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Forget What Matters
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Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

05-14-2015, 06:50 PM


Entry 25

Made it to Ohio.

I jumped on a flight to Cincinnati from Houston about a day ago. We had a layover in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, then flew up from there. Stupid. All it did was drag me down more and make something that seemed simple much more difficult and longer.

I'm a couple of days away from Madfare and I still feel like a waste. Tokyo told me to keep an eye out for my opponent, but I haven't had the energy to really even pay attention.

I've been lacking sleep again and it's not helping my focus on this wrestling-stuff either. I'm barely grasping reality right now and I have to go perform with a bunch of ranting idiots in front of a bunch of other ranting idiots. How did I get involved in this shit again?

Oh yeah. The ranting idiot that mysteriously appeared in my life about a month ago. I suppose he's not the reason, but I still think it's pretty "coincidental" that he showed up when he did. He's pretty good at playing stupid most of the time, but I think he's up to more than what he's leading on. I'll get it out of him.

Speaking of that fat weirdo, he called me up a while back. Just after I landed in Cincinnati, in fact. He wanted us to catch up and discuss a better strategy going into tonight's event. I don't know what the hell kind of strategy he thinks he's going to think up. The only strategy I can think of is just kill the fucker. Go in there and just beat the last breath right out of him. This seems like that type of place. Do what you can and win the fucking match, am I right?

It was about time the time that my new friend wanted to meet up. It's long after I checked-in the the hotel room and after I got cleaned up a bit from the trip. I would've much rather napped the rest of the day away, but what the hell. I decided to catch a cab and find this asshole.

He always wanted to meet up in bars. I think the guy has a serious drinking problem. All I ever see him doing is drinking and smoking. A walking heart attack if you ask me. I'm not one to preach though. If the fucker dropped dead beside me now I'd call 911 for the fat fucker and walk away. Sounds cruel, I know. But I don't even know who this guy is. It's none of my business.

Anyway, I meet him up at this small pub off this back street near downtown. When I walk inside, it was extremely dark and it seemed like the sweat instantly started pouring out of me. I noticed a few others sitting at the bar, as they certainly noticed me, not taking their eyes off for one second. Way to make a guy feel welcome.

I made my way through the large room until I smelled a cigar burning from somewhere. The several booths the lined the outside of the bar were poorly lit and it was hard to see if anyone was even sitting there. I followed the smell and eventually found who I was looking for.

There he was. Sitting alone in the corner booth watching me the entire time. Watching me peer around the room, choking on smoke, sweating my balls off.

I approached the booth slowly and a smile stretched across his face.

"It's about time you've showed up." He said semi-loud. Not sure if he was bitching or bantering.

"I'm five minutes early." I said back to him while looking at my watch. Then realizing my watch is dead and says it's still 5 AM.

"I think we need to talk about your focus here, pal. You've been in the XWF for over a month now and you haven't impressed ANYbody. What the hell do you think this is, anyway? A fuckin' joyride, or what?"

I stared at him with probably the most look anyone could ever make.

"I never even wanted involved in this shit, Tokyo. I--"

"You know, if you boys want a drink, you could come to the bar like a normal person."

A woman, must be the barmaid for the evening, invaded our conversation and interrupted with a little bitching of her own.

I was about to say:

"You know, if you had a pretty face, I'd consider myself pretty lucky to be sitting here."

But instead, Tokyo spoke up before me and said:

"Four doubles of Jack, my dear. Hold the rocks." He says pretty calmly as he tosses a rolled up wad of cash at her. She clumsily catches it with both hands and licks her fat pork chops as she turns around to retrieve what the man asked.

"That's quite a lot to handle right now don't you think? Where the hell are you staying?"

"Two of them's for you."

"Eh, I don't drink."

"Of course you do."

"What the fuck do you mean, 'Of course you do.'?"

"Well, I mean, you used to anyway."


"And how the fuck do you know that?"

Finally. Maybe I can get some answers out of this guy.

Did he know me before?

Did I know him?

He said we didn't know each other before....

My head's going to explode.

"Because that's why you were in the coma. You were driving drunk."



