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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Death Rides to Reap Another Soul
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

03-06-2016, 07:46 AM

Time has passed since Oswald's last match. Almost coming upon two months. Much has happened in the land of Ex-Dubbayew-Eff. Lane is the undisputed champion, an old stable partner, tush, has become the Intercontinental Champion. Luca and Fernando realized their love for one another, and became not only a gay couple, but tag team champions.

In Ghost Tank's life, he and his wife have gone through an, albeit fast, adoption process of a baby Asian girl. It has only been two weeks since the adoption, and while chasing after an adventurous child can keep him in shape to an extent, there is only one place he keeps on guard: the torture chamber. There has been no one inside the chamber since Morbid Angel's son had been returned.

The little girl had been named Fuzen, which meant, so Alysia says, 'mischief'. When he had heard the things that kids can do, and from his own experience so far, it seemed appropriate. She seemed to explore, a lot, and mess with a lot of things she really shouldn't. He did his best to keep her from the weight room, did the best he could to keep her out of most rooms, for a lot of sharp and heavy objects were around, and the indoor pool had rails put around the edges, bars under the rails, high enough and the gaps small enough, that the only way to get into it now, is to jump in and pull yourself out. She did have several areas, all to herself. One area being a massive quad area, which had been filled with baby toys, swings, etc. This is where Alysia would try to keep her in, so that she can keep eye on little Fuzen.

Since putting himself up on the card for March 10th's Warfare, he had received an earful from Alysia. One good one would be the following while Alysia is holding the baby girl, holding her so one ear is held to her chest, and one hand muffled the voices of Alysia and Oswald.

"Are you fucking serious?! We've got a child to look after! Why do you want to keep risking your neck? You have enough money to buy entire cities, Oswald! Why do you want to wrestle anymore?"

"Alysia, you know wrestling is a passion of mi-"

"Know what, Oswald? Start a goddamn school! But, dammit... Fine. No more of that fucking shit you went through when you faced Isles, got it?"

"It's not a cell this time, it's my old favorite, a cage."

"So long as there's no weapons this time, all right?"

"There won't be. Unless some asshole tosses them into the ring."

"Goddammit Ozzy!"

"What?! It's possible!"

That is when they hear a ring sound through the nearby intercom and then an old woman's voice sounded,

"Sir, Madam, there's a Frodo Smackins here and he says he brought his "fucking family". Shall I let them in?"

"Hell yes!"

"Ozzy, this doesn't mean we're finished!"

"It means it is right now, we've got guests!"

Alysia looked at him and then she remembered Sarah and Katie would be here, which would allow her to blow off steam and they'd get to see Fuzen. The three of them went to the front entrance, opening the door and soon he'd see Frodo and his family walking away from a car that would drive away after dropping them off.

"Hey, Frodo!"

Ghost Tank walked up to them, picking up both Frodo and Sarah in a more gentle version of a bear hug, letting them down after and then looking to Crack, Joey, and Katie,

"Hey there guys."

He moved over to Crack, shaking his hand, with Joey he did the same then pulled him close and patted his back. He hugged Katie and then once each of them had been greeted he moved away to head into the estate, and he chuckled as he heard little cries of happiness and surprise coming from Katie and Sarah when they saw Alysia holding Fuzen. Frodo would give the baby a pat while Crack and Joey walked in after Ghost Tank and soon followed after, Frodo.

"Fontanna... I am the Pale Rider, I am Death Incarnate. I visit Hell, I never stay there. You are entering my handcrafted match. You will have a taste of Hell when I cut your skin open on the metal and ropes, then throw you, into the electricity, and hold you into it so that every volt is felt coursing through your veins.

You have no chance of survival. No chance of coming out of this match the same man. You say you're fond of pain now, but, were you fond of it before? No? Doubt it. See, I can withstand a lot of pain, always have. Unlike yourself. There is a reason why I was once feared. True I retired, but have come back after a couple of months. I came back because I was bored. Chasing after a baby can be a completely different exercise, and while my wife loves chasing after Fuzen, I kind of need a different exercise. I need to feel pain. I need to destroy someone. I need to feel flesh being rended, to hear the screams of someone I am wrestling.

When I completely and utterly destroy someone, it is beautiful. Have you ever seen any of my handiwork Fontanna? Have you ever seen my hands can do to a man? To a woman? You are not scared of me, and that's good. Very good. There is a reason why this is good, but I'll say it later.

Fontanna, you have had an... interesting career. Not a career like mind when I first came to Ex-Dubbayew-Eff, but still, an interesting career. However, do you have any idea what you're going to be facing, Fontanna? Do you completely understand who I am? Do you completely understand what I can do? I am more than a beast, I am above man. I am above you and above many else in the world.

Our match is going to test your limits, Fontanna. Since I've decided to make it my staple match stipulation, I've only lost one of my Electrified Cage/Cell matches. Only one. I've had, what? Four? You are entering my domain, Fontanna and I feel bad for you. I won't feel bad for you for too long, though. Just a moment ago, I said it's good that you are not scared of me. Well, there's a reason...

Because that means I get to go looking for every nerve in your body, make it scream in agony, and then I get to do it again... and again... and again... and again. By the time our match is finished, you will fear me. You will respect me. You will wish to never see me again, much less hear my name.

I am Death Incarnate. I am the Destroyer of Worlds, I am the Rider of the Pale Horse, and on Warfare, Fontanna, you will be reaped. I will hold your soul within my hand, and I will not let it go to Heaven, I will not let it go to Hell. I will snuff it out, and you will cease to exist. Your mortal form will be broken and bloody as I once again stand victorious over another body. Over the corpse of someone who thought to use my back to gain higher fame, higher recognition.

Do you hear them, Fontanna? The screams of past opponents. The screams of those I have broken. I hear one more joining the chorus.

It's yours."

CanYouHearThe Screams?

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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