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The Prophecy
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Elisha Offline
Don't go down to the woods tonight.

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09-07-2015, 06:52 AM

"Guess what son? You get to fight in War Games with uncle Eli!"

"I-I will mmake you pr-prow-proud Mo-mo-moo-moo-momma. I will de-destroy them f-for you."

"And your opponents are stupid heads!"


"Why don't you tell me where you've been, Elisha." This would be the third time Eli pushed me to see a doctor, or more specifically a psychiatrist. This one didn't have age on him like the previous one did. I can almost sense he's a charmer - a ladies man - by the way he dresses and speaks. His voice brings a calmness and is at a perfect pitch. I take it he's not hurting for money by the way he dresses and smells. This young man has everything going for him which leaves me to wonder why he's with Eli James. A better question to ask yourself is why is he having to deal with my crazy ass problem.


My name is Eric Rex. Well, it use to be. I was a former armed forces man who simply came to be hired to get business done - for money. I got caught up in adopting a young girl named Lacey. Eli James turned everyone against me and pushed me into a dark corner, and I became this. I'm a mysterious creature that never seems to have a quiet mind. When things get quiet, I get wild.

Many months ago, I left Eli James and his whole army to do what I wanted to do. I was free from his mind tricks and I set out on an adventure with Lacey, except Lacey couldn't shake off the spell Eli had put on her. My beautiful young daughter continued to be confused when talking to me. She would say the strange, "Son" but quickly stop with a puzzled look on her face like the memories were haunting her. She corrected herself by saying, "Dad," which forced me to wonder what she was going through. I thought she had forgotten everything that happened with Elisha and Lacey. I guess I just wanted us both to forget everything and to go to living a normal life. She would be my daughter and I would be her father, but our minds were fucked up. I think deep down we both knew there was no going back to normal. It was just a matter of time before the "us" that is buried deep within our soul would come rising back and lead us to our true father.

It was a Wednesday. Nothing strange happens on a Wednesday - I mean, it's hump day! Lacey and I were riding a train reading to sight see the world after saving up from our crappy jobs. She looked bored, but pretended to be interested in these fun games that were made for kids her age; I knew she was faking it. I would catch a glimpse at some of the readings going on about these Blood Moons and signs for the end of times. Hell, Donald Trump was running for President so maybe these authors are onto something about this end of times thing. It humored me. I also tried to listen in on all these conversations that were going on. Some were boring with chats about clothes, style or things of that nature, but then there were these talks about the end of days. I wasn't really a believer in all this talk; I thought it was nonsense, but I listened for my entertainment.

A few hours went by and the sun was going down. I dozed off and all I could hear is his damn voice saying a name I never wanted to hear again, "Elisha." My mind would take me back to being stuck in Eli's barn with no one around and... it doesn't matter. I don't want to go back to those memories. And yet, when I heard Eli's voice in my dreams calling my name, I felt like a dog who hasn't seen his master in such a long time but then.... bam. The master walks in and says the name. The dogs tail wags like crazy. It's hard to explain how I really felt because I hated Eli due to all the things that happened, but I also loved him for who he was and what he taught me. I finally woke up and Lacey was just looking out the window at the big full moon. She didn't look tired but I could tell she was in deep thought.

"Lacey? What are you doing? You should be getting some rest and sleeping."

"I will so.. dad. I'm just not tired at the moment."

"You okay? Something bothering you sweety?"

"No. I'm just thinking. I'm okay."

She was damn smart for her age. She had to know I knew something was wrong, but I wasn't going to pry it out of her. Unfortunately for Lacey, she had to grow up too fast. I put her into a wild situation with Wallace Witastick, the fake adoption, and the whole Eli James deal. Still, I think she was satisfied with how everything turned out in our lives but something was missing. I really wish I could help her.

I watched Lacey and she watched the moon. This went on for several hours until I dozed off again.

I began to feel some strong bumps on the tracks and people were carrying on in conversation. I heard Lacey's voice and another mans voice talking. The sun started to hit my eyes so I had to choice but to try and wake up.

"Well, look who decided to join us"

"What the hell are you doing here?"

It was like time stood still for hours as I looked at Eli James. He was actually sitting across from me in the flesh with a big grin across his face. The last time we saw each other, I knocked him for a good loop and we left him out to die. He looked like nothing bad ever happened between us and it was back to the old Eli and Eric team. I knew better. Hell, Lacey knew better. Something had to give but Eli was a tough son-of-a-bitch to read.


"Listen, Elisha. Eli needs you for War Games. Eli wants you to return home to fulfill some prophecy. I need to know are you ready for this battle in a cage? We have to make sure."

Elisha is sitting on the floor coloring pictures from a My Little Pony coloring book - trying to. He starts to mumble as the doctor just watches him try his best to be precise with his colors, then her voice is heard. Lacey is standing in a far off corner with her back towards the doctor and Elisha.

"My son was prepped for this time, Doctor. I wish you'd learn that by now - you and Eli James. You think he's scared of getting in a cage? My son is a former tag team champion; a former television champion - and he beat a man who looked to be unstoppable at the time; a former trio champion. My son destroyed so many people and he will destroy again. Ain't that right Elisha?"

Elisha tilts his head to the left as he brings it up to look at the doctor in the eyes for the first time. This doctor doesn't have the same fear in his eyes than the previous doctors who tried to help Elisha had. The two look at each other.

"Yes, Elisha?"

"I-I-I-I- H-Hung-Hungry! R-R-R-R-Raw!"

"You mean War? Are you saying war backwards?"

"Hehe, oh Doctor! My son ain't talkin' about war right now. He's hungry and he loves his meat .... raw."

Elisha springs up quickly and runs toward a closed window, and jumps through it. The glass shatters everywhere as he runs outside to hunt for some food. Lacey turns from the wall and looks out the broken window to watch her dad son go hunt for some food - raw food. She has a big smile on her face, but the doctor - not so much. The doctor stands beside Lacey watching the wild beast hunt prey for his liking.

"Imagine what he's gonna do in war, Doctor."

"And can his teammates trust him, Lacey? None of them have ever known your son nor Eli James. Speaking of Eli, can he trust you and Elisha after .. well you know .. the past?"

"Oh doctor! You're funny. You should know that Eli don't dw.."

"Dwell on the past. Hehe. Right you are Lacey."

Eli comes from nowhere and stands beside both the Doctor and Lacey.

[Image: 2b6d4bc0-f04e-46fe-98b2-4584c5178299_zps1fa4586d.jpg]
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