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Cert Retsyn
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Cert Retsyn

XWF FanBase:
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05-04-2015, 06:18 PM

In-Ring Name: Cert Retsyn

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable):

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New to XWF

Wrestler Date of Birth: 9/8/83

Height: 6'3

Weight: 230

Hometown: Southern Illinois

Personality: Humors while not fighting. Dry humor pleases Cert. While wrestling, or beginning to fight, he is all business. He loves to laugh and hates to lose. Cert has morals, but is will to sacrifice in order to attain victory.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Tweener

Physical Build Description: Bill Goldberg with a little less weight and build. More toned.

Ring Attire: Black boxer briefs with red trim. Red Chuck Taylors with Black mid calf socks.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: Black denim Levis with dark grey Star Wars tee shirt.

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Pic Base:

Wrestling Style: Bill Goldberg esque with a bit more athleticism. Cert is much quicker than Goldberg while a little strength lost.

Strengths: Grappling, running, and flying around the ring.

Weaknesses: Women... Women and losing

Entrance Theme Music: Killing in the Name of - Rage Against the machine.

Entrance Description: Cert will slowly make his way to the platform while the music begins. 20 seconds in, Cert will begin to stretch. right around 45 seconds into the song, Cert takes off towards the ring and vertically leaps on the outer ring staring his opponent in the eyes. Cert will slowly point to the competitor right before he jumps over the ropes to attack.

Manager (if applicable):
Manager's Pic Base:

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves: Shoulder jump, knee drop, electric chair drop, running power slam, headlock hip toss, spine buster, pumphandle front slam, Gorilla press slam, pump handle overhead suplex, spinning neckbreaker, gorilla press front slam, gorilla press shoulder slam, jackhammer, Gorilla press spine buster, powerslam, butterfly suplex, belly to back sideslam, armbar counter slam, frog splash.

Trademark Move(s):
Description(s): The Plant (Spear)

Primary Finisher:
Description: The Plant

Secondary Finisher if applicable:
Description: Frog Splash Plant

Favorite Weapon if any: Steps into ring

Additional notes:

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