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LH Harrison Offline
The Inspiration of the XWF

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

05-11-2015, 05:54 PM

The car pulls to a halt outside of the hotel named ‘Comfort Inn & Suites.’ LH Harrison leaps out of the back and walks around the side of the truck and the driver rolls down his window. He winks and blows a little kiss towards LH Harrison.

You sure you don’t need a bunking mate?

His passenger laughs and slaps the driver playfully on the arm. Harrison laughs a little hesitantly and opens up his wallet.

No, I don’t think I need a bunking mate. I’m actually expecting someone. A certain guy is supposed to be meeting me there.

The two guys seem disheartened by this news as their smiles droop. Harrison reaches into his wallet and brings out two bills. He extends his arm offering the driver the money for the trip. The rather fluid-wristed fellow waggles a finger in front of him.

No, we can’t accept cash from such a dedicated, rainbow-flag warrior. You came all the way from Arkansas to see your significant other in a hotel room where you’re bunking together? That’s so… amazing! Especially since you took a train ride to get to him. You go little warrior, you go!

They wave as they pull out of the hotel parking lot. Harrison follows their truck with his blank and confused expression on his face. His hand is still holding the two bills out as Harrison still tries to wrap his head around the conversation he just had. That’s when a shuffle of fabric to his left catches his attention albeit a few seconds too late. The bills are ripped from his hand as the thief takes off down the driveway to the hotel.

Harrison’s brow furrows in anger. He charges after the lanky thief who had stolen the money from him. They round the corner and the man wearing all black dumps over a trash can sitting on the edge of the concrete. This doesn’t deter Harrison for even a second as he merely leaps over the can and continues his pursuit. The thief continued moving until he reached the curb before a fully moving street of cars. He attempts to go forward, but the cars honk insistently at him. He goes for it anyways, and, after nearly being hit by several cars, he crosses the street and leans against the wall while breathing heavily.

The Inspiration looks through the cars at the boy who had taken a breather. The cars begin to halt, but the man on the opposite side of the street seems to be unaware. Harrison takes off full sprint as the people around him give him the strangest of glances. The man gasps as he realizes he hadn’t gotten away. He goes to take off again, but stumbles a block later. Harrison finally catches the thief and yanks him up by his collar. It’s then that Harrison notices that the assailant is very young. No, the boy couldn’t be older than 14. LH presses him up against the wall of an alley. The boy begins crying. The young boy is wearing a hood similar to LH’s. LH searches his pockets and finds his cash that had been stolen.

The young boy looks up at LH, and that’s when he notices it. That quintessential quality that can’t be taught or learned. The boy’s eyes were filled with something that spoke to LH on such a personal level that he let go of the boy and took a few steps back.

What he saw in the boy’s eyes was fire… determination… rage. The reminiscence of himself as a fighter flooded into his brain. The boy seems almost angrier that LH had let him go.

What the fuck?

Wow, kid. Language.

Fuck you dude. Maybe I can kick you in the pussy and make your balls fall out.

LH Harrison looks around, unbelieving what this little kid is saying. The coal-haired punk just leans back against the wall and glares at him with a shit-eating grin on his face.

Awwww, did I hurt the big bad gay-boy’s feelings?

Harrison shakes his head and stares down at the kid with not even a twinge of joking upon his face.

Boy, what’s your problem? You steal from me and then try to switch the blame on to me? You cop an attitude with me? You’re lucky you seem to… Not important. Get out of here, kid.

With a quick turn, Harrison begins walking away from the alley when he hears that sarcastic sigh followed by his voice.

I seem to have what?

Harrison stops in his steps, but doesn’t turn back around to him.

You have a fire. Something that can’t be distinguished. I had you pinned against a wall with a raised fist. Rather than cower like most people do when they have their hand caught in the cookie jar, you dared me. The eyes are a window to the soul, and something tell me that your soul has been through a lot. So I cut you some slack.

LH Harrison turns around with his untrimmed beard. He’s standing in the sunlight while looking through the barrier where the shadow from the nearby building is cast over the alley hiding all but the kid’s face.

Do yourself a favor, kid. Make something of yourself. You don’t want to be thrown in the big house for petty theft. Especially when your endurance doesn’t match what you’re attempting. You can’t rip money from someone’s hands and then expect them not to come back after it. You can’t take a break during a sprint when you know someone is coming after you. So many things I could teach you, kid. What you have is something called potential. You could be great.

The boy looks down before returning his gaze to meet LH’s. He steps forward enough to stand on the line of the shadow looking at Harrison with a questioning look.

And you can teach me how to be great?


The boy’s head jolts back to affix itself on Harrison.

No. I can teach you to be better than what you are. There’s only one who can make yourself great. That’s you. I can show you how to better yourself, but let’s be honest… if you don’t want it, you won’t get it. It’s my Theory of Accomplishment: if the person has the potential and the desire, there’s nothing that can stand in his/her way. The same goes for you…

The boy takes one more step out of the shadows as the hot Ohio sun forces him to squint one eye.

