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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Bad Medicine" RP Board (May 23, 2015)
I Have A Dream
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

05-19-2015, 01:19 AM




"Mr. Trax"


::"Mr FN' Dominance" opens his eyes, he is sitting down on a wooden chair in what appears to be an office building reception area. He is attired in a 3 piece suit, black blazer and trousers, white shirt black tie with black loafers. A rather large dark skinned woman with a clipboard loams over him, her greying hair tied back behind her rotund head in a large bun, her piercing black eyes glaring at him through square rimmed black spectacles::

Woman:: Mr. Trax. The Black Council will see you now.

Trax:: Black Council?

Woman:: Yes, you've been summoned. Take the elevator up to the top floor. Follow the corridor.

::The woman points to a elevator door at the back of the reception area. Trax nods and approaches the elevator. He presses the button and waits for a few moments before the doors open with an audible "PING!". Trax steps inside and presses the button for the top floor, the doors close and Trax is taken up, several floors, before the doors open again once more. Trax is met with a large empty white corridor with a black door on the other end. Trax walks towards the door, his shoes making noise against the marble floor as he approaches, he gets to the door and turns the steel knob handle, and slowly, almost with caution, walks in ::

Voice:: Mr. Trax!!! Relieved you can make it. Take a seat boy.

:: Trax walks in and is met with a large office meeting room with large windows overlooking a city landscape that spans out for miles. In the centre of the room is large oval black marble table, seated around the table in several leather seats are numerous figures, Olaudah Enquiano, Martin Luther King, Tupac Shakur, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, Oprah Winfrey and other iconic and important black figures, both alive and dead, that there have been throughout history. The seat nearest to Trax is empty, he analyses the room and nods before taking it. All eyes are on Trax and there is a few moments of silence before Martin Luther King, the voice that beckoned Trax into the room, leans forward in his seat, and speaks ::

MLK:: Trax, do you know why we, the Black Council, have summoned you?

Trax:: In all honesty? Nah I haven't got a clue. Enlighten me.

Rosa Parks:: Swagmire.

::In unison all members of the Black Council spit on the floor at the mention of the name.::

Trax:: Ah I see where this is going...I think.

MLK:: For too long he has gone unchecked! For too long he has been allowed to roam free and belittle our culture, are people! For too long he has disrespected and undermined everything we have done, everything we have accomplished and have sought to accomplish! For too long he has been an embodiment of black oppression, hatred and condemnation!!! I didn't die for this.

2pac:: Hell nah, me either dawg.

Malcom X:: Me either.

:: Trax raises an eyebrow and looks around at the troubled faces in the room::

I hear you, Swagmires whole attitude is obnoxious to say the least. But I'm going to deal with it, deal with him. I agree he's been left unchecked and allowed to spout venom for too long. Like I told him already... I will silence him. I'm in a match against him and another brother called DMX-Factor in a few days time and-

Micheal Jordon:: We know.

MLK:: Yes that why you're here. None of us can do anything about him. But can GET to him, you can teach him, you can show him, prove to him, that our people, we are strong.

Rosa Parks:: We are not afraid to make a stand.

Nelson Mandela:: We can be influential

Micheal Jordon:: We can be talented.

Oprah Winfrey:: We can be successful.

Malcom X:: We are not afraid to take militant action in the face of injustice!

MLK::Yes you can teach him all this. Because Trax...I HAVE A DREAM, and my Dream is you kick that fuckers ass and eradicate that human cancer to our people for good.

Trax:: Listen I-

Suddenly the door swings back open and a white boy wearing black jumper, baggy black pants, black Jordons and snapback turned backwards walks into the room. Everybody turns to face him and Trax eyes widen with suprise.

Justin fucking Bieber?

Justin Bieber:: Am I late for the meeting?

The pop icon looks around the room smiling, there are collective groans and muttering among the council.

2pac:: Motherfucker for the last ain't black.

Justin Bieber:: I'm... I'm not?

Malcom X:: No

Justin Bieber:: But I want to be SO bad...can I be? Please?

Black Council collectively:: NO!

:: Justin bows his head and walks out the room slamming the door behind him, Trax, watches him leave before turning around and looking at the Council members once more::

Trax::Um... I was saying. I understand the distress. Believe me. But believe me also when I say I WILL prove to this bottom feeder all those things, I will go on to be successful in this match against him and DMX, looking strong, then I will go on to be successful in XWF as both of those men become afterthoughts and eventually pink slip receivers, it's a given, this match is nothing but a formality. I have it completely under control.

