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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
God oh God!
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Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-12-2015, 07:48 PM Photo  God oh God! -->

A few days later and I do mean a few days. From what was once a time where Morbid could do anything to this. A changed man.

Over the course of 48 hours he became a respectable business man, retired military, established fighter. That was a mission in itself, the attempt to make Morbid Angel an actual human, or at least to appear so.

They spent time cleaning up his house and removing anything that could be considered "hate Material" so all his Nazi memorabilia, his Human skin lamp, all random weapons were placed in a safe locked inside the basement morgue. On top of cleaning up all potentially dangerous and hazardous material throughout the house he needed to spend a few thousand dollars updating his Morgue so it could pass inspection. Everything was gone through and cleaned according to what was on the specified list.

Next was the changing of Morbid Angel! As he put on his Suit and tie, combed his hair back and even used a dash of cologne to cover up any muscle stink he might have had lingering from multiple super-sets he did an hour earlier. No need to go to court looking like a soggy teabag.

Today was the day he would try and get his son back. Having paid to expedite the case so he can go on and continue his life as if all of it wouldn't be for nothing.

Morbid steps from his room and looks at the camera that just happened to be standing there. All of that brings a thought to mind, Do these fucking guys just break into all these houses to record shit? Why isn't anyone surprised when there is a fucking camera outside your bedroom?

Either way, Morbid Angel decided to speak to the camera because after everything he has gone through he still has a match to do against mastermind, the human sloth.

Morbid Angel-"Mastermind, how wonderful it was for you to respond to me. For a second I thought that you would have ignored me for Vinnie Lane, he is the one with the title, I understand that but I can offer you so much more than a fucking title! I am Morbid Angel! I am worth about 10 Vinnie Lanes because I am not some little bitch doing bitch things! I am a man on a mission to regain the level I once was and in order to do so I have to face you. A sack of shit that isn't worth a penny. That's the sad part about being me right about now. I was a headliner, I could have faced anyone in this federation and now look at me; fighting fuckin' Mastermind! the man with more losses than anyone else. fuck! John Black is better than you and he fucking sucks ass! I mean, is this a fucking joke? I am not laughing... mostly because it ain't funny! It's an insult! I faced many people that were considered unbeatable and I fucking destroyed them! Now I face you.

I will take it, I will do this all fucking day and after you I EXPECT better! I expect more! I want to fucking eat the flesh of every man here in order to get ahead! "

Morbid gives his goatee a quick stroke before looking back at the camera.

Morbid Angel-"I can't be talking like this before court. I need to be calm... I can be respectable! You just watch!"

A car horn honks in the driveway and Morbid takes his leave.

The camera follows Morbid outside and watches as he gets inside his Lawyers car. and the two drive away.

the scene fades to Black

The two arrive at the courthouse and were greeted by a flock of cameras and flashbulbs going off in his face. The two make their way up the stairs as a barrage of questions are slung at them from eager microphone holding interviewers from random stations. Morbid brushes past like a jackbooted demon on a mission.

Inside the courthouse Morbid sits in his suit next to another man who is putting his paperwork in order. On the opposite side of the room was the State which was trying to keep young Xerces from his father. Their paperwork mounded boxes in their case against him. Morbid didn't care though, he wasn't an easy man to discourage which is something that is well known in the XWF.

The room fills with people and cameras trying to catch a little action knowing that he is like a wild animal.

The courtroom comes to order as the judge enters and takes a seat.

Judge-"Today we are hearing the case of Massachusetts vs Kyril Krizchiv better known to many as "Morbid Angel". He is trying to regain custody of his son Xerces Stephanopoulos Krizchiv. I will allow both sides a briefing before we officially start. The state will start.

Massachusetts Attorney-"Good morning to all in attendance. We are here trying to save the life and potential soul of young Xerces Krizchiv. His father Kyril is a well known criminal with a history working for Communist Russia back in the 1980's. He is a drug abuser and has multiple charges of assault . By the time this case is over we will have proven that his child belongs with people who will actually love him and not some ploy to whatever gains he desires. Thank you."

The Attorney sits down and Morbid Angel rises and quickly fixes his hair before speaking.

Morbid Angel-"I will start off by saying that he wasn't wrong. I did work for the communist Russians back in the 1980's, I was Spetsnaz and I was a soldier for my country. I see nothing wrong with being honorable and defending our country. I also have assault charges against me but with that considered I have never spent more than a few weeks in jail. Everything I've done is totally justifiable."

Morbid loosens his tie a little and starts to get a little pale. He walks over to his Lawyers table and pours himself a glass of water and gulps it down.

Morbid Angel-"During this trial you will know that I am a lot more than evil and terror. I went to medical school and unlike many others that I worked with in the XWF and past federations, I am actually a Doctor. Which brings me to the drug abuse in which they already claimed. Anabolic Steroids. I am 50 years old and I use them to keep my muscle mass up, I am far from an abuser."

The right side of Morbid's face begins to twitch as he stumbles, clutching onto the Judge's podium as he slowly looses his grip and hits the floor twitching.

People rush to his aid as the scene fades out.

White. Everything is white. Bright. Everything is bright!

Morbid is walking in a white room, never has there been such a white ass room. Oh look, the floors are like pillows, must be heaven!

Morbid Angel is dressed all in white as he walks around this room looking for a door or an answer of any kind.

A man appears in the room and looks at him. He was dressed in a white suit, not as white as the room but white enough to make it annoying.
Morbid turns and looks back at the man and they say not a word for a few awkward seconds.

Morbid Angel-"Well?"

The man stood quiet as he pulled a sheet of paper from his jacket pocket and holds it out to him. Morbid looks down at the paper for a second before snatching it. He looks at it for a few seconds before looking back up to see the man who had vanished.

