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Plaster Pike Nike #141
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PlasterPikeNike141 Offline
Pendulum that swings between gay & str8

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

07-16-2015, 09:28 AM


In-Ring Name: Plaster Pike Nike #141

Wrestler's Real Name: LOL

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: LMAO

Wrestler Date of Birth: ROFLMFAO

Height: 6 ft 3 in (1.91 m)

Weight: 219 lbs (99 kg)

Hometown: Deep In Unknown Parts

Personality: Random unidentified asshole prick

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Hard to tell just yet

Looks Description: Seems like some random black bed sheets were just taken, cut eye holes into, and thrown over for disguise. Not very creative at all.

Ethnicity: Boogey

Pic Base: Somebody in black sheets


Strengths: Cheese

Weaknesses: Nuts

Entrance Theme Music: Airplane sounds

Special Entrance (if any): He walks out in black sheets and the lights dim. Now some black lights turn on and reveal all kinds of disgusting looking stains all over the sheets he's wearing.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
figure four around ringpost
abdominal stretch
sliding, kneeling uppercut
sliding, kneeling groin punch
splits to groin punch (ala Johnny Cage)

Trademark Move(s): Get down where you belong
Description(s): Throws opponent out of the ring and then pulls up the apron and shoves them under the ring where all the spare tables, ladders and tools are. He pulls the apron back down but grabs the steel steps to wait and at the first sign of the opponent's head poking back out from under the ring he smashes the steps down onto their head. Then he kicks them back under the ring and enters the ring to wait for the count out victory.

Finishing Move(s): Dash And Dine
Description(s): Irish whip to the far ropes but as the opponent comes back Plaster Pike Nike is already nowhere to be seen. The opponent is able to stop themself from running and as they look around for PPN, an enraged gorilla enters the ring and shakes the opponent like a rag doll until they're unconscious or deceased. PPN crawls out from under the ring and gives the gorilla a Philly Cheesesteak because that's what raging gorillas love to eat, and as the gorilla is happily enjoying the meal PPN pins the poor loser who got shook.

Favorite Hardcore Attacks: Grabs the opponent's nuts and just keeps yanking on them and won't let go. If it's a female, he reached into their panties or trunks or whatever and gets a good hook grip in their pussy and swings them around. If the female is on her rag, he licks up all the blood afterward and gives her a bill for his sheets that now need to be dry cleaned.

Additional notes: I'm exactly who you think I am *wink wink, nudge nudge*

[Image: wC350qC.jpg]
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