"I'm just fucking with ya. I don't know if you drank before your fucking coma or not, asshole. But have a drink with me. It'll remove that fine edge that you've placed between us."

"You're the fucking asshole."

The broad finally brought our drinks over to us and placed them on the table. Tokyo gave her a wink and she did a bit of a fat-curtsy before tumbling away. This guy annoys me.

"Here's to putting your stupid fucking attitude aside and listening to what I tell ya." He said as he picked up his first glass.

I met him half way with mine.

"... And to you learning to give me a piece of mind once in a while too. Compadre."

Our glasses smacked together and we slammed our drinks to the roof. I brought mine back down and felt woozy at first. But the booze settled in after a moment and it felt great. Like something I remembered. Maybe Tokyo was right, even if he didn't know, maybe I like booze.

We drank for, what had to of been, a couple of hours. We went through which was probably most of their whiskey supply, but it really didn't seem to do the damage. Am I an alcoholic? And even if I was you'd think I would've detoxed after being out for so long. Unless this is another nightmare. I day or two ago being next to this fucker WAS a nightmare.

So in the midst of leaving, I decided to pull out my cellphone and begin calling a cab.

"Are you nuts? I'll take ya where your going."

Don't let your friends drive drunk, right?

"I think I'll take a cab, you go ahead."

It's ringing.

"Don't be a fucking dickhead."

The man snatched the cellphone away from my ear and out of my head and ended the call.

"You fat bastard. What the hell?"

When are you going to trust me? He said to me but his lips didn't move.


"I said, 'Don't be a fucking dickead.' Dickhead."

Entry 26

I didn't remember driving there, but I eventually found myself behind the wheel of an old beat up truck. I was going down a straight-away at about seventy-nine miles an hour with no intention of slowing down.

What now?

How did I get here?

Am I drunk?

Where's Tokyo?

Those are four out of about a billion questions that were flooding through my brain like a dam broke. By the time I had any clue at all, I started applying the brakes to the truck and slow the fuck down. But that wasn't happening. For some crazy odd reason, I couldn't let my foot of the gas. My heart was pounding through my chest and I soon realized I had a cigarette hanging out of my mouth. I nearly sneezed and coughed at the same time and spit it out on my lap. I picked it up after it burnt the shit out of my lap and flicked it out the window.

I don't smoke.

I kept my wits about me. Until I looked back to the road and seen a pink tour bus a few feet away from me. Where the hell did they come from? Again, unable to slow down, I assured there was no on-coming traffic before I attempted to pass them on the opposite side. The bus swerved in front of me out of nowhere, preventing me from passing it. The bus zipped ahead of me a little further and I fell back behind it.

What the fuck is the person doing?!

What was I doing?!

The truck gained speed, I didn't intend for it to. It gained enough speed to nip the back of the bus and steer it astray for a moment. Now the panic set in a bit. What the fuck was going on? I had no control of what was happening around me. I ended up gaining speed and creeping up along side of it again. I was trying to lean forward and maybe catch who was driving or see someone looking out. I noticed on the passenger seat a large bottle of liquor and a pistol lying side by side.

Shit just kept getting weirder and weirder, man. Waking up was probably the biggest shock. But, that didn't happen yet. The bus slammed into me a few more times before I slid into the ditch and the truck slammed on it's side. I slammed to a stop and it throttled me, but I managed to avoid any damage. The liquor survived too. I grabbed it from beside my feet and unscrewed the cap. After a couple of slugs I heard a large crash and an explosion. I grabbed the pistol I seen earlier and took off on foot down the road.

When I reached the wreck, it was definitely that bus. It was flipped upside down and slid down off the road on an abandoned road by an overpass. I took another big swig from the bottle of the liquor and threw it down on the ground. I stuffed the pistol in the back of my pants and carefully made my way down the hill to the fiery wreckage.

The fire was crazy and the heat nearly through me on my wallet. I made it around and see someone crawling away from the wreckage. Something took over me again and I reached behind by back for the pistol when I felt a hand rest on my shoulder.

Hello, my friend.

[Image: ZKFO2Gx.png]
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