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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Worlds Greatest Dad :)
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Carnage Offline
The Crimson Maniac

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

01-17-2016, 07:40 AM

OOC: Any dialogue in brackets is spoken in Spanish but for readers sake, translated to English.

The scene opens in in the dead of night in Mexico City, the city where the upcoming Wednesday Warfare will be taking place. The streets are quiet and empty save for what appears to be a lone woman walking down the street The woman is clutching at her long beige winter coat as the the weather is unusually cold and bitter. As she goes to walk past an alleyway a shadowy figure steps out from the darkness brandishing something that glistens in the moonlight, a knife! The man, who is wearing a black hooded coat concealing his face, grabs the woman and pulls her into the alleyway holding the knife to her throat.

Man:: ( Give me your all your money woman... or I kill you!)

The woman, out of bravery, instinct, stupidity, depends who you ask, kicks the mugger in the El Cajones and makes a run for it , running further into the alleyway as the man cries out almost dropping his knife. He sprints after her and unfortunately for the woman who is wearing 6 inch stilettos heels it doesn't take him long to catch up to her, grabbing her by her hair and slamming her face first against a wall.

( Please, no I'm sorry, just take my money! Don't hurt me!!!!)

( Too late for that stupid bitch! You want to touch my balls do you? I'm going to do more than steal from you now!)

The woman tries to scream but the man places his arm thats holding the knife around her throat and presses her face against the wall, and while using his body to hold her against the wall, unbuckles his belt and unzips his pants with the other hand.The woman's pleas are muffled as the man reaches up under her coat and skirt and pulls down her panties as the woman struggles to no avail as the man lifts up her coat and skirt exposing her bare ass.

(Should of just handed me your money, you've asked for this!)

(Am I interrupting something!?)

The man turns around to see another man, also hooded, leaning against the wall a few meters away arms crossed observing the attack. The mugger removes his arm from the woman's neck and punches her in the back off the head, she slumps onto the ground unconscious as the mugger pulls up his jeans and walks towards the other man leaning against the wall rather nonchalantly, brandishing the jagged knife in his hand.

( You'll turn around and walk away if you know whats good for you, this doesn't concern you! Don't turn yourself into a victim)


The man quietly cackles, and walks towards the man holding the knife.

( Its not ME who has to worry about becoming a victim! I'm here to have some FUN!!!)

(You're crazy, and you're going to die tonight because of it.)

The man charges with the knife at the other man and swings with it, who casually ducks under the swing and grabs the mans legs hoisting him up and then planting him with what almost looks like a spin buster. The second man then mounts the mugger and starts wailing on him with a series of bunches as the knife that the mugger dropped when he got taken down lays inches away from them both. The mugger sees it and grabs it going to thrust it into the other mans chest but the man grabs his arm with both hands while still mounting him and wrestles the knife out of the mans grip. The second man then begins to repeatedly stab the mugger with his own knife causing him to scream in pain ,in the chest, neck, face, repeatedly with complete silent malice as blood begins to pool out of the mugger and would be-rapist as his body goes limp and lifeless, dead eyes rolling in the back of his cold face. The second man gets off the mugger, still holding the knife, covered in blood as he approaches the woman who is now regaining consciousness and turns to look at the man approaching her while rubbing the back of her head.

( saved me? Thank you...thank you so much!)

The woman goes to pull up her knickers, her mascara running down her face from her previous sobbing. The man shakes his head.

(Keep them panties down woman!)

The woman becomes motionless, her face going white as he stares up at the man who she thought to be her savior.

( What? What do you mean, why?)

( What do you mean "why?" didn't you hear me before!? I'm here to have some FUN!!!!!)

The man advances on the woman, who lets out a blood curling scream as the man laughs hysterically.


Few hours later.

