Personality: Philanthropic mad scientist. Well Respected and Beloved Dick, unlike what is in your pants. Often whimsical, until the bell rings and it's time to wreck.
Looks Description: Burly, Barrel Chested.
Ethnicity: White, Northern European.
Pic Base, if any: Will Ferrell
Strengths: Incredibly tough, having a way of recovering from gnarly injuries and gaining strength from them. Has the entire Acme catalogue at his disposal, ala Bugs Bunny. Awful strong.
Weaknesses: Loves the people almost to a fault, often putting how the crowd will react over winning. His fighting through injuries often does more damage than Robbie is aware. Has the entire Acme catalogue at his disposal, ala Wile E. Coyote. Bobby's silly gadgets and gizmos sometimes backfire horrendously.
Entrance Theme Music: Out Of Limits as performed by The Marketts.
Special Entrance (if any):
The lights in the arena go deep blue as smoke fills the air. Pink and silver laser lights cut through the smoke and it looks fucking rad.
As Out Of Limits blares throughout the arena, slowly walking out onto the entrance ramp is Bobby Bourbon. He looks out at the crowd in the arena, cold and stoic, surveying his surroundings. He stops and raises his fists at 45 degree angles, and continues his deliberate plod towards the ring. He raises both arms outward, accepting fives, slaps, daps, knucks, and touches as he does. He looks on into the ring, feeling the energy of every fan he makes contact with. He stops, and begins stomping in place, with the utmost joy to be in front of the XWF crowd. He stops a camera.
"I'm a bad, bad man, but like my home, the XWF, I have plenty of bad, bad fans!"
Bobby climbs the steps, then climbs the nearest ring post half way and raises his fists at 45 degree angles. The lights go back to normal and the music stops. The fans in attendance all echo their sentiments for the match.
Trademark Move(s): Phrenology Claw, Honestly Brutal, Dinosaur Extinctor, Richter Spike, Flatiron, EMC Squared, SHORYUKEN!!!, Big Boy Toss, Street Pizza, the Triple Star Crunch
Description(s): Phrenology Claw: Kona Clutch (go to submission) Honestly Brutal: Bearhug with a charge into the corner then a slam, think Oklahoma Bearhug Slam. Dinosaur Extinctor: Pop-Up Spinebuster. Similar to a pop-up powerbomb, except the victim is caught and brought down with a spinebuster. Richter Spike: Fisherman's Falcon Arrow, the impact of which alerts a team in California whenever it hits. Flatiron: Torture Rack lift Samoan Drop. EMC Squared: Earth's Mightiest Chokeslam, proving that Robbie's mass times the force you hit the squared circle gives the crowd energy. SHORYUKEN!!!: A huge roundhouse uppercut. Big Boy Toss: Beale toss Street Pizza: Earthquake Hip Splash Triple Star Crunch: Three consecutive Alabama slams
Finishing Move(s): Robbiebomb, Flying Circus, Cryostasis Grenade
Bobbybomb: Any type of Powerbomb from anywhere. Flying Circus: Flying senton from the top rope. Cryostasis Grenade: A grenade that encases people in solid ice, rendering them helpless. (Xtreme rules only.)
Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: Bobbybombing people into/through scenery.
Favorite Weapon: Small handheld projectiles, often thrown like a baseball, that do any manner of effect. Smoke pellets, paint pellets, sticky foam pellets, perhaps some lubricant, who knows. [b]A massive arsenal of cartoonishly garish doodads, knickknacks, and potions that are all priced to own through BourbCo.
Has a lot of signature moves, if only because nobody else does them.[/b]