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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Serenity - RP 1
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Flynn Andrew Cole-Ericson Offline
The new FACE of the XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

06-22-2015, 12:29 PM

The last time we saw our hero Flynn Andrew Cole-Ericson, known the world over as FACE he and his Brick Squad bro Carson Waters were successfully defending their tag team titles at Bad Medicine against the team made up of Scully and Muddy Waters. The Brick Squad victory also doubled as the nail in the coffin for the stable formerly known as The Black Hand.

Things have been a bit hectic for Flynn since the PPV. Actually things have been a bit hectic for Brick Squad in general. Henry has continued his adventure to destinations unknown as part of his own self discovery. Carson has been pre occupied with his assistant Ms. Fortune having been in accident. Dick Powers is doing some work to help solidify Brick Squad's run for the White House and Flynn? Flynn has taken the time to fully immerse himself in college life. Which means, lots of drinking, lots of smoking, lots of parties, lots of girls and minimal school work. Unfortunately not all has been positive for Brick Squad as Bruce Blingseen checked himself into rehab immediately following his match with new XWF Xtreme Champ and resident racist Dimallisher and that is where our story today picks up.

Undisclosed Rehab Facility outside of the Los Angeles city limits.

Our scene fades into an exterior view of a vast brick structure with windows about every 3-4 feet. What's left of the dawn's quickly fading sun is shining on a wooden sign to the right of the main walkway that reads "Serenity". As the camera begins to pan back we see Flynn Andrew Cole-Ericson casually walking towards the main entrance of the building, and a set of automatic glass double doors. Flynn trips the sensor as he gets within a few feet of the doors and they open automatically for him. Flynn continues into the building a few feet until he reaches an opening in the wall, behind which sits an extremely attractive young woman, early to mid 20's. Brown hair, green eyes and a tan that she most likely paid for. Her maroon t-shirt says "USC" the local rival to Flynn's UCLA. In fact the schools are only 12 miles apart. It is actually fairly common to see UCLA students at USC parties and vice versa. Flynn studies her a little bit more and sees that the name on her ID reads "Tiffany" under which it says "Intern/Admin Support".

"May I help you sir?"

"I surely hope so. I'm here to see a friend of mine. His name is Bruce Banner." Flynn says wondering if the woman pays attention to current pop culture. Or happens to be a big Mark Ruffalo fan.

"And your name sir?" The woman asks, smiling as she does so.

"Flynn. Flynn White." Flynn responds again wondering if Tiffany will catch on.

"Ok Mr.White if you could just sign in here that would be great. Your friend is finishing up dinner so if he isn't in his room try the main dining room. Do you know where that is?'

"Yes I think so."

"Ok well if not it's pretty well marked. Worse case ask one of the staff, they would be more than happy to help you."

"Super. Hey I couldn't help but notice your shirt, are you a student?" Flynn says with a smile.

The woman looks down at her shirt and then back up at Flynn and smiles.

"Oh this, this is actually my boyfriends. He plays football for the Trojans."

"Oh that's nice." Flynn says somewhat dismayed at the revelation. "Lucky guy." Flynn says with a half hearted smile.

"You should tell him that." Tiffany responds with a huff.

Oh....maybe I have a shot after all. Play it cool Flynn.




"I couldn't help but notice the way you say that. Does he not treat you like the perfect catch that you are?"

"Not like he should that's for damn sure."

Flynn leans forward making sure to draw Tiffany in with his eyes. "I'm really sorry to hear that. You seem like such a sweet girl to say nothing of you being drop dead gorgeous."


Tiffany blushes a little bit. Or maybe she blushes a lot, kind of hard to tell with that spray on tan but either way her skin definitely changes color momentarily, especially at the cheeks. She takes a breath while simultaneously patting her heart with her right hand.

"Wow. I don't even know what to say."

"You don't need to say anything. Just know that there is at least one person out there that thinks your great. Even if your boyfriend doesn't."

A huge smile comes across Tiffany's face as Flynn continues to stare directly into her eyes as if he was trying to peer into her soul.

She pauses for a few seconds to collect her composure and then leans forward in her seat so that she can speak to Flynn without anyone else possibly listening in.

"My shift is over in an hour."


"Well as it happens I'll only be here about an hour. What do you say I swing by here after your shift and we go get a cup of coffee or maybe some Oolong tea? Whatever floats your boat." Flynn says as he flashes her the pearly whites.

Tiffany bats her eyes a few more times, smiles and nods and without saying a word Tiffany with a boyfriend has just agreed to a pseudo-date with Flynn Andrew Cole-Ericson...