The scene opens back up in the alleyway but this time there are forensic officers everywhere and two dead bodies on the ground with white sheets covering them, a " CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS" tape sections off the entrance to the alleyway where a small crowd of people are gathered nearby, police standing by the tape blocking off the parameter, telling them to get back as they try to get photos and videos to upload on their social media accounts. An aged Hispanic man in a brown trench coat shows his Detective ID to the police and passes through lifting the tape up as he approaches the scene of the crime. One of the forensic officers walk up to the detective.

(Detective Fernandez)

(Officer. What do we have here?)

(Two victims, male and female, multiple stab wounds, especially on the male victim, and signs of blunt trauma on both bodies.Multiple signs of a struggle, and we've already found traces of semen on the woman so sexual assault is apparent, attack believed to have happened just a few hours ago...the bodies are still warm)

The detective walks over to the sheet thats covering the male body and lifts it up slightly peeking under. He audibly gasps and drops the sheet stepping back.


(I'm fine, been a good few years since I've seen a body mutilated that badly though, looks like theres a deranged serial killer on the loose here in Mexico City, wonderful)

The detective pulls out a box of cigs and lights one as the officers continue to analyse the crime area as the scene fades.

The scene opens up once again inside a downtrodden, grimy, scarcely lit apartment bathroom. A man stands topless in front of the the sink basin washing his hands, his back towards the camera giving it a good look of the mans noticeably scarred back. The man finishes washing his hands and turns the tap off, grabbing the nearby towel so he can dry his hands,the man then rubs his face with the towel, which we still can't see because the camera is still behind him, before placing the towel over his head and sitting on the edge of the grey and rusted bath, head still bowed and hidden.

Hey again XWF! Miss me!? Its the man you are very soon going to get more acquainted with... CARNAGE here, back again to address my very first victim in XWF who has came out and had a couple of things to say to me, how exciting, lets see...where to begin!? I'll start by saying this, Scully your justifications and excuses are laughable. You're a terrible liar, and believe me I should know. You show us a clip of your match at War Games to disprove my accusations that you were not "just there", but in the clip you showed you don't really even do much except get shot by The Pest , thats the most entertaining thing you did that match, getting shot, hahahaha, go you? You said, and I quote.

Quote: I'm not one for making excuses, it's plain to see that I was cruising until Pest interfered. I was cruising and i had mental health issues

So you admit you was on cruise control then, you said it! The words came out of your mouth! You was "cruising" i.e you was really doing fuck all and didn't play a factor in the match at all, you was on the winning team, but you didn't influence that out come whatsoever.You was too busy on the floor crying because Pest gave you a boo boo in your leg, fucking pussy!

I called you a liar and here is why, mental health issues? Now I have no Mental Health or Psychologist knowledge or expertise, or maybe I do, wink wink, but I'm calling you out and calling your mental health issues bullshit! A poorly thought out gimmick! Thats right, when you first started here in XWF you was as you are now, a loser with a somewhat fully functioning brain, and then you just oh so suddenly went ? But now low behold you're cured! You're back to normal again!? All bullshit, what sort of mental illness was that then Scully? Doesn't sound like any Intellectual Disability I've ever heard of, Doctors around the world must be baffled by your case! The first and only man in the world to suddenly go from normal to back to normal again just as easily? It takes months, years, for people to develop mental issues like the one you had, and years for people to overcome them. You are the first person in history to go from normal to to normal again in the span of two years. Thats fishier than the smell coming from between your girlfriends legs!

You want to know what I think? Probably not, but I'll tell you anyway. I think your "Mental Health" issues was really just you trying out some sort of gimmick you was hoping would make you unique and stand out from the crowd and when it back fired because you realized nobody was taking the "Resident " seriously, you scrapped it and went back to being the real you, a normal bottom feeder instead of a one! You're an insult to legit mentally ill individuals everywhere! A fraud, you should be ASHAMED!

I mean... I've done worse, MUCH worse, but I'M not the one acting like they're morally sound am I? Hahahahahahaha.

Moving on.

