely meal, don't get me wrong, habanero quiche, smoked pork tenderloin, grilled pineapple, a meal fit for champions. Then, a knock at the door, and these fucks ask me if I've found Jesus.

They didn't believe me when I said I had.

They persisted, and told me that if they came inside, they could tell me the good word, they could save me, they could show me the path I'm supposed to walk as a man of faith, a man of God.

They didn't believe me when I told them I was saving the people, that I was the path one walks, that I am a man of the people.

Well, one thing led to another...

We see the missionaries starting to weep.

And now a whole lot of motherfuckers are coming to see them and come inside to plant a few seeds of their own. Now, which one of you is going first?

One man keeps his head down while the other nods towards him.

Oh, he should go first?

The nodding man nods 'yes' emphatically.

Okay, okay, so he goes first!

Robbie knocks the chair holding the nodding man over so it slams flat on it's back, the man yelping as it hits the ground. He then grabs the silent man and pulls him into the box.

Don't worry, chum, your friend is going to get his. But first, you get yours.

We see Robbie and the bound missionary inside the box, which is dim and plain looking. The plywood is simple and the only real feature is the hole which is on level for the bound man's face.

You ready?

The bound man is weeping, his eyes closed, trying his best to drown out his current surroundings and the fact Robbie Bourbon is about to pimp his mouth out to people who want to rape Ginger Snaps.

Lookie lookie, a customer is coming!

A penis sticks through the hole. Robbie grabs the back of the man's head, and while the man struggles, Robbie grabs his tongs and maneuvers the penis so it lines up with the mouth.

See, Ginger, I didn't take some kind of exception to the fact these men ruined the most valuable meal of the day in brunch.

Robbie gets the dick inside the bound missionary's mouth.

I didn't pick up a bottle.

Robbie starts to move the man's head back and forth along the penis, forcing him to give the stranger a blowjob.

I didn't go to therapy. This fuck might need it soon, but me? I'm not a victim.

Robbie is rapidly moving the man's head back and forth, occasionally slamming his forehead into the inside wall of the gloryhole.

Every time I've gone down in the XWF, I've gone down fighting. The only man to pin me this year is Luca Arzegotti, and that was with a little help from his little buddies.

Robbie shoves the man's face hard against the wall as we hear a moan through it. Tears stream down his cheeks as we hear a gurgled choking sound and the flow of a viscous white liquid begins to pour from his mouth.

Well, strong work, we got our first customer down, that wasn't so bad, was it?

Robbie pulls his head back as the penis exits the whole, semen dripping down onto the tidy white shirt and neat black tie of the missionary.

Do you feel like a victim?

The missionary nods his head yes profusely.

Okay, okay, your friend is up anyhow.

Robbie drags the first missionary out of the glory hole booth and drops him unsanctimoniously on the floor. He picks up the next missionary.

Say, I heard you Mormon's had a thing against blacks joining your church, is that true?

The missionary who went first lies in a heap on the ground, weeping, as the second looks at him and back at Robbie. He starts to nod his head 'no'.

Woah, don't renounce your faith, stud. C'mon, we're going to let a Mandingo do that for you.

Robbie drags the other missionary back into the booth as the the first continues to weep, semen draining from his mouth.

[Image: hGCumPV.jpg]

[Image: newtngb.png?ex=661f68da&is=660cf3da&hm=6...9be1b4b4b&]
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