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Lancelot Smith
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Lancelot Smith

XWF FanBase:
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09-04-2015, 08:25 PM


In-Ring Name: Lancelot Smith

Wrestler's Real Name: Unknown - Presumed to be Lancelot Smith

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New Member

Wrestler Date of Birth: Unknown. Possibly the 12th century. Character is 30 years old.

Height: 6'

Weight: 250 LBS

Hometown: Camelot, England

Personality: Goofy tourist

Alignment Heel

Looks Description: Lancelot has long flowing blonde hair. He is muscular, but has a thin frame.

Ethnicity: British

Pic Base: [Image: tumblr_n9n6rzSiKH1sngym8o1_500.png]


Strengths: Physically strong and determined

Weaknesses: Gullible, will allow an opponent to recover

Entrance Theme Music: "We Will Rock You" by Queen

Special Entrance (if any):

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Torture Rack
Running STO
European Uppercut (Cesaro Style)
Rolling Elbow
Chicken wing
Mule Kick

Trademark Move(s):
Description(s): The Joust

Finishing Move(s):
Description(s): Lancelot will get ready in the corner as the opponent is down, he runs toward them and delivers a big boot, more aimed at running through them to give the illusion of jousting

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots:
Kendo Stick Jousting

Additional notes:
It is unknown whether or not Lancelot is REALLY a time traveller or not. He is accompanied by his manager,


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