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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Frodo Motherfuckin Nuts
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Phil "Cm Punk" brooks Offline

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-11-2015, 05:42 AM

The Scene Opens as we see steve sayors is about to conduct an interview with XWF's Soon-to-be diva, AJ Lee. Lee however doesn't appearto be too impressed with sayors...

AJ: Steve,now is not really a good time to be speaking to me, my husband is a very jealous man and you donot want to anger him.

Steve Sayors:I just want to ask you a couple of questions AJ, seeing how you're in agreement to be XWF diva to warfare brand.

AJ:Sorry Steve I-


Sayors nearly jumps out of his shoes as AJ casually turns around to see her husband, CM Punk pop up from behind them as the crowd Boos loudly! Punk swipes the microphone away from sayor's hands as he glares at the interviewer with stone cold eyes.

CM Punk: Steve, don't you think you have better things to do around than trying to creep up on my wife? I've only been in this damn building for not even 10 minutes and already I feellike smacking the shit outta someone, and trust me when I say that that's not a good sign for everyone involved with MADNESS... including you steve!

Steve sayors:I apologize punk, I was just trying to get a word with AJ-

CM Punk:Nah-uh, nobody with have anything to do with my wife until they get permission from myself and myself only steve. AJ honey, go back to our lockerroom.

AJ obeys her husband as Punk closes in on steve sayors, sayors clearly worried that he angered CM Punk as Punk points a finger at his chest.

CM Punk:Let me make one thing perfectly clear steve. I don't like you. I don't like anyone talking to my wife and I sure as hell don't like you talking to my wife. If I ever see you approaching her again I will make you wish that you were never born in this God forsaken planet! DoI make myself clear steve, or do I have to get physical?

Steve tries to cower away from Punk but Punk pulls him forewards,allowing himself to smile a little bit as he continues to strike fear into sayors.

CM Punk:Where do you think you're going Stevens? Clearly you want an interview so if you don't mind I'd think that I would like to be your guest of honour for tonight, seeing how I have a couple of things to get off my chest anyways.

Sayors:S-sure Punk I would-

CM Punk:Good,I've just about had enough of listening to that Dwarf! I'm not leaving before I can unleash a few choice words for that fuck face who believe he actually have a chance in this match! I dont want to hear from him anymore because he is wasting everybody's time, in particular my own. I value my time and this entire ordeal has become one sick joke and I, forone, am going to do something about it

Steve Sayors:H-how so?

CM Punk:Well thank you for interrupting me steve. Anyways I was saying, I have a message to that poor bastard who dreams to walk away as a winner monday night.

Punk clears his throat and

Punk: First off,How wrong you are on so many levels frodo,your rebuttal towards me didnt even last 20 minutes and yet you already got many things incorrect.The very first which you asked about my whole straight-edge personna. See frodo, I hate a lot of things in this world but at the top of the list are those who question my beliefs and my lifestyle choices. That would be you, frodo, as if you're perfection personified. I guess you are a lap dog because that's what you've become. You do XWF managment's biddingand you don't ask questions. You tow the line, you do what's best for them and never once consider what you want. That's a lap dog, not what Straight-edge is all about. I choose to live a life with a clear mind and a healthy soul, not being controlled and manipulated by the vices that plague this world. I am proud of who I am and a lot more people should follow the example that I set. These crosses on my wrists are to spread awareness, to guide the lost on a path to freedom where you aren't restricted to suffering and wallowing in self pity. That's the pathetic life that you lead, ‘Smackins’, and that's why this is no doubt the low point of your XWF career. I'm not here to change you because the fact is you're a lost cause and I couldn't care any less than I do right at this very moment in time. See the reason I am out here is to put the entire world on notice when I create my own moment and outlast Every...single... men in this roster , further solidifying myself as the Best... in... the World!

Punk takes a breath and continues...

Punk: See,I just tell it how it is with no filter between my brain and my mouth. I'm the most honest man you've ever met in your entire life, so if that's nonsense to you then you claiming you'll win this match really doesn't have a leg to stand on. You saying you'll whip my ass monday night isn't just a disturbing thought but it's a threat that becomes increasingly more dull the closer ‘Madness’ is.So the fact I am in this match means the outcome has already decided. It offend the shit out of me when you say i‘m not dedicated to this biz, frodo,I’m not only guy who has quit and come back on multiple occasions. If I'm considered one of the most repeat offenders, you would be on that list right alongside me and don't pretend like that'snot the truth. The only difference betweenyou and I is that people actually notice when I leave and when I return, therefore it's why they always feel the need to bring it up like it makes me any less of a wrestler. I've come and I've gone becauseI can do whatever the hell that I like, yet every single time I have left it's with the guarantee that I'll be right back. Every company i had been would die without me in it, whileit would thrive if a poison like you was sucked out of it. What the hell do you evenbring to the table anyway? What exactly am I supposed to consider threatening about you? There's no chapter to be written, no happy ending, no fulfilment or accomplishment. There's just me kicking your ass and watching you take a glorious tumble over that top rope and back to the unemployment line! ...But go on, who else feels the need to run their mouth and spread false hope? The more the merrier! It'll only make a CM Punk victory just that much more satisfying.

Punk slowly starts to saunter past sayors and approaches the camera.

CM Punk: Best in the World,smackins. Remember that after you lose.

Punk walks away from sayors as steve sighs of relief as the scene fades..
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