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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Brave or Idiotic?
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DMX-Factor Offline
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Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

06-16-2015, 06:18 PM

[Image: 11350376_10153345386593674_1318682899_n.jpg]
XWF Wednesday Warfare 6/17/15 RP #2
"Brave or Idiotic"

Characters used: n/a
Characters mentioned: Cain, Dim

Tuesday, June 16, 2015
8:04 AM in China

(In his hotel toom in Beijing, China a couple of days before the next edition of Wednesday Night Warfare, DMX-Factor is sitting at a table in the room with a laptop in front of him. He seems to be using Skype, getting ready to video chatt with an old friend who's currently in Austin, Texas. DMX, dressed in a wife beater and gym shorts, is relaxed, even slouched in his chair a bit, but comfortable nonetheless. The Skype "calling" noise is heard, and after a few seconds, the call is answered. A beautiful lady is seen on the laptop. She smiles and waves to DMX.)

DMX: "Hello there Cassandra!"

Cassandra: "Hiiiii! How are you doing, Mr. DMX?"

DMX: "You know I like it better when you call me by my real name."

Cassandra: "Okay, yes, I'm sorry. Let's try it again."

DMX: "Let's."

Cassandra: *clears throat* "Hiiiiii! How are you doing, Mr. Asshole?"

DMX: "Really, Cassie? I hate you..."

Cassandra: "And I love you too, D! So what's up? Any news to share? Have you won any championships yet?"

DMX: "I'm glad you pay attention very well. No, after my first month in the XWF, I've shared locker rooms with racists, animals, murderers, video game characters, and false gods. No championships yet. But dat's not too far off."

Cassandra: "Woah woah woah, hold the hell up, did you say 'murderers'? 'Cause you don't seem to bothered by the fact that you're in the same company as somebody that's KILLED people!"

DMX: "Of course I'm fuckin' bothered by it! But I can't just run away after da shit dat I've overcome thus far. But think of him as da Dexter of da XWF. You remember Dexter, right?"

Cassandra: "This isn't funny..."

DMX: "He only kills if you don't give a reason not to. Or because he's under contract, I dunno, but it's fine. Don't worry Cassie."

Cassandra: "Are you hearing yourself? YOU'RE IN THE SAME COMPANY AS SOMEBODY WHO'S KILLED PEOPLE!!!" And you don't have a problem with it!"

DMX: "I've already told you dat I ain't cool wit it, but I'm not necessarily a target."

Cassandra: "Are you gonna fight him?"

DMX: "Yeah, on Wednesday."

Cassandra: "And you absolutely think you can beat him...or better think you will survive?!"

DMX: "Look, I appreciate your concern, I really do, but it's gonna be alright. I promise. You'll see me again once dis world tour's done."

(Cassandra's tears have watered up in concern of DMX's well-being in the XWF.)

Cassandra: "Dammit, better be here immediately after!"

DMX: "I promise I will. I know wat I'm gettin' into, and I'm not backin' down. You take care now, I'm goin' to da arena in a bit for da stage rehersal. You take care, okay Cassandra?"

Cassandra: "Okay careful. Have fun, and kick some ass for me."

DMX: "Of course, sweetheart!"

(With a final wave, Cassandra ends the video chat. DMX lets out a big sigh, knowing that she has every right to be concerned about him. After all, who in their right mind would say that they were ready to face a killer? How would one prepare for a killer? Whether there was a way or not, DMX never backed down from a challenge, no matter what the odds were. With all of that in mind, DMX gets up from his chair, closes his laptop, and gets ready to make his way to the arena for the stage rehersal.)

One hour later at the MasterCard Center

(The XWF equipment crew has finished setting up the Wednesday Night Warfare stage and is currently in the process of sound checks and pyrotechnic tests, as well as rehearsals for Wednesday night's participants. DMX-Factor has just arrived at the arena and is meeting up with the crew. He places his bags on the floor and the two talk about his entrance.)

XWF Crew Member: "Hey, how's it going man?"

DMX: "Not bad, it's pretty crazy bein' here in China. Never been here before. I don't even know how da crowd will react."

Crew: "Well if it means anything, your 'New Slaves" promo was well recieved at least. Lots of hits on the website. Fair to say it caught a lot of attention."

DMX: "Good to know, good to know."

Crew: "Alright, let's get down to business. So we've already asked Cain, and his preference would be to enter the arena after you do. Would you mind entering first?"

DMX: "Nah, not at all. Let da cameras get a good look of my face as Cain comes down da ramp."

Crew: "Yeah, that'll make for great television. The fans will love that. So I was also informed that you have an alternate entrance theme ready, but you're not ready to use it yet."

DMX: "Yeah, dat's right. It's somethin' I wanna use whenever I win my first championship. Da song will be Jay Z's "Crown" track from his Magna Carta Holy Grail album."

Crew: "Sounds good. I looked over the notes of what the entrance will consist of, and let's just say I'm hoping you get yourself a championship soon, 'cause I have some pretty good ideas about what we can do with that alternate entrance. But until then, I had wanted to to talk about what we can do to enhance your current entrance. I looked back at your days in the BwF, specifically your entrance. I absolutely loved the idea of widescreen view with a grayscale color scheme. It works perfectly with your videos, and looks good in high definition. Would you be opposed to that?"

DMX: "Not at all, I'm down for goin' back to dat."

Crew: "Glad to hear it! So what we're gonna do right now is do a test run. We've set up the cameras to capture in widescreen and with the image grayscaled. It looks good so far, but I wanna see how you'll make it stand out compared to everyone else. Think you can do that for me?"