MLK:: So you know what has to be done?

Of course

Then this meeting is over.

:: MLK clicks his fingers and a trap door opens up under where Trax is seating him and the chair fall down into the void, plummeting in pitch black darkness until..::


Trax!? Baby!?

::Trax sits up right in his King Size bed in a cold sweat. Jackie laying next to him the duvet covering her naked body, the room is pitch black but Trax can still make out her facial expression in the darkness ::

What's wrong?

Hmph...nothing...weird ass dream...

Wanna talk about it?

You wouldn't believe me if I told you.

:: Trax rolls out the bed and stretches, standing there for a few seconds in his just boxers, before he then cracks his neck and grabs his robe laying on the floor ::

What are you doing?

Doing what I'm the best at. Addressing business.

Moments later.

:: Trax is now standing full dressed in black vest and grey sweatpants. Behind him is black backdrop that with the phrase "Dominance Never Dies" written across it. There are numerous recording equipment scattered across the room which appears to be some sort of promotion studio but Trax's in focused solely on the camera directly in front of him as he speaks, arms folded ::

Swaggy, you don't mind me calling you that do you? I'm glad you once again stepped out of the shadows to respond to me, but your words only caused me severe disappointment much like your overall career here . You try and justify your rather lax schedule and lack of a title, with what excuses? You had a title championship and you pissed it away, you only come out of your shadows of irrelevancy to pick fights with black wrestlers. That right there told me all I needed to know, right there in the opening moments of your promo. I'll address the rest of what you said but that bit right there was pivotal in explaining to me the type of person you are, the type of man you are, you're a half asser, complacent with your meaningless position on the roster. You're heart isn't in this business at all, instead of vying to be the best you could be here, you're perfectly content on being what can only be described, as an opportunistic bully.

Now I'm not one to critique someone for being a bully either in or outside the ring, because that would be hypocritical of me. I'm a bully too. In that ring. But the difference between you and I is I am consistent and don't discriminate, and I don't participate in anything if I don't plan to be the very best in it. You had a title and gave it up, but was it because you held no regard for it, or you knew you lacked the dedication, willpower and ultimately the testicular fortitude to make something of your run with the title, so you as you put it..."planned and schemed to pass your title to an 8 year old" because in all honesty maybe an 8 year old would of been better suited as a champion than you, and deep down you knew that

:: Shit eating smirk ::

You can undermine me showing pride in my past accomplishments all you like, I know they're in the past and have no relevance here but without my past, without my accomplishments I wouldn't be the performer I am today, I wouldn't be on the level I am today, several leagues above you to clarify. I'm not living in the past, but I'm not about to forget it either. So yes I document my past accomplishments with pride, but you also seemingly overlooked at what is stated under my current XWF accomplishments in that banner, "Stay Tuned". Yes Swaggy stay tuned because after I am done with you, I am setting my sights on those same titles you pretend not to care about but really you do you just know you don't deserve any of them because of your incompetence and laziness. Obviously I have my sights set on the XWF Universal Championship, like I said in the interview with Rogers, anyone who is here who doesn't set their sights on winning the big matches and claiming the big titles is a waste of the fans time and managements time, a waste of their own time.

I'm not here to waste time. I'm here to win. I'm here to dominate. You. The rest of the XWF roster. In my conquest for the top championship, but I may set my sights on the Hart or Xtreme Championship along the way as you suggested, I know full well that claiming the secondary championship in particular is a viable way of becoming a top contender in the Universal title scene, so I may just well challenge for and win the Hart Championship as a stepping stone to boost me into the Universal Championship picture. I've already told you, when it comes to tactics, I excel. When it comes to opportunity, I take it. I don't squander it like you do Swaggy, and there will be plenty of opportunities coming my way I assure you, like I said... stay tuned.

You did ask one viable question though. What have I been doing while I've been away. Not living off welfare checks don't worry, that's rich however considering you're the one who only works four times a year, you're on a Brock Lesnar schedule minus the million dollar pay checks, drawing power and talent. Me however I made so much money off my past tenures, merchandise sales and royalties for being a Hall of Famer that I'm a made man. However I haven't just been lounging about on my sofa that costs more than your entire house, no, I have been constantly training, constantly improving myself, in the gym day in day out, strengthening my body, I have also been strengthening my mind. I long not ago completed a bachelors degree in Criminology, however unlike our friend DMX, who I will talk about shortly, my college degree has nothing to do with this match whatsoever, which is why I felt no need to bring it up.

