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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Great Entainer!
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Fontanna Offline
I told you SO!!!


XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

02-06-2016, 04:08 PM

[Image: th?id=OIP.Mb8ebea618bf481ba90cf9d60189e4...=300&h=300]

Hello kiddos! Part one of this story introduced us to young Billy Jackson. It told us that he was madly in love with a young gypsy woman named Kara Moonblood. Her grandfather warned Billy to be careful because nothing is what it seems. Kara confronted Billy and asked him to meet her by the Ferris Wheel later that night. Billy agreed before running off to make it back to his ticket booth before his father caught him gawking at the performers...but it was to late. So we pick up this story as Billy makes it back to his booth and notices his father leaning up against the wall of the ticket booth. His arm's crossed across his chest. His complexion turning a bright shade of red as he notices his son running towards him.

“Father let me explain.” Billy said slightly out of breath

“Explain? Explain how yet again you choose to neglect your duties to our family business so you can gawk at some gypsy whore!” his fathers voice was like a violent thunder storm.

He grabbed Billy by the shirt collar and tosses him into the empty ticket booth. Slammed the door behind him and began to storm off before turning back around. Obviously he had more to say...

“This is your last chance William! The next time you decide some whore is more important then your family, just stay away and forget about being a Jackson.”Billy's father shakes his head in disappointment as he walks away.

Even with his fathers warning all Billy could think about was Miss Moonblood's ass as she walked away. Billy straightens out his dark green vest and pulls a comb out his back pocket, slicking his jet black hair back into place, before returning to his day dream thinking about what he would do to Kara if ever given the chance. The rest of his shift seemed to creep by like molasses seeping out a maple tree, but the time has finally come. Billy puts up the closed sign and locks the ticket booth door behind him as he runs up to his father with the days cash box. His father count's out the money shaking his head in disappoint. The circus business hasn't been very profitable lately and his father was staring to feel it's decline. Billy waited impatiently for his father to finish counting the money and giving him his two dollar cut. Once he had the money in his hand he runs off into the cool October night. He didn't want to be late for his “date” with Kara Moonblood!

As Billy got closer to his distention he could see her hair almost glowing in the moonlight. He felt his heart skip a beat as she turned around with a smile from ear to ear. What she was wearing didn't really mater...Billy couldn't get past how beautiful her smile was. He had picked up a single rose from the flower dealer in camp before heading towards the Ferris Wheel but now that she was standing in front him, he thought this gift will never be good enough for his queen.

“You made it Billy!”her voice was angelic in nature.

“I wouldn't have missed this for the world!” Billy managed to speak this time as he handed her the rose.

“Well ain't you just adorable.” Kara giggled.

She grabbed him by the hand and led him towards the forest edge before stopping just staring out into the blackness of the woods. Her beautiful smile has melted into a frown.

“What is wrong?” Billy said with concern
“Have you ever heard of The Great Entertainer?” Kara said, never taking her eyes from the darkness.

When she said these words the wind began to pick up as if a thunderstorm was coming through. The trees began to sway and the fallen leaves begin to swirl on the ground like a mini tornado. Billy took off his jacket and placed it on Kara's shoulders to keep her warm.

“I have heard stories from some of the long time circus folk about The Great Entertainer but took them as just that...stories.” Billy said with a slight confidence in his voice.

“Oh sweetie they are far from stories and I'm afraid you're about to meet him first hand.” As Kara said these words, she turns to face Billy and her beautiful brown eyes were blood red. Lightning begins crashing in the background as Kara is engulfed in a blazing fire. The only thing is...she didn't seem to be burning. Billy was immediately overcome by fear. Unable to move, unable to scream for help.

“On this day young one, you have come face to face with The Great Entertainer! Don't try to run because you won't get far! HAHAHAHA!” It's voice was almost demonic. Flames shoot out and wrap around Billy and pull him into the inferno now completely engulfing Kara, who didn't look like Kara anymore. She now looked like a demon straight from the darkest pit of Hell. Billy felt his skin burning off his bones. He tried to cry out in pain but no sound came out of his burnt vocal cord. As fast as this whole thing started, it ended. Now where the flames once were, is just a bit of burnt grass and nothing else.

The old man walks up and picks up a handful of the burnt earth and lets it blow away in the wind. He has a slight smile on his face as he tuns back towards the circus grounds where in a few hours everyone will be looking for young Billy Jackson but won't find hind nor hair of the young man. He belongs to The Great Entertainer now!

[Image: th?id=OIP.M54ff7973425c7da726adcfd88ff11...=300&h=300]

Well it looks like I hit a nerve with young Trax. To say he brought the fire with his first promo would be an understatement. Like I said before I will give credit where credit is due. Some of my facts might be a bit mixed up but it don't change the fact that I'm still going to fuck you up in Tokyo Trax! You and everyone like to throw my fifteen years experience in my face. What was it you have never met anyone in your twenty four years as incompetent as me? Wow harsh words from a wannabe X-man! What is this shit about you having “special” powers and shit, but now since Lane kicked your ass, they are just gone? Did you drink toxic sludge or were you bit by a spider? Oh that's right some doctor dude did some experiments on you and blammo you are a super hero. LMAO what kind of fool do you think I am? This is the real world Trax and not some stupid fucking comic book that a five year old would read!

So I botched my return Trax? Everything that happened at Snow Job was a miscommunication...well everything but you losing that pretty belt of yours LMFAO! The only one who should be upset about Snow Job is you mother fucker! You lost to the walking herpes awareness billboard dumb ass! You can call me all the names in the book Trax, it don't change the fact that we meet inside a wrestling ring again, and this time I will stop at nothing to make sure you don't get up again! Believe the Hype Trax!

Lastrange! So I see your hanging with a cross dressing Adam Wednesday. Your gimmick is you're The Stranger? How can you be a stranger dumb ass you have been in the XWF for like 6 months. We all know who you are. You're one step away from being the creepy homeless dude behind Walmart who drinks his own piss. you drink your own piss? Anyway...I'm also led to believe that your some kind of a murdering beast? I'm sure you have a few warrants for murder if that is true so good luck flying into Tokyo you stupid mother fucker! But if by some chance you are a homicidal manic with a Jekyll and Hyde personality and some ancient ability to come back from the dead, then I hope that guy shows up on February 10th, because that might be the only chance you have at beating me!

Knock Knock...come on in Stranger, ain't know body afraid of your bitch ass! Wednesday Night Warfare is a awaking for me and step one on my road to remediation. You and Trax will have to fucking kill me if you want to win this match. When a man has nothing left to lose he becomes very dangerous. My back is against the wall and just like a cornered animal I will lunge for the fucking jugular and win by any means necessary! Believe the Hype Lastrange!

The Great Entertainer requires a sacrifice. He lives for the taste of human blood and it's up to his minions to retrieve him said blood. After I destroy these two in the Tokyo Dome I will feed their broken bodies to my master! He has resurrected me and gave me a new lease on life. The least I could do is give him more souls to take back to hell with him! I will not fail you this time master!

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