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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1
Johnny and I pick up Tiffany and Georgie 1
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Ginger Snaps Offline
<3 Ginger <3

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

07-26-2015, 11:30 PM

Johnny and I are riding along in the cab, and I'm laying my head on his chest. He's brushing my shoulders.

I'm sorry you didn't win, baby.

I lay there, and enjoy the rubs.

It's ok, honey. I'm just glad I didn't get attacked like Morbid Angel or by Christoper Isles when I went and ate his pie. Omigod, babe, what if he poisoned me?

Johnny kisses my head.

You're fine. But, hey, I got you something while you were napping earlier.

He pulls a box out and shows it to me. It's red and rectangular. I open it slowly, and inside is a necklace with blue gems danging from it. I squeal. I look at it, and stare. Johnny chuckles as I do. I hold it up to the light, and watch the sparkles in the light. I like the sparkles. They look tasty. I decide to test this, by licking the gem, before putting one of them in my mouth.

What exactly are you doing, you odd little girl?

I turn to look at him, and pull it out of my mouth. I have a confused look on my face.

I was testing it. Different gems taste different. These are sapphires. They're not fake.

He strokes my hair before leaning in and kissing me on the head, and putting the necklace around my neck. He snuggles me in tightly. He kisses me right on the staples. It tickles. We spend the rest of the ride snuggled up, playing with each other's fingers in silence. We arrive at the airport, and get out of the car. I pull the sign out of the boot of the car, and head to the incoming section of the airport. I hold up my sign, it's on purple paper, written in a silver glitter pen I found earlier. Tiff, and Georgie come rolling into view. I jump up and down in excitement. I haven't seen Georgie in 2 weeks, I haven't gone this long without seeing him for two years.

George rolls towards me, I drop my sign, and run to him. I drop to my knees and hug Georgie. He kisses me on the cheek.

Hey, sis. How's it going?

I pull back, and show off my necklace.

Johnny got me this. Isn't it pretty?

Tiffany comes running over, and looks at it.

Hey, slut. How'd the new outfit go?

He thought I looked silly. He didn't think it fit me.

I pop to my feet, and we all head off to go collect Tiffany and Georgie's things from the baggage claim. We load their bags in the boot of cab, and head into the car. The four of us rode to the hotel where I had booked a room for them. I thought one room would be fine, so I only booked the one. I even had them send up some champagne for Tiff and Georgie. Johnny and I went back to our room, and I showered. Johnny changed, and I got all squeaky clean. I put my hair into a nice braid and tied a bow on it to match the adorable floral dress I had picked out for dinner.

I take us to this really fancy restaurant Johnny and I had been to the other day. It was really delicious, and well priced. George regaled us with the story of how he had beat one of his games in a single sitting. I remember when he and I would spend our weekends trying to do that, before he got sick. I never understood the games, but, I did it for him. He was my Prince George, and I did whatever he wanted because he needed his big sister to like the stuff he liked. It wasn't fun for him if I didn't. It was why I watched wrestling in the first place, why I joined here. Why I did everything I did in my life, up until I moved to England. That was for me. I was selfish, then.

I never told him, or Johnny, that part. I played it off like I wanted to get a place set up and have Georgie come live with me, but I wanted to be on my own for a while. I wanted to see what if t was like to be my own Ginger. And it was fun. I worked, I made friends, and I had a nice flat. I was saving to buy a nice car. I had a boyfriend, and he was nice to me. Not nearly as nice to me as Johnny, and I never loved him, or was as happy with him as I am with Johnny. But, then Georgie got sick, and our parents died. My boyfriend and I had just had a fight, and I told him I had to go home. He told me he was glad I was leaving, and that he was cheating on me with my flatmate. I went home and never looked back. I think about this as I stare off into the air at dinner.

You ok, babe?

I snap out of it and blink before realising where I am.

Oh, yeah. I just started thinking about the life Georgie, and I had before. We and him used to spend all weekend trying to beat some videogames. Mum thought it was cute, but dad would try and get us to go out to some work do with him. Or, off to watch the football match or something. Dad wanted us to be more into sports than we were. Remember the weekend he took us up to the wrestlers in the community centre, and you threw a peanut and the dude broke kayfabe to yell at you?

Haha. That stupid falcon dude. He was dressed as a giant falcon, and he thought it was cool to do high flying moves while screeching. You know, he turned out to be McGould's kid? That's why he got so mad, coz he always had a thing for you.

Really? Falcon was Tim McGould? I never knew. I just knew he screeched at you for like 30 minutes before the other man in the ring took a trash can to the back of his head. He went down, and then the ref called the match. The rest of the night was pretty boring. Except when dad went backstage, and changed to wrestle as The Iron Baker, and he came out dressed in that stupid chef's outfit he had, complete with spatula and rolling pin. He hurt his shoulder, and had to take two days off work because of it. But it was worth it.