Speaking of college maybe you need to go back to it because you're not as intellectual superior as you try and lead on. Asking why I challenged and beat up Sanders in the open...hmm...let me think...

::: Scratches stubble :::

Oh yeah that's it, because it was an OPEN CHALLENGE dipshit. What else was I going to do hm? I wasn't even aware he was in the building until I saw him on a backstage TV running his mouth in the ring begging to get socked in it. You want to know how good I am at boxing? Ask him. Poor kid, couldn't even put up a defence against my hits. I pride myself on being one of the best pure strikers in the business, every punch I throw counts, every shot I connect with I connect with speed you can't comprehend, precision you can't fathom and power you simply cannot handle. I have a Honors degree in Criminology but I have a Masters in punching people the fuck out and having them laying on their backs, as they stare up at the rafters with cartoon birdies circling their heads wondering what the fuck just happened, Swaggy the only time your punches have as much effect as mine, is when your aiming them at other men's testicles ,out of envy from not having any yourself ,with your finisher The Dirty Jerker, you Taylor Swift loving queer.

::Another shit eating smirk ::

Moving on to DMX. The self titled innovator and wildcard in this match. The man that believes we are so much alike. We're both black, we both dislike Swagmire and he loathes us. That's where the similarities end. We're nothing alike. You want to know what a big difference between you and me is? I pride myself on things that actually matter. Like I've already touched upon, you pride yourself on your college degree and shitty gimmick matches you've "ingeniously" stormed up so forgive my girl Jackie for thinking this match stipulation is one of your concoctions.

You're no game changer. You're no enigma. The only mystery here is what actually makes you think you can beat me. I've watched the old tapes, I've seen some of your old matches and just like you being 5'11, your wrestling matches come up short. I'm bigger than you, standing over you at 6'4, faster than you, stronger. You won't be able to hit me with the X-Ecutioner because I'll power out I promise you. You won't be able to land an Absoulte Xtreme because I will pluck you out of the air with a Trap Silencer or even better yet I'll simply break your legs to refrain you from climbing the turnbuckle and using your high flying repertoire of moves.

Threatening me by saying I won't be walking out of the ring under my own power due to me insulting your backwards state. Please. There was just a 100+ plus biker member shootout in Waco the other day, Texas is a shithole, always has been and always will be, don't blame me, but once again you've made a fatal mistake. The first was getting involved in this match in the first place, the second is threatening my livelihood, now that means its personal with you as well. Fuck your respect. Do I look like I need your respect? I don't need it, I don't want it. Just like I don't need or want Swagmires. I respect myself that's all that matters. I respect my abilities and soon so shall you two when I arrive, dominate, leave, all under my own power.

I'm going to lay you both out, convincingly. Then I'll grab that whip, and lash you both until you both pass out from the sheer pain. This match is going to be demoralizing and humiliating for the losers, who are the losers in this bout? Spoiler. It is not I.

Swagmire after this match, after the sheer beating I give you you'll never want to show your face again. You will once again step back into the shadows from which you came, maybe you can come out of retirement and go back to being a cop? Lately police brutality against blacks has been at an all time high, institutionalized racism has a place in the police force but you have no true place here. So I will eradicate you the same way you "eradicated" the "darkies" that came to XWF before me. That's a promise.

DMX, while you're heart is in the right place unlike Swagmires, and I find your ambitions and hunger admirable I admit. This match...isn't going to go the way you want it to go. It simply can't. Maybe just maybe you'll be able to come back from losing this match, and maybe just maybe you'll be able to use this match to light a fire under your ass, go back to the drawing board, and improve from it. Like I have in the past, some of my biggest wins came shortly after some of my devastating losses. On the other hand, maybe you will find losing this match TOO demoralizing, maybe it will drain all that hunger and hope out your body as you begin to second guess and doubt yourself, until you decide you're not a right fit here, with wrestlers at the level I am and leave wallowing in obscurity with the rest of your ex-blood stone buddies. Who knows, who cares? Not me. You was afterthought the second the match got announced.

At Bad Medicine I will walk in calling myself Mr Dominance and leave still being able to call myself that. Because as a great man once said... I have a dream. I dream of my face being the center of the XWF banner instead of the Doctors. I dream of having title belts around my waist. I dream of packed out arenas full of thousands of people all screaming my name in unison and the thing about my dreams, is every single one of them I work for and strive to achieve until I achieve it and make it a reality. The age of Dominance is here. If I have to literally whip two suckers asses to start it off properly, then so be it.


[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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