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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Your Name isn't worth remembering (RP 3)
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Tommy Wish Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

06-21-2015, 09:20 AM

This Promo was brought to you by The Foundation Of Debauchery

That promo mister Fontanna did was just a savage piece work that didn't make me shit my pants. He thinks hurting his poor son of a bitch Intern was going to cause me to chicken out like the next nerd in a schoolyard. Well mister Bully, why don't you be a star like Cena and stop bullying innocent people, oh wait, I bet when you grew up in grade school; you didn't even stand a chance from being hit with verbal abuse from those kids about your acne, hair, and maybe your lack of muscles.

Lately you have been on edge with everything and you seem to just snap at all times. I was like you, or just all the time, that I would snap around like a bitch on her period; and completely forget about who I hurt in the process. A guy like you needs to be put in his own place, before a regular victim will sue you for harassment and first degree assault.

What was the whole deal with watering your body?...Are you telling me in the past that you were Fontanna The Body?... Queen Fontia?.. Or a reject from all those Magic Mike films. I know you wanted to exploit your body out there expecting some tramp blowing you twenty dollars down her gullet, but even the girls that I would know would only let you by with a peck on the cheek. So next time, be careful of those Basement Junkies coming at you with their Keyboards; they aren't going to like you for those comments you just said.

The only illegal thing you can do to me, is just spreading your taint on my face on live Television. If you want the fifty to fifty eight states of the US of A to know what you trying to do to me, then you have some complex issues. The ref gonna stop the match from continuing is not going to happen. This isn't Russo who is going to dictate how the match will end, it will be me ending your Rookie Streak before you can have a little taste of Swerving inside your gullet.

I don't fear a man who has more of Debauchery over flexing his muscles, proclaiming how people in their basements who complain about booking are fat and losers, nor having to stoop so low in maiming your Intern just to tell me that I am going to regret wrestling a Rookie ass person like you. I hope you do know that it isn't going be me in some imaginary stretcher to the nearest Morgue.

See you in the Ring, Queen Fonta.
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