I told her my name was Flynn White.


This relationship is doomed.

It's all predicated on a lie.

Shut the fuck up you pussy. Relationship? The bitch just agreed to coffee and you are ready to pick out wedding cakes?

Where did your balls go? Did you leave them back at Bad Medicine? You fucking Mary you make me sick.

Flynn just ignores the mean words because what else is he supposed to do? Get into a full blown argument with himself within earshot of at least 20 people, including Tiffany with the store bought tan? Absolutely not. So instead Flynn presses on. He walks down the hallway first popping his head into Bruce's room, which is currently devoid of people. So Flynn continues his journey down the hall, following the signs for the "Dining Room". Once there Flynn spots Bruce Banner, more commonly known throughout the wrestling world as Bruce Blingsteen. Former XWF Xtreme champion and one of the founding members of America's sweethearts Brick Squad. Bruce is sitting at a table by himself slowly chomping away on what looks like a cookie though it could also be a circular dog biscuit. Flynn approaches Bruce who is completely unaware that he has a visitor until...

"What up fam?" Flynn shouts out to Bruce...and a room full of people. All of which look up to see who is the cause of the disturbance.

Bruce quickly stands up like he were shot out of a cannon and walks over to Flynn giving him a totally hetero manhug.

"It's so good to see you brah. I thought you guys forgot about me."

"No way bro. Never. We've just been crazy busy is all. Plus we were worried that if we came to visit it might stir up a desire to light up. So we felt it best for your recovery if we left you alone."

"Recovery? Bro do you have any idea how much shit i'm getting here? There's people in here for addictions to crack, meth, heroine, coke, sex, me...I'm in here for pot. No one gets addicted to pot. No one. It's literally impossible and yet here I am. I can't believe you guys talked me into this."

"Bro it had to happen. All week we were on you to get ready for that match with Dim and all week you told us you had it covered and then what happened?"

"I know, I know."

"You let the green take hold of you man, we can't let that happen again."

"It's cool bro I got it covered. I've learned how to curb my urges. I still want to smoke but not nearly as much or as often. Speaking of, you got any on you?"

"What? Are you serious? You think I would roll upto a rehab place holding?"


"Ok you're right I did. And I shouldn't even have admitted to it but I can't lie to you bro. I have some on me but only because it's a long ride to and from this place and I needed something to take the edge off."

"I knew it. Come on bro, just a taste. A little sampling."

"Sorry bro, can't do it. It's for your own good."

"Fine, whatever bro. Let me wither away in here. It's not all bad though this chick has been trying to get on my dick for days."

"That sounds great, what's she in here for?"

"Meth. Her teeth make Dim's look like the poster child for dental health."

"That's kind of gross bro."

"Don't be so shallow Flynn, it's what's on the inside that counts and it's about to be me."

"Word bro. Whatever gets your rocks off I suppose."

"Pickins are slim in here. So what's going on bro? What are you and the fellas upto?"

"Dick and Henry are off doing their own thing. Me and Carson got a match next week on Warfare. Our first match since the PPV."

"Oh shit bro, who you guys beatin down?"

"Cain and Ghost Tank."

Bruce takes a step back and pauses for a second before bursting out in uncontrollable laughter for a good 5 minutes. Literally 5 minutes. All the while Flynn just stands there waiting for Bruce to compose himself.

"Cain and Ghost Tank? Seriously? How in the actual fuck do those two fuckwits get a title shot? I didn't even know they were a team."

"They just became a team last week and since they are the only other actual tag team in the fed that means they get a shot. It's whatever. We've tried. More than once to line up opponents. Unfortunately no one seemed to pass that information along to Ghost Tank."

"Hahaha, what did that rainbow haired imbecile say?"

"He made some comment about Carson and I not being fighting champions which unfortunately for him couldn't be further from the truth. First of all Carson and I have already done something that the last 5 sets of tag team champs didn't do which was successfully defend the tag team titles. Not to mention we have gone on record more than once saying we would face anyone at anyone time, anywhere. It's not our fault everyone seems to be afraid to face us."

"Yeah I remember that time you issued an open challenge and no one stepped up."

"Exactly. Anyone, literally anyone could have asked for a shot at the belts. Only Peter Gilmour hinted at maybe wanting to face us but then when he finally got around to asking 3 weeks later his partner said no thanks. Which was a shame because Carson and I had agreed to face them and Thunderbolt X and his partner Vinnie Lane. But Lane didn't want in cause he's busy with other stuff like being a special guest ref. So it's not like we haven't tried to put the straps on the line over and over and over again."

