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Dustin Diamond Drake
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Dustin Diamond Drake Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

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Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

07-24-2015, 10:27 AM

In-Ring Name: Dusty Diamond Drake, Triple D

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Dustin Diamond Drake

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New

Wrestler Date of Birth: 03/24/1990

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 265

Hometown: Currently residing in New York, NY.
From Black Pool England

Personality: DDD is a Like a Rock Star, that will do whatever it takes to win a match especially if it concerns a title, he will also stop at nothing to win a tittle match giving it all he can in doing so, He is good with minds games. Dustin is a man with a lot of heart and he will never give up even if it cost him his life or career. Dustin wears a black Leather Heavy Matel style Tights with spikes and stud, a sleeveless Iron Maiden t shirt. He Wares a Long black tranche coat down to the ring and removes it before the match starts.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Face

Looks Description: Dustin is very well Built, He has The Body Of a powerful high Flyer and Heavyweight Scrapper. He has styled Brown hair. Dustin also has Tattoo's on his forearms, arms, back and shoulders.

Ethnicity: White/British

Pic Base:
[Image: cxQUixG.jpg]

Strengths: Death Defining High Flying, Submissions, fast past hit and run, Speed and Balance, Quick snapping power moves, heavy hitting brawler

Weaknesses: Tends To take to many Chance with his High Flying, Hot Women.

Entrance Theme Music: "We Are One" by 12 Stones

Special Entrance (if any): The lights Of the Arena Go Dark As The song "We Are One" by 12 Stones plays through the arena, as a wall of gold and silver Sparkles flares drops consumes the stage. Then the centre of the wall of gold and silver Sparkle flares stops and Dusty Diamond comes out onto the stage with his hands and arms held up and out to the sides looking up into the darkness of the rafters as the arena fills with smoke fog, then he lowers his head from looking up at the rafters, he then looks at the crowd howling out he starts to make his way towards the ring as gold and silver flares light the way down to the ramp to the ring area. When Dustin Diamond gets to the ring he walks ups the steel stairs and up onto the turn buckle and stands on the top ropes as he once again howls out holding his arms out to his side looking up as gold and sliver pyrotechnics rain down upon him showering him in gold and silver sparks. He then back flips into the ring landing on his feet, as the one last explosion of gold sliver flames go off around the ring.

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:

1.Jump Kick
2.Flurry Of Kicks
3.Meat Hook Clothesline,
4.Flurry Of Punches
6.German Suplex,
7.Running Bulldog
8.Atomic drop
9.Dragon Sleeper
10.Ankle lock
11.Sharp Shooter
12.Super kick
13.Three Amigos,
14.Triple German Suplex
15.T-Bone Suplex
16.High kick
17. Mid Kick
18. Shining Wizard.
19.Spine Buster

Trademark Move(s):
1.The Gore
2.Rock Star Drop

The Gore: A High Impact Spear
Rock Star Drop: A Rock bottom

Finishing Move(s): Rock Star Plant
Description(s): DDD Grabs his Opponents By their under arms and the Jumps up in the Air the he Drives and Slams them face first into the ring mat.
Then her rolls them over and locks them in a pin

Secondary Finisher if applicable: Stage Dive
Description: Seton Splash Bomb from the Top Turn buck

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: Steel pipe, Kindo stick.
Spots: In the street, back stage, and in the ring.

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