Quote:If my opponent, the newbie has been paying attention the whole time like he makes out, he would have seen a few things. Those things being when that little turd, Frodo tried to give me grief, he ended up shitting himself in my locker room which was full of Papa John boxes. Did he do anything in revenge? No!
I challenged Pest to an Inferno match and never got a definite answer. During that time, before Pest even responded, Ghost Wank opened his mouth only to be owned by me, he ran away. I still offered him out but he wasn't man enough, I'm still gonna slap that bitches face even if he has now cowardly retired. Pastor Wright tried the same, where is he now? Last we seen him, he was unconscious and got tattooed with numbers '666.' Vanessa Gibson, shoved a Dildo up her vagina after I owned her. Tush did a 360 in his wheelchair and jizzed on black Tush, after he got all excited over being verbally abused by me. The fact is... I back my shit up!

Oh but I HAVE been paying attention and I think you puffing out your chest acting all macho talking about "owning" people and people running shit scared from you is adorable. You back your shit up? Lets take a look at the people you've been "owning" and causing to duck you then huh. Pest was YOUR old leader, a man who speaks in riddles and never gives anyone a straight answer, the guy isn't all there, in fact he's straight up nuts... I'm a fan! He probably didn't accept because he pitied your sniveling ass. Shooting you at War Games? That was just tough love hahahahah! You was the son figure he took under his wing and you didn't amount to jack shit, you're a disappointment to him and yourself and the entire XWF and if you faced him in an inferno match it would've been a forgone conclusion so why would he bother? The guy is more interested in chaining up Robbie Bourbon in some weird homo-sexually suggestive S&M shit...and I don't blame him! Frodo Smackins? Just a worthless midget who is just as much in the " just there" category as you are, his crowning achievement in XWF? Being The Doctors henchman. Hey you two have something in common! You were both bag carriers for walking fossils who were better in the ring! Hahahahah! Are you seriously gloating about owning Ghost Tank too!?! My God you are grasping at straws here, name someone who HASN'T owned Ghost Tank either in the ring or verbally backstage....mostly everyone has I know that and I've just got here! Name someone who has LOST to Ghost Tank, hardly anyone has, but YOU have because you're shit! Plain and simple... and no gimmick change will EVER change that!!!

Pastor Wright? Vanessa Gibson? Who the fuck are they?

Tush? Wait, the old disabled guy in the wheelchair? You're bragging about owning HIM!?


Do you know how PATHETIC you sound?

You named a bunch of people you've owned and only arguably one of them is credible, congratulations!

Fucking loser... I'm sooooo intimidated! Sike!

Moving on once again!

Quote:My opponent thinks his presence is going to change the whole complex of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation, the whole XWF is going to be full of Carnage? What I've seen so far is more like, Garbage. Carnage is Garbage.

"Carnage is Garbage" OH SHIT you've got me, Carnage...rhymes with Garbage! #rekt'd as our special guest referee Lucas and his tag team partner Fernandos would say! Are you even trying with these insults? You said it with such CONVICTION as well, as if you just pulled out the burn of the year, and not a insult I'd expect a fucking three year old to say, when your kid turns four, get him to ghostwrite your promos for you. Seriously. I'm more than a painted up hyena as you put it Scully! I can go in that ring as you and everybody else will soon witness, OK well we'll be on a rooftop for our match not a ring, but it makes no difference! I can pull off high flying moves you can't even dream off, I can brawl with the best of them, I can dish out pain expertly with my bare hands and feet or a variety of weapons and take pain just as great! Don't let my consistent laughter fool you, when its time to go to work, I leave the laughter and jokes in the promos sucker. So with that said.

Quote:I don't underestimate Carnage, in fact I am at a disadvantage.

