The Last Son of Eden
XWF FanBase: Teens, some men, few kids (cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)
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04-01-2015, 02:58 PM
"Mister Jack! Good to see a coward such as yourself make yourself known and actually show up for the inevitable ass beating that you are destined to receive! Most men, well, most men would have shat their pants at the thought of facing my beastly son. But you, Jack... you didn't run."
Another sarcastic round of applause coming from the handsome devil that is Cain's father and his Advocate.
"You must be stupid. You have to either be stupid, mentally , or on drugs to actually step foot into the ring with Cain in his prime. Maybe you're like all the fallen souls before you, kid. Maybe you don't understand that your career, no, your life is in jeopardy. You're young, like my son. He's a twenty three year old killing machine and now? The man could outwrestle Bret Hart."
"I know that's a huge claim, but hell, it's amazing when a natural warrior actually trains. You can see it every time he spars, though we seem to have an issue with finding willing participants. Eh, cowardice is weakness. Of course, you gotta realize that even after finding participants, Cain almost always paralyzes know. You get the gist, right Jake?"
"Or is it Jack? It was Jac-ah, fuck it. Your name won't mean shit after my client takes you down to cripple town."
If you are just joining us here on the XWF Network, Vincent Arkham is speaking once again for his client and son. What noone seems to realize is that the Arkham ties go even deeper than just genetic research. Did anyone ever wonder why Cain literally has gotten away with murder his whole life? No legal repercussions whatsoever befall the Arkhams. Vincent Arkham is the head of the Arizona chapter of the Italian Mafia. One of the rings, third finger down, was platinum with a black onyx settings.
Speaking of settings, Vincent stands in a dark, damp room with no window. The walls are grey, with rebar showing and grafitti everywhere. Smoke fills the air as Vincent satisfies his habit once again.
"Blind and...blind and fucking stupid. My client, the Messiah of Pain not only actually earned and received his championship match but he beat the living hell out of Lane. He ripped the man's weave out and by the time the match was over? Lane was a fucking bloody mess."
"The lesson you wanna take from that, Jack, is that win or lose you will get your ass whipped. You? Hell, you're talking shit. Hell, its the exact same shit everyone says to my Cain."
"They claim that my son is no killer, that he has never ended a human life. They all say that it's all special effects, and that he just does it all for show. Do you honestly think that my client hasn't heard this a dozen thousand times before? Hell, if you go back, you'd even see that his actions influenced Sacrelidge to try and emulate him. He even killed a few people, in amateurish fashion. Are you going to do that as well? Will you be another Dylan George or Sacrelidge and infringe upon my client's artwork?"
"No. Because you are a talker. Just listen to yourself, Jack."
JACKass Said:You changed things up a bit by having your father speak for you instead of you yourself, possibly because you couldn't handle losing to a glam rockstar while you paraded about being a superhuman that would take his precious title. Strange how one's ego can fall after a few days, isn't it?
"Really, Jack?"
"It's quite the contrary, really. After all, why should my client even begin to waste his breath on a man who's very personage looks like used toilet paper? Why do you hide, Jack? Why are you the one sitting there, not showing your face? My client has a legitimate reason, but you've yet to explain yourself. My client is off training to become the best while you are basically shilling your former son's acting career. The material was irrelevant. It doesn't matter what has happened in the past."
"Vincent Lane barely managed to defeat my client, and there's a reason that he did. Ya see, when you are brothers in arms, you get to know one another so well. You learn what makes the other tick, and my client just so happened to find Vibcent's use of fake hair amusing."
"Unlike you, Lane is intelligent. He took the opportunity. By doing so, he earned my client's respect. However, my client and I cease to be impressed by you. You, however, should consider yourself both blessed and cursed to get the opportunity to step into the ring with the Killer King."
"Alas, you feign disappointment."
Jackass Said:"You're nothing more than an actor I have to get through in order to get the man I really want. Not D'Ville, Lane, Duke, or any other champion in this company. I'm after Mr. . The man who made me the bandaged man I am today.
"So you are seriously looking past not only my client but some of this corporation's biggest names because you want a man who isn't even a wrestler? A man who would be an easy fight for you, no doubt. Maybe you'd like a match with my cameraman Jerry?"
"You sir, as I have pointed out, are truly an idiot. You obviously think that my client will be an easy win. That's the implication that I get, Jack. But you know, maybe somewhere in some parallel universe, that Cain is easy to beat. Maybe he gets poked in the chest with the infamous fingerpoke of doom and gets pinned."
"Maybe in some parallel universe, you are bigger than my client. Maybe you've beaten people who actually matter, and you're standing at the top of some imaginary ladder. Maybe Shane actually...oh...I don't know, is concerned with your existence?"
"He's not, Jack. Noone really is. You see, you are not as intimidating as you may want people to believe you are. After all, my client isn't intimidated by anyone. Even if you weren't a grown man thinking it was Halloween all year around, and you didn't cover your body in bandages, you still would be just a rest match up for my client."
"You are of no concern to my client. Your very existence is irrelevant..." he smiled, an evil glint in his eyes. They were exactly like Cain's. " least until my client decides to end it on Monday Night."
Mister Arkham turned his back on the camera with a bit of laughter, the camera itself pointing toward a nearby corner in the cement room with no windows. You see Vincent's hand pointing toward this corner, his hand steady and unshaken. He spoke in a very serious tone.
"Now Jack, I want you to listen carefully. This, is a very special corner, because the last one to be in this corner was Cain's younger brother. Who was a pussy. The Force of Nature you know as Cain, he knew that there could only be one. There could only be one Messiah of Pain, one Killer King..."
Upon further inspection, you could still see dried grey matter on the walls in the corner. Written in what appeared to be dried blood were the words "All Hail The Messiah" on one side and the words "The Killer King Reigns Now" on the other. A panoramic of the room showed twenty five marks, the last bloody, scratched into the wall, depicting days.
"I had to see who was stronger. I had to know who would become the heir to my empire. I left them alone for twenty five days. No food, no water. Oh, how my client and Abel cried. These walls, they are not sound proof. I could hear their screams. After the twenty fourth day, things went quiet. Later that night, I heard a horrifying, blood curdling scream. On the twenty sixth day, my dearest Cain was left standing...covered in blood. He was the predator that I intended him to be."
"He had to be though. This Arkham "family" as you call us, we descend from a long line of murderous warlords. Some even cite that our bloodline is connected to the Cain of biblical legend and that is why Cain was named as such."
"So...Jack. For your own sake, I wouldn't look past this monster who is my son, my client. This monster who stands before you is impossible to destroy. He may not always win, but they always get their asses handed to them. One man he did beat? Never heard from again. Certainly his baby's mothers must be looking for him by now."
"Sacrelidge died in the name of my client's rise to the top."
"Gladiator? Gone."
"Lucius Fyre? Running. Tail between his legs."
"So for one moment, just one solitary moment, take your mind away from your frivolous quest for vengeance against Shane . Come down to that ring and get ready to receive the career ending ass whipping that's coming to you."
"That's your only choice. Deal with it."
The awesome banner was brought to you by Morbid Fuckin Angel.