Jason… Jason Kane. Can you really train me? I just want to be able to take care of myself. I don’t need a freaking foster family.

You have a foster family? What happened to your parents?

The boy’s irritation seems to grow with the question. He rears back getting ready to deliver another fastball of a sly comment at LH, but the expression on LH’s face informs him that he isn’t playing around. He decides to just tell the truth.

I don’t like talking about them. Mom died giving birth to me after my asshole, drunkard father pushed her down the stairs while five beers in.

The boy folds his arms and looks uncomfortable. Harrison smiles and begins walking away. The kid looks hurt before Harrison stops and talks over his shoulder.

You coming, kid?

Sure, old-timer.


LH Harrison laughs as the kid catches up. They walk for a block or two as the hot sun comes down upon them. Harrison hangs a right left and enters a small diner. The kid looks confused but thinks against questioning it. LH grabs a booth and the kid sits across from him. A young brunette walks up with two menus held under her arm. She smiles largely as she motions for a booth in the back of the small diner. The perky waitress saunters over with a name tag reading “Hello! My name is Shelly!” The waitress comes up and hands them both a menu. The boy looks a little confused as he looks up and down the menu. Harrison smiles at the boy’s curiosity.

What can I get you to drink?

Harrison looks at the boy who shrugs. Harrison looks at the drink options before looking up and matching the waitress’s gaze. She seems a bit caught off-guard by the seemingly glowing green eyes of Harrison.

Hello Shelly. Please get me a sweet tea… oh right, we’re in Ohio. Please get me a coffee? As for my young friend Jason, give him a Coke please ma’am.

Harrison smiles as the woman has yet to budge from their gaze. Harrison clears his throat and the woman laughs uncomfortably before nodding and walking away. After a moment escape, she brings their drinks back. Harrison winks at her and she chews on the eraser of her pencil as she walks away. Young Jason eyes the lady weirdly before examining his beverage in front of him. He brings the glass up to his mouth and takes a sip. He begins to smile as he drinks it all the way to the bottom quickly. The waitress comes up and quickly fills it. She keeps her eyes averted from Harrison who laughs at this.

Um, ma’am. I’d like to order for both of us. I’d like one hamburger and fries for the kid and likewise for me. Just lettuce and mustard for me. Give Jason everything that comes on it.

She nods and leaves them to make the order. LH leans back in his seat and looks at the boy sipping on his Coke.

Kid, now I wasn’t avoiding your story earlier. I just thought you would feel more comfortable with a little drink and food.

The boy nods as his cold, stare returns. His youthful innocence drinking the Coke is quickly vanished as he nods and his eyes focus.

Where should I begin? I was put into a foster care unit after my mom died and my father was sent to prison. There I began dealing with other kids…

The story continues on for most of the dinner as the Young Jason Kane explains his life story. Talking about the sadness he endured due to never having parents and never being adopted. He continues elaborating on how he never got along with the other kids in the foster care due to him being so ambitious and most of them just accepting their own fate and situation. Jason explained that he wanted more and strived to better himself. That’s when he began escaping whenever he could. He even began hanging out with this group of guys known as The Black Mambas. They were notorious for being supremely secretive and incorporating kids to help them with stealth. They’d bring the kids in because they could work themselves around mobs of people and steal under the cover of the mobs.

Harrison eats and drinks in silence as he focuses on the story. After the boy has completed the entire talk, Harrison pays for the meal and also offers the waitress his number. She begins sweating as he offers it to her with a faint smile. The young boy and Harrison leave and walk in silence. Harrison hands the boy a note that he had written on a napkin in the restaurant. The boy looks at it and raises an eyebrow questioningly.

Look, you’re so young. I can’t just take you with me. It would look bad. The foster home could really take advantage of me. Especially considering who I am.

I never even thought to ask who you were.

It’s unimportant. But take that note. If you should ever need me… don’t hesitate to call me.

Harrison turns to walk away from him.

You… you’re just going to leave? After everything I told you? How can you just leave like they did?

Harrison stops and turns about to face the kid who now seems to be clinching his fists in pure anger. Harrison sighs.

What can I do kid? I will always be just a phone call away. I don’t know what else I can do other than that.

The kid turns to show him his back. His shoulders shake as he appears to be crying.


The boy takes off running. Harrison sighs as he watches him round the corner.

He turns around and sees his phone light up.

[Image: tjTg5Km.jpg]

Harrison smiles and punches in a quick message in response.

Looks like I won’t be alone tomorrow after all. LH looks towards where the kid ran off to. Be safe kid. I hope you find what you’re looking for.

With those parting words, Harrison turns away and enters the hotel.

[Image: yA7XLDP.png]

[Image: f9wsBWb.jpg]
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