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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 2
Birth of the Beast!
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Fontanna Offline
I told you SO!!!


XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

07-30-2015, 10:09 AM

The front door burst open! Freddy damn near chokes on his fried chicken as he turns to see what happened. An obviously drunk Pastor Davies had fallen through the front door and was scrambling back to his feet. He grabs Mrs Davies by the neck and slams her up against the wall. Freddy ducks and slides under the table...

"Not here too!" He thought to himself as tears began to flow from his eyes. Pastor Davies begins to scream...

You think I wouldn't find out Bitch! HUH??? Did you????

He tosses her across the room and reaches for the bottle of scotch on the table. He twist the top and takes a hearty swig of this brown nectar. He then slumps against the wall, half sitting, half standing but all the way drunk.

What's the worst part is he was my FUCKING BROTHER! How could you do this to me...HOW??

He stumbles back toward a crying Mrs Davies. Picks her back up to her feet by her hair and then smacks her across the face. Her beautiful angel skin now broken and bleeding. Freddy let out a scream "STOP!!!!!" Pastor Davies drop's his wife and turns his fiery red eyes towards Freddy. He B lines right towards young Freddy, dragging him from under the table. He was so close to Freddy that he could smell the bourbon on his breath...

Who the fuck are you? Betty...Who is this fucking kid?

He is just a boy Richard! Please don't hurt him!

Mr. Davies smiled a devilish half smile. He then slammed young Freddy back into the seat he was sitting on eating his meal. Freddy so wished they could go back to that moment. The food, it tasted like it fell fresh from heaven. The sweet tea was perfect and refreshing, but now...well now it's all ruined. Mr. Davies grabbed a roll of duct tape and begins to secure young Freddy to the chair.

Well my boy! You're in for a show tonight!

Freddy's mouth had been taped shut so he couldn't scream. Mr Davies smack's his wife around some more. Each hit getting stronger and harder. Freddy wanted so bad to help her as she did for him. He wanted to make her pain stop! He felt helpless and anger began to boil in the pit of his stomach. All he could think about at that moment was revenge...but the show wasn't over! Mr Davies grabbed a pizza cutter from the counter...

This is how you treat lying whores boy!

Mr. Davies plunged the cutter into the side of Freddy's angel neck. The blood began to splutter as he sliced her jugular in half. She gasped for air as the blood filled her lungs. Drowning her from the inside out. Freddy let out a muffled scream as she fell lifeless to the floor. Mr. Davies begins to cry as he lay's slumped over his wife's body.

Father forgive me! I am not worthy of this badge you've given me. Please have mercy on my broken soul!

He plunges the cutter into his own neck and like a mad man cut's his own throat in half. The blood sprays every where, including the face of young Freddy Fontanna. He stares soulless at his fallen angel in front of him covered in her own blood. One solo tear falls out of his left eye. Fontanna sat there for hours until the cleaning lady came the next morning.

]By the next morning the quiet little farm house was covered with police officer. Fontanna is sitting on the front porch swing. Mr. Davies blood still splattered on his face. A young detective dressed in a tan suit walks up to Freddy...

Young man...your mother is here to get you.

Freddy's mom comes running around the corner. Playing the concerned mother role, rushing over to hug her son. She leads him to the family station wagon and buckles him in the back seat. She slides into the driver spot and locks the doors. She light's up a pall mall non filtered and let's out huge puff of smoke...

Well you really screwed up now didn't you Loser! You just wait till we get home. Your going to wish you died in there with those people!

Freddy let's out a devilish grin as he pulls out the pizza cutter from his pocket as we fade to black...

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