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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Ghost Tank is a Bitch
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Fontanna Offline
I told you SO!!!


XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

03-05-2016, 03:46 PM

Last Week Fontanna Said:Fontanna was knocked unconscious until he smelled gas and then even worse....smoke! Before he knew it his car was completely engulfed in red hot fire! The pain was unbearable as Fontanna felt his flesh literally melt off his bones. His screams of agony couldn't be heard by anyone since he was at least a day's drive from the nearest town and at least fifty miles from that whole in the wall off the road hotel he was staying at. He was praying for his agony to end! To whoever or whatever was listening he prayed for the pain to stop! Well that's when everything went dark and he was standing in front of The Great Entertainer!

“Fredrick Fontanna we finally meet. You're probably very confused right now and wondering where you are. Well all your questions will be answered in due time but for now brace yourself because this is going to hurt!”

Fontanna was swept up in a whirlwind of smoke a fire. Similar to that of Jack the ripper from a previous story time. He was slowly burnt till nothing was left but charred bone. The Great Entertainer likes to build his creations from scratch. This one was going to be his greatest creation to date. Better then Dahlmer, better then Gacy, and hell of a lot better then that Summer of Sam ! He would be his master piece. Oh the souls he would bring in...the tasty tasty souls that The Great Entertainer required to live. Not much is known about The Great Entertainer from history books. If you go into some seedy back alley pub in the shittiest parts of Ireland you might find old wise tales of The Great Entertainer but other then that his existence is a mystery.

Some say he is a demon from Lucifer's army. Others think he is some retired circus freak that played around with voodoo to much, but regardless the stories, his name alone strikes fear in most men. If it don't strike fear in you, then your just an ignorant fool living on borrowed time. What The Great Entertainer want's he get's and he cares very little on how it happens. Fontanna was now in his lair and it would take an act of God for him to leave here unchanged. That act was not going to happen here today.

“Oh my God!”Fontanna managed to get some words out.

“Hahahaha you know that's the first person everyone ask's for when they are standing in front of me? Like he will ever come down to this place and rescue anyone. You are mine now and I don't let anyone go!”The Great Entertainer's voice was booming.

Fontanna frantically tried to escape the flames but to no avail! He was trapped by some sort of magic he thought. Regardless he couldn't move anymore, almost like he wasn't in control of his own body anymore. Was he dead? Yeah he had to be dead right? He wrecked his car and was dead and sentenced to an eternity in Hell.

“I know what you're thinking right now. No you aren't dead! You are very much alive and this place is very much real. You are in the lair of The Great Entertainer! You now work for me mother fucker! You spent the better half of your years on this miserable rock we call home, wasting your talent's on drugs and cheap drink and since you value your live so little I will use that for my advantage. I can offer you everything you have ever wanted. All you have to do is stop this fight and worship me as your master!”

Fontanna dropped to his knees and gave into his will. The Great Entertainer smirked the evilest of smirks.

“Yes....Yes...this pleases me greatly. I did not want to be forced to kill you with a no answer! Now get up to your feet. There is much we need to discuss!”

Fontanna got up off his knees and noticed he was now covered in skin and clothes again and the burning pain was all but gone. Fontanna was on the path that would lead him towards an XWF redemption that would make most of the talent jealous, he just had no clue exactly how hard his life would be from this moment on. He had met The Great Entertainer and lived to tell the story of it, which not many men could say happened!

So looks like Ghost Tank has already decided to come out of retirement huh? Well that has to be the quickest come back since Jordan did it to the Bulls back in the day. Did you go play minor league baseball Tank? How about working on your golf game? You learn how to crochet quilts or something? I know you haven't been working on your wrestling skills...well if you had any in the first place. Tank you decided you wanted to go to Hell with me. Well that is probably the stupidest fucking idea to ever come out of your fat ass mouth since you tried fighting Frodo!

Look I'm not going to walk around and say your not tough. Your one of the biggest baddest mother fuckers in the XWF. But since being rebirthed by The Great Entertainer I love pain and punishment. I love getting pushed to the brink of my own physicality and seeing just how far I can go before my body screams for mercy. This night though I hate to break the news to you but you will be the one screaming for mercy! After I electrocute your flesh and rake your ugly face across miles of cold hard steel you will scream for The Great Entertainer to show you mercy and stop your pain. You will think twice before coming out of retirement so fast next time.

Now on to you Tommy Wish! I don't know what you think gives you the right to go through my personal stuff! I beat you fare and square in the middle of the ring but yet you still hang around like a hemorrhoid on my asshole! I'm giving you one fucking warning queer! You stick your Shylock noes in my fucking business again and I will bite it clean off your face bitch!

Fontanna get's off the plane in Miami Florida with a big smile on his face. It's been months since the XWF have been back in the states and at the beginning of March what better place ti be then Miami Florida. Nikki Haven was fast behind him but she herself did not have the same cheerful smile that our anti hero Fontanna did. He noticed that his love was not enjoying herself quite like he was so as they where standing in line to get their luggage he struck up and conversation...

“Hey babe! We are in the land of fun in the sun all the live long day! What can possibly be wrong with you that has the beautiful smile of yours upside down?”

Nikki turned her face from Fontanna who was growing more concerned by the minute. It was very unlike Nikki to not talk to him. Even that time he forgot her birthday and went out drinking with the boys after the show, she still at least acknowledged his existence. This...well...this felt different!

“Come on babe! What's up?”

Nikki still said nothing. Finally Fontanna had had enough and grabbed his luggage and started to walk away. That's when Nikki finally spoke. This time she had tears in her eyes and what she said dropped Fontanna to his knees!

“ I'm Pregnant!”

[Image: 154dbb5.jpg]
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