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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
1. The origins of Chameleon and The Dope Show
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Chameleon Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-04-2015, 05:47 PM

The scene opens to reveal what appears to be a carnival. There is a vast number of people walking the carnival grounds to witness the oh so entertaining features of the strange and astonishing. There’s something different about this carnival however, it seems to be much darker and creepier than what any normal person would expect.

The camera used to film this event is not of the professional quality, it resembles a home camcorder, the REC. logo in the top left corner of the screen, the elapsed time at the bottom right, and the battery life logo at the bottom left. The camera person is making it a point to capture all of the scenery, the lights, the small children galloping as fast as their adolescent legs will allow. Prancing humans with tattered, clothing occupy the area as well, dreadlocks dancing through the air, magnificent glowing body paint, and glowsticks of all colors catch the wandering eye with ease.

The cameraperson, stricken by hunger walks to a nearby food trailer, having to stop abruptly to avoid a collision with an excited, young child. With a sigh of relief, the cameraperson approaches the counter.

A funnel cake please

The cameraperson’s voice reveals their gender to be male.

That’ll be $6.28

The transaction is made and the cameraperson walks away

The camera is kept on the record setting to catch the entire experience, after a short break at a nearby bench the cameraman continues to venture the carnival grounds.


The camera pans to reveal a tall man standing atop a small, trapezoid-like platform. Behind him, a red, velvet curtain.


Lizard man? Ive gotta see that.

The cameraman approaches the tall man atop the platform. With another payment, the cameraman is allowed admission beyond the curtain.

FREAK SHOW appears on a bright, sign as the first sight the camcorder captures. There are red velvet colored chairs in front of the main stage. As more wanderers venture beyond the curtain the room fills up, all chairs are now occupied. The tall man that was on the platform now enters as well. He slowly makes his way to center stage, his tall stature allows him to step upon the stage with ease. He turns to face the crowd.

What a lovely crowd. Who is ready to see breathtaking performances? Acts that will leave you pondering…questioning your sanity.

First I introduce to you, a talented individual to say the least, this is…Carter, and his lovely assistant Layla…

A Caucasian man wearing a trench coat walks onto the stage from a hidden room to the right of the stage. He is holding the hand of a ravishing, voluptuous young woman with wavy blonde hair. Not far behind the pair are two hooded individuals, one pushing a wheeled circular dartboard-like object, the other carrying a black messenger bag. Layla is helped onto the object, lying flat on her back in a vertical position. The other hooded individual reveals the contents of the messenger bag. Twelve long, curved daggers. He is handed two of them.

The two hooded individuals spin the female assistant in a circle on the object. To the crowds astonishment, Carter throws the first two daggers and misses succeeds in missing her.

Why don’t we make things a little more interesting?

One of the hooded assistants blindfolds Carter. He is handed the rest of the daggers two at a time and throws the remaining ten. He succeeds in missing Layla again, the wheel is stopped and Layla is helped off. The group leaves the stage as the audience provides a flurry of applause.

And next we have the worlds smallest woman Amita. She is a mere three feet tall, she wears a size two shoe.

A bathtub on wheels is pushed onto the stage by the same two hooded stagehands. The crowd is asked to form a single file line to walk onto the stage to gaze upon such a strange sight. The entire crowd is seated again and the bathtub is wheeled off of the stage.

Next we have the Hyde brothers…watch and enjoy.

Two identical twin brothers walk upon the stage, the stagehands wheel out a small table with shot glasses and bottles of alcohol on top. The brothers say nothing, they only both pour the alcohol into a shot glass for each of them and they each take a drink. They stare ominously at the crowd for a moment and in the blink of an eye lower their heads and raise them back up, appearing to breathe fire. The hooded stagehands walk onto the stage bringing with them large hoops. One of the stagehands sets the hoops on slim poles and one of the brothers breathes fire onto the hoop turning it into a flaming ring. The brother steps back and his twin begins to dive through the hoops the crowd looks on astonished as the twins switch places, allowing both brothers to showcase their athletic ability, avoiding the fire as they dive through the hoops ending in a roll and back on to their feet.

Lets give them a hand ladies and gentlemen!

The crowd claps heavily for the twins as they leave the stage, allowing a thin, young woman with raven, shoulder length hair to take the front and center position.

This is Tala, I will let her actions speak.

The battery life on the home camera is begging to run rather low.
Tala is brought a rapier from one of the hooded stagehands and she raises it into the air, showing it off to the crowd. She then opens her mouth slightly and tilts her head back and raises the thin blade high, pointing downward. The crowd gasps in anticipation as the young woman lowers the rapier slowly down her throat. She then begins to raise and lower the sword in a hastened pace. She stalls with the blade still down her throat. Both stagehands walk onto the stage both wielding a rapier. They both, at the same time, lower the blades down the young woman’s throat. She dips her body forward, fully displaying her mouth, now open wide, with three rapiers, fully lowered to the handle down her throat. She stands upright again and takes the three blades out one by and the crowd gives a standing ovation.