Morbid chuckled to himself figuring they were trying to mind-fuck him. Well, that shit won't happen! Morbid is the master of the minds!

He opens the folded paper and begins reading the history of his life.

In his mind he wonders what the fuck is all this shit! Who is going through all of this trouble to teach him a lesson? First name that popped into his mind was Mastermind! After all he was the one who brags about mind-fucking people into losing.

"Very Funny" he quietly mouthed to himself as he read from the white page in this white room, dressed all in white.

The letter reads as follows

"There is no god before me, nor will there be any god after me. I hear all, I know all and I see everything including every type of heinous deed done down on earth.

You may not know this for sure but I can guarantee that as of this moment, you are on notice. I am the heavenly father, Jesus Christ.

It can be argued that God and Jesus are not the same person but I can assure you that we are. We are all one. I am the embodiment of human kind versus the spiritual realm. I am far more than just an idea piercing through in the darkness during hopes and wishes."

Morbid stops reading and whips his eyes with a look of frustration plastered across his face.

"I know you will not believe that I am truly real. In fact I am writing this as you read it. I can hear your doubt through your exhales and even if you don't like it, I am in your mind.

I will teach you the true meaning of pain through Salvation.

But before I put the suffering on you and offer the second chance that many never get. I want to discuss with you one final thing.

This is your last chance to change. You know all the rules in which I hold dear and I expect after this for you to not only follow my rules but defend them to your dying breath. Then you shall enter the kingdom of Heaven."

In Morbid's mind he already thought he was dead but obviously he wasn't dead yet. What kind of fucking treatment can they do to him?

The room starts to catch fire and blacken, the heat near unbearable as he feels it sink to the depths of some forsaken place.

Morbid Angel takes off the white jacket and starts to beat the flames back as they lick at his flesh! The pain of burning his legs, every nerve flickering, jolting him with tendentious pain, melting his flesh! Morbid Angel starts to scream as he burns alive in the room, his hair shrivel into clumps charred to his scalp. His flesh drips to the floor in patches as the flames eat through his insides and burn through his throat, his eyes pop from the heat. Normal people would have died or at least passed out by now but in Hell you burn for eternity! Never ending suffering and demise!

His arm falls as the joints were cooked, Morbid falls into a pile on the floor, still conscious, still burning! His eye sockets still bring his mind to see as he continues to burn until.... it stops!

Morbid stands up, naked in the burnt room and looks at his flesh, he was un-burnt, his hair was not even warm. He chuckles as he grabs his dick and notices it was OK.

The walls fall away and demons grab him, holding him to the ground. All his muscles were not enough to save him from what torturing was in store for him now. He was nailed to a cross. Like Jesus was, and the Demons began to feast on him! Biting chunks out of his legs and snapping off his toes. One even took to dine on his genitals, ripping the phallus from his body and eating it like a banana right in front of Morbid's face, popping his testicles like grapes. All the while he feels every bit of the pain, the ripping of this stomach and the spilling of his guts to the floor for the rats to devour. His screams tear through this hell like a hot knife through butter as a Demon latches onto his face, his claws latched into his face as he takes a bite out of his nose! The claws ever so slowly ripping downward, opening his large gashes making his jaw fall down before it was violently ripped off his body. The Demons climb him like squirrels to a tree as they ate their way up. One took a bite out of his tongue as it wagged around the open space while another sucked an eyeball from its socket, the optical nerve wiggling about like a worm on a hook as it was chewed and swallowed.

They eat his body leaving bones with some gore attached, a few hunks of meat left to signify it was once a man; none to show it was Morbid Angel. He may be a pile of gore but his pain lingers on.

Days, weeks, months, YEARS in this hell. Every day is the same routine of being burned alive and then eaten by demons, the pain is something that no one could get used to. A pain so deep that it haunts you every second you get a chance to feel nothing. His only time to feel no pain is a mere 60 seconds as the demons descend upon him after burning and the feeling of horror covers him like a cold blanket and the attack begins. No escape, nothing but pain and fear!

Years in Hell the demons charged for their meal. Morbid stood watching as they charged, sharp teeth snapping like a wild dog, their claws scratching the ground. Morbid stood not even attempting to run. He puffed his chest out and prepared himself for the pain. They lunged for him and as they were about to sink their claws in to him he thought to himself "What a mistake I've made"....Everything went black!

A voice came to him in this deepest, darkest, blackness! A kind voice.

"I am granting you a second chance. A chance to make things right with your son but more so to follow and protect my commandments otherwise you will endure Hell for all eternity with no chance of salvation.

Kyril, I am counting on you to do whats right and change your ways. There will be no more chances after this."

The voice faded to nothingness, leaving him his thoughts. Morbid Angel pondered many things, most of them how he was wrong about everything and he was determined to follow the rules and make everything right!

A sound unheard in hell...A slight, distant beep. Distant chatter and scuffling of feet. "What is this!" He thought to himself as he cannot see.

He feels his appendages and feels someone holding his hand. "Could this be god?"

His eyes flicker bright lights as he begins to open them, seeing nothing but bursts of light which slowly tone down to shapes and things come into focus. He lightly grips the hand that held his as his head rolls over and sees his son sitting there looking at the floor with worry on his face.

Morbid Angel-"Xerces?"

Xerces head pops up and looks at his father.


The boy jumps up and gives Morbid Angel a hug. Morbid Angel being a changed man hugs his son back.

Xerces-"I missed you, dad!"

Morbid Angel-"I missed you too, son! A lot of things are going to change now, were going to be a family; a real family! By God, I will make everything up to you!"

The camera pans out and the scene slowly
Fades to a Blood Red!

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
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Heavy Metal Champion x2
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Won at War Games 2014
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