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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The pest and the Punishment.
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05-09-2015, 08:00 PM

The Pest walks into the girl's room, where she sits on her bed, curled in fear. She sees the Pest and buries herself beneath her blankets. Eyes poke through to meet the gaze of the Pest.

Angela:What do you want?

Pest:I want to show you the final repercussions of your insubordination. Come with me.

Angela:I don't wanna get hit anymore.

Pest:Then do as I say.

The girl buried herself deeper. The Pest was not amused. He stepped to the girl's bed, and pulled her from it. The Pest threw the girl to the floor, and looked at her with anger in his eyes. His voice does not betray his emotions. It is as cold, calm, and gravely as normal. This fact scares the girl more than the threat of a beating.

Pest:Get to your feet, or I will beat you until you can no longer walk.

The girl does as she is told, and exits the room. The Pest follows her, and directs her to the kitchen, where she stands awaiting instructions. The Pest directs her to the stairs leading to the basement. She stands at the top of the stairs, not wanting to move down. The light was off, and the darkness surrounded the girl, and wrapped her in a blanket of fear.

Angela:You're going to kill me in the basement. Aren't you?

Pest:Not if you do as I say, and I say you go to the basement now.

The Girl does not move. The Pest shoves her down the stairs. Her body rolls and falls down the stairs, and lands on the concrete at the bottom. A hand reaches and helps her get to her feet as the Pest makes his way down the stairs. He flicks a switch, and room lights up. The girl is standing next to a concerned Muddy Waters, and Michael Scully.

“Shit, Pest. Whatchu call us fer?”

"Is this your daughter. Can she paint my toes?!"

Pest:Michael, Muddy, I want to teach you both something important. This is Angela, she is living in my home, and caring for my son. She has decided that being in my employ gives her the right to disrespect Steven Sayors, and myself while we conduct a business meeting. She believes she can bring her rancid Gook food into my home, and prevent me from watching the news. All while tempting me with her succulent teenage body. Muddy, you have a child, and Michael you will be bringing one into the world. Tell me, what do we do to children who misbehave?

“Beat 'em. Need a belt?”

"Does this mean she can't watch Ninja Turtles with me?"

Pest:Correct, Michael. She will not be watching Ninja Turtles. Muddy, please hand me your belt.

Before the Pest could finish his sentence, Muddy had removed his belt, and was handing it over to the Pest. He took the belt, and wrapped it around his hand a few times. The Pest takes remaining flap of the belt, and raises it into the air. He brings it down across the torso of the girl. She falls to the ground in a heap. The Pest snaps his fingers and the Black Hand lifts her to her feet. They hold her as Pest raises the belt once more. He stops, and lowers it to his side.

Pest:Michael, remove her shirt. I want to strike the bare flesh.

"But, I don't wanna see her tits. I'm with Natalie."

Pest:Then do not look. But, in order to feel the full force of the punishments, she must be bare skinned.

Muddy and Scully remove her top, leaving her standing there, crying in just her bra and shorts. The Pest extends a hand, she attempts to recoil, but Muddy holds her firmly in place. The Pest's free hand cups her ripe, young, breast. She shivers at his touch.

Pest:Turn her around. I want to see her back.

Muddy and Scully turn her around. She pleads for mercy, Scully ignores her as best as he can. Muddy turns his head away, to avoid seeing it. The Pest reaches his hand and out and undoes the girls' bra. He orders Scully to finish removing it. Scully does as he is told, and removes her bra, exposing her breasts.

Pest:Touch them, Michael.

"I don't wanna, Daddy. What if Natalie finds out?"

Pest:Natalie called. She said it was ok to do this.

Scully does as he is told, he find them to be supple and inviting. There is a tightening in his jeans. The Pest ignores this, and raises his arm again. He brings the belt down upon her back. Her knees begin to crumble, but The Black Hand hold her tightly. She does not fall as the belt raises in the air. It drops down in time with a blood curdling scream from the girl. Muddy begins to sing "My Old Kentucky Home" at the top of his lungs. This does nothing to drown out the sounds of the girl's cries, or the sound of the belt ripping flesh from her body. Eventually the Pest drops the belt, and walks over to face the girl. She is crying tears the size of rain drops. They hit the floor, and mix with the trickles of blood falling from her back. The mascara on her eyes has now run and covers her face in black. The Pest places his hand directly on her chin, and raises her face to meet his gaze. His cold, dead gaze.

Pest:Do not cause this to happen again. I would like you to apologize to Mr. Scully and Mr. Waters for forcing them to make the trip out here just to punish you.

“Sheet, Boss, I were only down the road at that titty bar. They got some thick'ns.”

Pest:Do not make excuses for her. She owes you an apology.

Angela:I'm sorry, Mr. Waters, and Mr. Scully. I won't displease Pest anymore.

Pest:No, you will not. Michael, rape her.


"Natalie won't like that!"

The Pest turns to Scully, his eyes now filled with an icy hatred.


He chuckles and calms down.

Pest:Now, do as I say. Muddy, come upstairs and give them alone time.

The Pest and Muddy head up the stairs and to the kitchen. They leave the door open so they can hear the events unfold below. The sounds of Angela crying, and Scully apologizing are heard throughout the house.

Pest:Hello, Killer. That is your name backwards, and the notion you would put in our heads, is it not? That you are some derranged hardened killer who hears voices? The killer clown. Only, we've seen this charade. Anarchy. Scott Charlotte. Peter Gilmour. You are not unique, and your act has grown stale. There will be no friendship between us. We shall not, as you put it, prowl the schoolyards for kittens. It does not matter how young I prefer them. And keep your middle school baby jokes to yourself. You are a bland excuse for a backwards talking murderer. Perhaps you could stop recycling horror stories you had heard from your mother.

And no, Laxatives inside of Kool-Aid are not interesting, no one will fall for your ploy. Aside from our competitor in the ring, Dim, there is no one here as mentally challenged as you are. Dim still believes the voice telling him to shove his fist into people's assholes is God, and not John Madison. And Rellik still believes that posting videos about sucking someone's insides out with a vacuum is both feasible and startling. That is child's play compared to what I have done. Would you like me to spin you the tales of the lives I have ruined? And how I have done so without using the tired tactic of "Oh, look at me, I'm scary."

Do you crave my validation, Rellik? Is that why you chose to point out the flawed similarities you thought you saw between us? I will hold it from you, boy. You will not have it, you will not earn it. You are a piece of refuse that has strayed too long in the bin, and must be disposed of at the city dump. Perhaps you can continue to use fake names and identities to hide your misdeeds. No, wait, I did that as well, just better. Face it, Rellik, you and I are not similar; no, you are stealing every play out of my book. Just badly. Perhaps you could try a little harder to not be Pest Lite. We had him for a minute. He did not last. Take your bad impression, and please leave. You are impressing no one. No one here will ever take you serious.
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