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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
A Family Get Together - Part 2
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Mastermind Offline
Active in XWF

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-10-2015, 11:07 PM

Mastermind walks in to his living room. Maria's Parents Rob, and Rose were there seated, and Susan, his father's new wife was sitting next to his father.

"So sorry I'm late everyone, just needed to get a work out in, before I head off in a couple of days."

Rob stood up first, and walked straight over to stop Mastermind in his tracks. They looked at one another.

"Mister Swift."

ROB: "Mastermind."

They kept staring at one another. The tension was palpable.

MARIA: "Dad what are you doing?"

Rob went to Mastermind's ear, and whispered:

ROB: "I told you in the beginning to never hurt my daughter. These last few weeks have been tough on her, and so I'm really angry."

Mastermind spoke quietly back.

"I understand your anger, but I'M back now, and I'M not going anywhere. She was safer with you guys when I wasn't here."

ROB: "Well don't make a habit of it."

"I'm not planning to, sir."

Rob took a step back and outstretched his hand, and Mastermind took it, and they shook hands. Rob walked back to his seat and sat down. Rose got up and gave Mastermind a hug, before sitting back down. Mastermind walked over to Susan and gave her a hug, before walking to where Maria was standing and stood next to her.

MARIA: "Thanks for coming guys, it means a lot. I know you were all looking forward to celebrating my pregnancy, but now there's talk of us getting married as well?"

ROSE: "I know it's old fashioned honey, but that's the way we would like you to do it. Baby is going to be born around mid to late December.

"Then let's get married around the 15th November."

Everyone including Maria looked at Mastermind. Mastermind looked back at Maria.

"That's if that's okay with you babe?"

MARIA: "Are you sure the 15th November?"

"I'm very sure about it baby. Is that cool with you?"

Maria smiles.

MARIA: "Of course it is."

ROB: "Hold on hold on, why the 15th November, is it significant to you or something?"

"Nope not significant, I just chose a date, to get it done, and Maria likes it. So the 15th November it is."

ROB: "You didn't seem very happy before about us having a meeting to discuss the wedding, and you've come out with a date all of a sudden, very extraordinary."

ROSE: "Let it go Honey."

"It's okay Mrs Swift. He's just being a over protective Father, and I wouldn't have it any other way. This type of talk could go on all night, I don't have all night, nor does Maria, and I'm pretty sure nor do any of you. So I chose the date, Maria's happy with it, it's been set. End of story."

ROSE: ""We're fine with the date."

MARIA: "Good. So we have the date set, the baby expectant arrival set, we can organize another time with in the next few weeks to have our first wedding meeting. But until then I think we can have tea now. It's all ready to go. Follow me to the dining room."

Everyone got up, but it seemed like just the girls, Maria, Rose and Susan walked out of the room. Mastermind, Rob, and Jack stayed back.

"I know I let the ball drop so to speak Mr. Swift, by letting Maria down, letting you down, letting every one down, but I swear to you sir, I'll make it up, and make it up big."

ROB: "No more slip ups 'M', you're on your last warning."

"Definitely understand. I'm happy with that."

JACK: "I think you are a bit hard on my son, Rob, but I can see where you are coming from. Just let him work his way back from this without any more fuss, and things will be fine."

ROB: "Let's hope that is the case."

Maria came back into the room.

MARIA: "Come on guys, stop chit chatting."

ROB: "We're coming."

Rob walked off after her daughter, Jack went to follow but Mastermind held him back, and waited for the room to be clear.

"I understand that you are wanting to stick up for me Dad, but these are in laws, and I need to look strong, I don't need you trying to make me look good, I have to do that myself."

JACK: "Geez son, I'm sorry for even trying. Everything we talk about you seem to not like. I should just go."

Mastermind sighed, closed his eyes, and opened them again.

"Don't do that, I don't want you to go, I'm trying here."

JACK: "Well try bloody harder son, otherwise don't even try at all."

Jack stormed off towards the dining room, Maria was standing in the door once again, and as he went past, shook his head. Maria walked into the room.

MARIA: "Are you okay?"

"Not really. I mean I'm okay about the wedding date and the arrival date of the baby, but I seem to be letting everyone down lately."

Maria walked up to him.

MARIA: "You're not letting me down."

Maria gave Mastermind a hug. Then they parted.

"Would you mind if you guys started without me, I'll just need about 15 minutes to myself."

MARIA: "No sure you go right ahead."

Maria watched as Mastermind walked out of the room, in the other direction. She shook her head, and walked off towards the dining room.

The camera fades in to the Mansion of Mastermind, it finds him sitting in his thinking chair. He was facing the wall.

"This Wednesday Night coming I find myself in a Number one contenders Match for the Hart Championship. The Winner will meet the Hart Champion at the upcoming Pay Per View. My opponent is L H Harrison. He's come out all fired up. I'd like to put him in his place though."