We laughed, and shared stories from our past with Johnny. Tiffany told us about how when she was 12, and got into a fight with her mum over whether or not it was ok for her to wear make up, she ran away. She ran hard as she could, until it started raining out, and then she walked slowly, trying to find shelter. Daddy drove by on his way home from work, he stopped and picked her up. They went out for food, and ice cream. He talked to her about the problem, and she told him everything. He took her home, and stayed there until her and her mum were ok. Every year on her birthday he'd always get her something, like she were his own kid. I think he'd be happy to know about Georgie and her, I know mum would be. Johnny told us about his dad, and how he was some sort of businessman, and brought Johnny on a trip with him once. They went to New York, and took in a Broadway play. He let Johnny go to the Statue of Liberty, and lick it. Told Johnny that was Britain's payback for the war. We sit and chat proper all night, until the restaurant closes. On the walk back home, we're all laughing, and talking about the King Henry, I stumble. Tiffany helps me to my feet, and I look at her for a second.

What do you do for a living, Tiffany? You've never told me. You refuse to talk about it.

She looks at me and then laughs.

I work as a dealer at the dealership my dad owned with his brother. I sell used cars to old men. It's why I dress like I do.

We laugh and continue back to the hotel. George and Tiff go their room, and Johnny and I head to ours. I pour myself a Vodka Tonic while Johnny showers. After downing my drink, I check the website to see if anyone said anything. After I finish the work from my opponents, Johnny comes out, and we snuggle up as I set up to record a promo.

Hi,John, Maverick, Peter, Todd, and TJ! How's it going? Me? I'm ok. I just got back from a dinner with my brother, my boyfriend, and my best friend. They just got to America, and wanted to try some American Cuisine. We ate at some restaurant, it was ok. I'll tell you guys about it in my new series of blogs I'm thinking of doing, called Ginger Reviews America. I'm going to maybe put it on the XWF website, so check it out. If I do it. I'm still working on one. I met a really nice waitress in a diner the other day.

I want to talk to each of you, about things that we should have talked about before. I'm sorry I've been quiet, but my head has really hurt. John Black, I want to start with you. You wanted to tell us about you, and I feel bad that you're in hot water with your girlfriend. But, you shouldn't have cheated on her. Nor should you have gotten violent with her. Send her roses, and tell them both you're sorry. Then choose one and stay with her. Probably not the racist one, though.

Maverick, hi. We don't know each other, so don't say anything bad about me. I won't say anything to you if you do what's right, and keep quiet. Remember when I dominated my first match, and took Vinnie's title from him? I did it because he hurt my feelings. I hope you don't take it personal that I was invited to join the Pirate team, and Game Girl said she didn't want you on the team. What was with her poop deck joke?

TJ, I heard what you asked, and I wanted to answer your questions, and your concerns. Peter, and Dim are friends. Dim asks me to do that kind of stuff to do that for him because he's sad about his wife dying, and he's struggling because he's coming to terms with just learning that he's gay. Peter is my friend, he defends me sometimes, and I defend him. Yes, he did threaten to rape me, but he apologised for it, and told me he wouldn't rape me. I don't think that Dim is going to rape King Henry, King Henry isn't Trax. Dim is in love with Trax, so don't worry there. But, thank you for your concern. It means a lot to me that someone would try and protect me, but I don't need it. I'm pretty sure if push comes to shove, I can count on Peter to help me. We're friends, after all. Mr. Wallace, can I ask you something? Are you really worried about me, or are you just hoping I don't show up and then you get a chance to win my title?

Todd, Hi. You're not last. Yay! Listen, I think you're adorable, and I really don't believe that your friend Gator that you're going to die. I'll protect you, I promise. You'll be fine, I wouldn't let them hurt you, you marshmallow. Does it bother you, me calling you a Marshmallow? I hope we can be friends, later. I'll let you film me if you want, but not like that silly.

Peter, hey! How's it going? I'm sorry you had to kill that meanie Phantom, but I'm glad you survived. Peter, tell me the truth. We are friends, right? You're not just going to pretend to be my friend so you can hurt my feelings, are you? Because I'd be very hurt if that was the case. Peter, you and I, we're the only two walking into this thing as former Hart Champions. That doesn't give us an advantage, it's just a fun fact. We're awesome. Peter, can I tell you a secret?

I close my laptop camera, and lay on my bed awaiting Peter's answer. The ceiling is interesting, I watch it as I snuggle up close to Johnny, and he wraps a single arm around me. I slowly fall asleep.

[Image: aTUIZMN.png]

<3 Gator <3
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