"So then what is Tank talking about?"

"Who knows bro. Who knows."

"What about Cain? He have anything to say?"

"Not yet. Which is a bit surprising but I am pretty confident that before the match is over he'll throw something our way. If he's not too busy leaving a trail of video evidence so the cops can tie him to all the murders he's committed."

"Yeah what gives with that? Who breaks the law, records it and uploads it to the internet?"

"Lots of people actually. It is somewhat baffling. Someone should probably clue the authorities into what's going on."

"Not you. We don't snitch."

"I know bro. Chill. That's why I said someone. So anyway bro when you getting outta here?"

"Soon. Soon. Which reminds me, come with me I want to show you something."

"What is it?"

"Just come and see. I don't want to spoil it."

Bruce leads Flynn out of the dining hall, down a small well lit hallway and then to a doorway with a small picture next to it that indicates that on the otherside of the door is a stairwell. On the door in black lettering it says "Staff Only" but Bruce pushes the door open without a care in the world.

"You sure we're supposed to be doing this bro?"

"Yeah it's cool man. They love me here. As long as I'm not causing trouble they let me do whatever I want."

Bruce and Flynn proceed up the stairwell until they reach the door that says "Roof'. Once through the door Bruce leads Flynn over to the far side of the roof where there is an object covered in a tarp.

"Wow bro that's pretty sweet. A tarp."

"Brah it's what's under the tarp." Bruce says as he quickly yanks the tarp off revealing a circular object.

The exterior casing is made up of what looks like cardboard piping. The base is made up of various pieces of scrap wood. On the top of the circle is a piece of transparent PVC and attached to that is some sort of object cut out of metal. Flynn leans over and looks down inside the object to see a light bulb sticking out of the bottom.

"What is this bro?"

"Step back brah and I'll show you."

Bruce picks up a wire off the ground walks the end of it towards a small electrical outlet sticking out of the wall and then plugs the end of the wire into the outlet. As soon as that happens a brilliant bright light comes out of the small structure pointing up towards the sky. Flynn follows the trail of light upwards until his eyes meet the sky.

"Holy crap bro."

[Image: KM2ES37.jpg]

"I know right. I call it a "Bong Signal". It's like a bat signal but you know, with a picture of a bong instead of a bat."

"Yeah bro I can see that. That's pretty awesome. How did you get all the supplies to make this?"

"Raiding the janitor's closet and the dumpster."

"Dang bro, you're like MacGyver up in this place. But I gotta ask, is it smart to make a "Bong Signal" that shines above a rehab facility?"

"What are you saying?"

"Nothing bro nothing. So why did you build this anyway? Boredom?"

"Yeah mostly that.. But also sometimes I get lonely so I figured I could build this and shine it up in the sky and you guys would see it and know that I'm thinking of the Squad."

"That's amazing but I'm not sure it's strong enough."

"What? What are you talking about yo?"

"Well I've only been in college for two months but I don't think this thing is powerful enough for us to see out in the city. I think maybe if you add some more lights to it, maybe make it a little bigger that might do the trick."

"But you don't know, like for sure that you can't see it?"

"Well no not technically."

"Ok so how about we do this. Tomorrow night I'll turn it on at exactly 8:40 PM and you let me know if you can see it."

"How do you want me to do that bro?"

"Come back and visit obviously. I'm bored as fuck here."

"Alright bro I think I can do that. Actually that reminds me I need to get going man. I got me a date."

"Oh you sly dog. With who? Anyone I know?"

"Depends, you know that chick Tiffany from the front desk?"

"What? You got a date with her? How did you manage that? She told me she has a boyfriend, bitch was lying."

"She wasn't and she does."

"She does have a boyfriend? Then how did you get a date with her?"

Flynn leans in real close to Bruce and responds. "Can I let you in on a little secret?"

"Yeah what is it?"

"Chicks dig the nice guy."

"Unbelievable. What do you have that I don't?"

"Two months of college, charm, money and good looks?"


"Seriously though bro, they probably have some rule here that prevents staff from dating patients."

"Yeah that's it. That's definitely it."

"Totally bro. Totally."

"Thanks for coming brah. Tell Carson what up and don't forget, 8:40 tomorrow night, look to the sky."

"Most definitely bro. Most definitely."

Flynn gives Bruce a bro hug and then leaves Bruce to his "Bong Signal" while Flynn heads downstairs to meet Tiffany from the front desk for their date.

[Image: tD0Glzi.png?1]

The new FACE of the XWF


One Half of the XWF Tag Team Champions (4/22/15 - Present)
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