She and the stagehands leave the stage and the tall man walks out again.
At this time two men walk into the room, drawing almost no attention other than the cameraman, shifting the camcorder to their presence. The men are rather opposing in stature, they watch the show ominously remaining quiet.

Now for the grand finale, ladies and gentlemen please follow me. Come on don’t be shy. Let us all go and see the lizard man.

The tall man leads the crowd behind the curtain, appearing to be from where all of the performers entered from. Everyone enters a dimly lit room containing a large vivarium. The audience looks on in anticipation, the two strange men who entered late to the same, with their hands on their chins.

Leaves begin to move , branches begin to shake and a man walks out of the greenery. Reptilian qualities are present, greenish scale like skin. The crowd gasps in awe……

Many thanks to all of you, be sure to join us next time. You never know what kind of new acts we will acquire here at the freak show.

In a flurry of mumbled voices the crowd leaves to continue their journey on the carnival grounds. The two strange men stay loosely behind and sneak back behind the curtain. The cameraperson follows in a curious act.

The lizard man steps out of a sliding glass door and is greeted by the two strange men. They introduce themselves as CJ Sharpe and Anthony Steele. The cameraperson goes unnoticed, crouching behind a set of supply crates. Their conversation can be heard.

CJ: Your get-up is pretty interesting. Whats your name?

Call me Chameleon

CJ: You seem like you’ve been doing this too long man, you don’t enjoy this do you?

Anthony: All of these people gawking at you for cheap entertainment…

CJ: You are an interesting character man, why don’t you venture into something greater?

Chameleon: Like what?

Anthony: Wrestling

Chameleon: You want me to wrestle? Giving it a shot couldn’t hurt.

CJ: You can’t be happy doing this man, its time you left The Freak Show and joined The Dope Show.

Anthony: So what do you say? Are you in?

Im in

The camcorder’s battery dies……

*a phone rings*

Don’t be late

A new scene opens revealing Anthony Steele, CJ Sharpe and Chameleon standing on an empty, quiet street corner at night.

Chameleon: So…describe to me the peasants we are due to compete against.

CJ: This group, the Dangerous Alliance. They have been giving us some problems. Monday night on madness we are going up against Dean Moxley McGovern, Frodo Smackins, Darren Dangerous, and Pringle Boi 187. They have been calling us The Dick Show. Nothing would make me happier than shutting Darren Dangerous’s mouth once and for all.

Anthony: These guys are losers. Let me tell you both something about Darren Dangerous.

He is a worthless drunk who is doomed to lick the bottom of the wrestling barrel for the rest of his sad, pitiful career.

The Dope Show is going to crash into XWF like a pair of balls against Amanda Hands’s chin.

CJ: You joining The Dope Show automatically puts a target on your back, if you are with us, you are against them. They are going to come for you, Chameleon.

Chameleon: We have an ally…..

CJ: Yes, its Fontanna. I have full confidence in him, I know he is going to be right next to us every step of the way.

CJ scoops a handful of small gravel and debris from off of the ground beneath him.

CJ: Besides, The Dangerous Alliance is already crumbling

CJ grinds the gravel in his hand and lets go, the debris is gently taken with the soft wind around them.

Anthony: There is no way Darren’s crew is walking away with a victory on madness. The kind of shit they are talking as enough to make it to where they don’t even walk out of madness alive.

Chameleon: It is clear to me that The Dangerous Alliance’s definition of dangerous is completely different than ours. On Monday, the Dangerous Alliance will have to answer to The Dope Show, we will punish them unmercifully, ears will be deaf to their pleas, there will be no remorse….

No sympathy

In the mean time, let their own foolish words sever their lying tongues.

CJ: The Dope Show is here to stay.

Anthony: After madness, there will only be room for us to grow, we are becoming a legion. Ill tell you something else too. The Dope Show is going to take all of the gold. No champion is safe. The tag team titles, the Xtreme title, the Hart title and the Universal title will all fulfill their destinies and find their way around The Dope Show’s waist.

Chameleon: All there is to do is wait now. Wait for our hands to be held high in victory. Let us retire for the evening.

Anthony: Ok, we will stay in touch. Come on CJ, lets go.

CJ: Na man, im gonna take a walk and clear my head. I know he is already ugly, but when I get my hands on Darren, he is going to have a face not even a mother could love.

The three men depart. The moon’s glow allows the scene to end with CJ Sharpe venturing off into the night.
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