04-19-2015, 03:39 AM
A camera turns and the set of The Daily Show appears.
Announcer- "Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome the host of the Daily Show and stand up comedian, Jon Stewart"
Jon Stewart comes out of sliding doors and sits down. The audience's ovation is deafening.
Jon Stewart- "Wow, you guys always seem to surprise me everytime I come out here" "Thank you"
A "Thank You Stewart" chant breaks out.
Jon Stewart- "Hahaha, no problem" "It's time to reveal my special guest" "He is a professional wrestler and he performs for XWF" "Ladies and Gentleman introducing, Thunderbolt X"
On My Own by CFO$ plays while Thunderbolt X slides through the sliding door. He sits down and shakes Jon Stewart's hand.
Thunderbolt X- "Wow, who would have thought I would be on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart" "It's nice to meet you Jon"
Jon Stewart- "Nice to meet you too" "It's a pleasure to have you on the show"
Thunderbolt X- "It's a pleasure to be here Jon" "Quick question before we start, Do you still have issues with Seth Rollins?"
Jon Stewart- "Not that I know of, why?"
Thunderbolt X- "No reason but if you do let me know, I need to sort out that sad act bastard"
Jon Stewart- "Hahaha, I like you and your sense of humor, Thunderbolt" "Anyway should we get to the questions?"
Thunderbolt X- "Oh yes sorry Jon" "Ask away"
Jon Stewart- "Ok you face Flynn Andrew-Cole Ericson in a one fall to the finish match" "What are your chances of winning this match?"
Thunderbolt X- "My chances are as good as his" "We are both tough sons of bitches" â€We have alot in common" "We fight for justice and our goal is to rid the XWF of evil"
Jon Stewart- "Ok calm down Superman"
Thunderbolt X- "Sorry Jon, keep going with the questions"
Jon Stewart- "Ok, Thunderbolt" "Will Tri Force Extreme be at ringside to prevent either the Brick Squad or Pest's army from costing you the match"
Thunderbolt smiles and looks at a selfie of Tri Force Extreme and him, on his phone.
Thunderbolt X- "Well Jon, l can't guarentee that Tri Force Extreme will be at ringside, but what I can promise you, is that Tri Force Extreme will be looking over my match like a hawk to make sure either teams don't try anything stupid" "I can guarentee, Pest will try and cost me the match, just like he did last week"
Jon Stewart- "Ok, you do realise that Pest would have that covered?"
Thunderbolt X- "Pest is no slouch, I have a strong feeling he has that covered" "But Tri Force Extreme are no push overs, they can defend themselves" "So I'm willing to bet Pest has tried to take us out but failed" "And besides I'm not worried about Pest interfering in my match with Flynn because I know he won't take a dirty pin"
Jon Stewart- "But how can you be so sure that he won't?"
Thunderbolt X- "Now I'm not underestimating him here, but he seems like a down to Earth guy" "He seems like a guy who will never cheat and never sell out" "His mission in the XWF is to rid this place of evil and if he becomes evil due to cheating then he may as well give up on his mission"
Jon Stewart- "I see your logic behind that answer" "Now Thunderbolt, you currently have 3 losses to your name, will that effect you going in to your match?"
Thunderbolt X- "Thanks for reminding me Jon" "But to answer your question, no" "No I will not be effected by my win-loss record" "Sure I'm going into this match with 3 losses and then after the match a potential 4th but I'm the underdog and I like being in that position because I get to prove my critics wrong"
Jon Stewart- "Ok so who excately are your critics?"
Thunderbolt X- "Hero Extreme 7.9, "The Doctor" Louis D'Ville and Pest are my main critics and it's time for me to prove them wrong" "It's time for me to make a name for myself and if I can prove these 3 guys wrong then I'm on my way"
Jon Stewart- "Ok my final question since we are basically out of time, Do you have anything to say to Flynn before you two meet in the ring?"
Thunderbolt X looks at his phone and then at the camera.
Thunderbolt X- "Flynn, you and me go one on one" "All I want you to do in that match is put in your 100% best and never give up" "Lets make this the true main event of the night" "Good Luck Flynn, cause a Thunderstorm is coming and it is about to it"
Jon Stewart- "Well ladies and gentleman that's all we have time for" "Please give it up one more time for our special guest, Thunderbolt X" "Thunderbolt, good luck in your match cause I'm pulling for ya kid"
The camera turns off and the scene goes pitch black.
PS: (OOC) I'm not intentionally sandbagging Flynn, its just personal issues got the best of me this week and I bearly had time to write a promo. I apologize for sandbagging Flynn.
I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't
I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly
I'm also pretty sure I might be  , except I still don't know what  means
Be my friend