Mastermind turns his chair around to face the camera.

"It seems that you have been suffering from the same thing that I was suffering with for almost a couple of months, and that's an inner demon or two. But Harrison you have got a totally different demon to what I had. Yours is more prevalent, which is going to be a big issue for you. But I like to comment on what you've said about me."

Pressures too much for Harrison Said:If it were up to me, your ass would have never been brought into The Asylum, but Doc say something in you.

"I think the pressure of beating me Harrison has gotten to you way earlier than I thought it would. I think you had a mini stroke. What was that you actually said? The Doc say something in me. Come on Harrison go get checked out by a Doctor before you even think about meeting me Wednesday. The Doc did SEE something in me. That's why he made me one of his Generals because he trusted me."

Harrison doesn't know his knowledge Said:Can you say you’ve held any gold unless you pinned them while they were sleeping?

"How many times do I have to finish your research homework for you all. I held the X-Treme Belt the second time for a tad over three weeks, defended it three times. Once against Tyson Fury, and the other against the stupid Chair of Mastermind and Joey Hawkins before I lost it to the Doc. So those three weren't sleeping. So yes I can disprove your pathetic argument."

Harrison Said:You fought Lane already once. Lost. You fought Sebastian Duke too. Lost. You even fought our Higher Power like a little insignificant worm and you lost there as well

"I may have lost, but I can guaranteed you that I pushed all three of them to their limits and back, they've even said that I was a worthy participant, and loved the challenge, because I have been their hardest challenge so far. So that's saying something. Okay I didn't win those matches, but I will when I get another chance. And that's a fact."

Harrison Said:The Asylum is the best thing to ever happen to you. And you want to throw it away. What a fucking moron.

"You've got it wrong Harrison, again. You are having a bad time of getting things wrong, I pity you. I never said I wanted to throw it all away, where's the quote to that? There is none Harrison. You won't find anything. You're the moron for throwing hear say out there. I may have had certain things happen which I needed sorting, but I'm still part of the Asylum."

Confused Harrison Said:After all, I am The Prophet to the Higher Power.

"Are you sure about that Harrison, you seem to confuse yourself on who is the Prophet. And who you are. You are so confused it's not even funny."

Thinks he knows it all Harrison Said:You knocked up a chick without putting a ring on it. Then you broadcasted it all over your promos. Like a moron. Then you’re saddened by your pregnant girlfriend wanting to MARRY YOU!

"Not that it's any of your business you fuck wit know it all. I wasn't saddened by Maria wanting to Marry me, I was over the moon. I proposed to her first, a few months ago, before she even became pregnant, so get your fucking facts right mister."

Harrison is having a stroke Said:this is only going out all over the world to be read by everyone.

"You are one fucked up fella aren't you Harrison, maybe the stroke is kicking in. Our fans don't read our promos, they see our promos on line you dip shit you. They actually see them. Well they see mine at least. Whatever promo you use is up to you, but this is the 21st Century now Harrison, fans watch our promos, they don't have time to read boring ones like yours."

Mr Contradiction Said:Once more you don’t seem to grasp the fact that these people watch your work.

"And there we have it, you, L H Harrison are well and truly in the middle of a stroke. You've contradicted yourself. From people reading promos, to people watching promos. Good job fella really good job.

Harrison has a big nose Said:As for your father, you have NO right to treat him like you did.

"It's none of your business what happens between my father and me. But if you want to make it your business, then so be it. I'll show you on Wednesday just how much I mean to stay out of my business. At the end of the day I'm still working on him being out of my life for 25 years. It will get better, but then I need my anger issues to go away. And they will. You'll see those anger issues in full force come Wednesday."

Mastermind gets up and places a t-shirt over his shoulder. He walks towards the back of his room, towards his Victory Clothes Line. He places the newest shirt:

T-Shirt Said:I




next to the other shirt:

T-Shirt Said:i




Mastermind stood back admiring the t-shirts.

"It will be greatest pleasure Harrison to place your t-shirt next on to my victory clothes line."

Mastermind starts laughing and heads all the way back to his chair and sits down.

"This Wednesday I'll be teaching you, L H Harrison a lesson. A lesson to not put your big fat nose in to my business, a lesson on how to do proper research, and a lesson on how to bring your stroke out fully. You are going to submit to my Mind Controller and I will go through to the Pay Per View, as the next Number 1 Contender."

Mastermind starts laughing and turns his chair around to face the wall. The camera fades out.

Overall - 62 Wins 104 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 2 Wins 2 Losses
8th Year Record - 2024 - 2 Wins 2 Losses
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals

February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month

Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Television Champion - 129 Days (Just the 4th TV Champion to break 100 days, and now 4th on the all time list)
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020

50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020

100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023



Check out my page for victories and losses


[Image: misfits.png]

[Image: Misfits2.png]
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