You're damn skippy you're at an disadvantage, but not because you know little about me, if you was a competent wrestler, you wouldn't NEED to know anything about me.The reason you're at a disadvantage is because I'm simply better at you at this in every single way, especially in extreme brawl situations like the match we find ourselves in. Oh and for all your blabbering about me not paying attention, I find it cute you spoke about my POSSIBLY fabricated story and spoke on it as if it was 100% confirmed real. I even said it may be completely made up, were YOU not paying attention!? Maybe that life story I gave was true, maybe its not, maybe if it was a false story I'll reveal my true identity and origins a later date, maybe I won't. You won't be around to hear the truth though, not after I throw you off a rooftop and watch you go SPLAT on the ground and make you go from a deadbeat father to just straight up DEAD!

I'm not obsessed with Trax silly! I mentioned him because he was in both of your last two biggest matches, he does have a shiny gold trinket I like the look of and wouldn't mind getting my hands on though, all in good due time! And OK I made a joke about his knee caps, but have you even SEEN how black they are!? Does he even wear knee pads? I can't tell! Who knows! Its a mystery, almost a bigger mystery as how you amazingly managed to develop and recover from a mental illness which takes other people a lifetime to be cured of if they ever DO get cured, yeah I'm bringing that up again, fucking fraud!

Quote:Being in an Xtreme Championship match with Trax and Morbid isn't either, although both have a lot of credit here. But winning the tag titles by beating Gator and Justin Sane is prob one of my most happy memories.

A fluke win which lead to one of the most forgettable tag team titles runs in XWF history is your happiest memory!? Says a lot about you. Then again you are the same guy who boasts about owning Ghost Tank so I know you don't have a lot of memories to be happy about.

Quote:Carnage spoke about my defenseless baby cuz he is that much of a man? Leave the kid alone. When Aston is two, I might get him to slap the make up off your face, if your still around, which is highly unlikely. You're the type of bitch who last two months around here.

Oh I will leave your kid alone, I don't hurt or kill children. I don't RAPE them either, isn't that what you do? Isn't that what that Vanessa bitch had a period fit backstage about? You raping some underage girl? And you're a father now? Jesus even I find that worrying thats how you know its bad! No wonder Pest took you under his wing, you kiddie fiddlers got to stick together! Oh but wait did Pest force you to rape that girl? Due to the fact you was still sporting that fake mental illness at the time I guess thats a good excuse! You sicken me, you act like this upstanding citizen, this respectable father and wrestler, when really you're just as much as a monster as I am, you just don't have the spine to admit it! Oh and I'll be here longer than two months, I'm here for the long haul baby! Even if I WAS only here for two months I'd probably accomplish more than you have in nearly TWO YEARS. You're a failure of a wrestler, just like you're going to be a failure of a father. Thats why you turned up drunk to your kids birth right!? To wash away the feeling of hopelessness and shame. Shame that you've bought a kid into this world and he's going to have to watch you fail over and over and over again because no matter how hard you try you just can't get the job done. Shame that you know your kid will never be able to respect you or take you seriously, why would they? Nobody else does hahahahhaha! And when you get torn apart by this "newbie" that'll be the final nail in the badly crafted coffin that was your XWF career and its bye bye "Scull Meister", the first victim of Carnage, the first of many.

I will be leaving my mark in this company regardless what you say or do leading up to our match and during. And after our match, when they're picking your battered defeated carcass off the ground and I proceed to tear through the rest of the roster like a fucking tornado you'll know I wasn't bluffing. I warned you all already,wrestlers of XWF... RUN!!! Run while you can! But its too late for YOU Scully!!! I'm already coming for you,and when I get my hands on you, the only thing people will remember you as after is a victim, a failure...and the worst dad ever!!!!! Buh bye for now! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Carnage gets off the edge of the bath standing up and walks out the bathroom head still bowed so his face currently unpainted is concealed,as he gets close to the camera he puts his hand over it and kills the feed bringing the scene to an end.

[Image: 6vqP0NA.jpg]

Credit for the banner goes to MORBID ANGEL!
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