DMX: "You don't even have to ask. I'll make everything jump out from da screen. Let's do it man!"

Crew: "That's what I like to hear! Get into your ring gear and meet me at the curtains."

DMX: "You got it man."

(DMX goes to the nearest vacant room to change into his gear and prepare for his stage rehersal.)

[Image: 3D%20XwF%20Wednesday%20Night%20Warfare%2...Screen.jpg]

(After changing into his ring gear, DMX has made his way to the curtains that lead to the stage and into the arena, meeting with the crew member he spoke with just a little while ago.)

Crew: "Alright, so same thing as usual. Walk out on stage, intro plays, then once the chorus starts, spotlight will shine on you and you'll have your arms crossed above your head. Still no pyro, right?"

DMX: "Nah, not yet. I think I'll save dat for my alternate entrance."

Crew: "Sounds good. We're recording it as if it was a live broadcast. We'll have you take a look at it once you're back in. *to the stage crew* Lighting ready? Audio ready? Video ready? On you, DMX!"

(DMX stands right behind the stage curtain, and takes a deep breath. Today, it's only rehersal. Tomorrow, it would be a true test of skill and endurance. Not too many people expect much of a fight from the 5'11" superstar, but deep down, DMX knows that he won't make it easy for the Last Son of Eden. With one fist in the air, DMX signals for his music to start. From the camera's perspective, the X-tron lights up and the rest of the arena darkens as the intro to Jay Z and Kanye West's "Who Gon' Stop Me" hits the PA. As discussed earlier, the image goes widescreen and grayscale. DMX walks through the curtains while the stage is still dark to position himself center stage once the spotlight hits him. Once the chorus begins, the spotlight shines on DMX with his arms in the air making an "X", and the arena lights up a bit.)

[Image: 3D%20XwF%20Wednesday%20Night%20Warfare%2...Wide_1.png]

(DMX begins walking down the ramp as he lowers his arms. everything similar except for the empty arena. Or at least it's supposed to be empty. He looks to the right and right behind the barricade stands a line of men, lifeless, motionless, staring at DMX. Confused, DMX shakes his head and continues. As he makes his way to the bottom of the ramp, he begins to see a line of fire rising from the floor on both sides of the ramp. They begin at the bottom of the ramp, then make a path going up the ramp and to the stage. DMX never used fire in his entrances though. This didn't make sense to him. He turned around at the bottom of the ramp to see the line of fire that bears resemblance to the red sea: the fire being the wall of the sea parted by Moses, and the ramp being the path that Moses led the Israelites through. With a look of confusion, the Freestyla continues his path to the ring. DMX reaches the ring and slides in, but soon after, the lights around the arena shut off.)

DMX: "C'mon, wat da fuck is goin' on y'all?"

(After a few seconds of darkness, a bright red light shines onto the ring, but even more insane is the sight of people standing on the ring apron outside of the ropes, all facing DMX. Along with them, two people, a woman and a man, stand at opposite corners of the ring from each other. The woman, the same one that Cain killed. The man, Tyrone, who is assumed to have suffered the same fate. DMX was surrounded, slowly making his way to his feet, wondering what the hell was happening. DMX is now wide-eyed, trying incredibly hard not to panic, hoping it was Dim or someone else playing a prank on him.)

DMX: "Wat is dis shit? I don't have time for dis! I'm gettin' out of here, y'all are fuckin' idiots."

(DMX walks towards one side of the ring, but before he could escape, the line of standing bodies engulf in flames. DMX trips back and falls to the mat, then tries to escape at the other side. Same thing occurs, bodies into flames. DMX had entered panic mode and possibly beyond. He looks at the other two sides. Both sides of bodies burst into flames. The man and woman at the corners begin walking slowly towards DMX, so has shown more fear than he's ever publicly shown before. He looks at the X-Tron, which is no longer playing his video, but is now showing a video of Cain laughing, with a bit of static blended in, and a cryptic message appearing briefly saying 'You're Already In Hell'. DMX falls to his knees, not knowing what else to do, and yells at the top of his lungs.)


(The arena house lights turn back on, the music ends, and the X-tron appears with its placeholder image. Everything seems to be back to normal. No fire, no bodies surrounding the ring, no subliminal images of Cain. The voice of the crew member is heard on the PA.)

Crew: "DMX, is everything alright?"

(DMX looks around to find everything as it was before he walked down the ramp. He got to his feet, exited the ring, and
runs back up the ramp. He goes through the curtains to meet the crew member.)

Crew: "Dude, what's goin..."

DMX: "You said y'all were recordin' dat, right?"

Crew: "Yeah, but I mean we should probably remove that video..."

DMX: "Let me see it!"

Crew: "'s right there on that monitor."

(DMX looks at the monitor off to the side. The crew member managing the video rewinds the clip of DMX's entrance and plays it from the beginning. As it plays, DMX sees himself making the same exact motions, looking right while walking down the ramp, turning around at the bottom of the ramp, sliding into the ring and slowly making it to his feet, then running to one side of the ring before tripping back and falling to the mat, running to the opposite and doing the same thing, then looking at the other two sides of the ring, before finally falling to his knees and yelling Cain's name. That was it. No fire, no bodies, no red light, and no image of Cain on the X-Tron. DMX facepalms and shakes his head. Concerned, the crew man places his hand on DMX's shoulder.)

Crew: "Hey man, are you alright?"

(DMX shakes his head harder and walks away.)

DMX: "Fuck, man! FUCK!"

(The crew member looks on confused, worried about the mental state of DMX-Factor, before calling a trainer to let him know what occured.)

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