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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Gauntlet City (March 31st) PPV RP Archive
A quick one for number six!
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

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03-31-2013, 08:33 AM

Fred said it? Oh no, I take it all back now, Neonero! Haha, try again.

How many times?

How many times do I need to beat this through your fucking skulls?

I realize-- no, I've screamed at you people-- that I've done "nothing" since War Games. Nothing! Notta, at least not in your eyes. Through your eyes I can understand why it would be difficult to see how much John Madison has accomplished since that night in October. Simple minded folks like Neonero refuse to believe in anything that isn't covered in gold or has some "reward" attached to it. But what exactly did I achieve prior to War Games? Hmm? A rookie battle royal for one of those "rewards" that you idiots cling to? Guess what I did with said reward-- I trashed it. Just like I did with War Games, and just like I'm about to do with Gauntlet City crown.

Now I don't want this to turn into some self bash session; no one wants to see that. But the point is; I did nothing of any importance prior to War Games but still caused more mayhem than anyone else on the entire roster. What have you done at all, Neonero? An easily forgettable European Title reign that is sure to be just as forgettable the second time around? Oh boy, I can't wait to see you "restore value to the belt," like everyone whose ever chased after a title has said a billion times. Is that really the card you're going to throw on the table? Haha, how convenient. You keep playing that card, Neonero. I'm sure that card will give you a decent run over on the Madness side of things. By the way, who's your competition over there?

No-- Please, please, please don't answer that question.

What would John Madison have to do to make you happy, Neonero? Seriously, let's go back on this subject of you wanting to see the old John Madison back. What the fuck was your point in that statement exactly? Was there one, or were you just trying to make yourself look relevant by having John Madison featured somewhere in your promo? Because I've yet to see a sliver of valid evidence to support your little claim.

You want to see John Madison carry the United States Title? Fuck no, just look at Mark Flynn as an example for what goes wrong when you become the ruler of a deserted island. He's bored and he's starving for competition. Not only that but Warfare, along with Madness, seems to be weighed down by networks and their censorship. No thank you. I want the viewers at home to see my penis in High Definition. I want them to see the blood flying into the screen when I put the guillotine to work. Holy shit, those two things I just mentioned alone sound better than anything Neonero has done. Maybe if you win that European Title, you can just put a monitor on the face plate that shows what John Madison did on Saturday Shove it! Maybe then people would tune in to see Neonero walk down the aisle with a belt on. Maybe you can even throw a few of my old clips on there that you seem to have a boner for.

Shove It! Saturday; my pride and joy. And now you could argue; why hasn't John Madison won the big won for Shove-It?

Oh I don't know, Neonero. I guess the thought of carrying around the North Korean Title bores me. I'd rather just go around, piss people off, and step on all the cockroaches that Shane brings in. I'm in the business of having fun and causing violence, and I'm pretty damn good at it. Shove-It! is a lot of fun, trust me. Hey, you should come right on over and join us on the flagship show. On second thought, you probably couldn't stomach the shit we do on Saturday nights though. You just go ahead and stay over on Madness with Martin O'Connor where it's safe. You seemed pretty upset when you had to muster up the courage to talk about

I'm having the time of my life on Shove-It! Is the North Korean Title there? Yeah, I guess it is. I think I'll pass on it though and settle for cutting of heads and winnng King of the XWF. That's my kind of shit.

Oh, you expected people to make fun of you for your brilliant "GG NORE" gimmick? Yes, of course you did, silly me. Maybe I'll walk around and say "LOL NT TTYL!" But wait, because I realize how stupid it sounds, that automatically grants immunity to my idea being a ball of shit. Neonero logic there, folks.

Hey Neonero, in the future let's just skip the back and forth trash talk. Honestly, it's uninspiring to listen to a man who's never mattered try to sound like he matters. Give me one moment. Just ONE MOMENT where anyone gave a shit Neonero.

You beat Mark Flynn? No one gave a shit.

You carried the US Title for a couple of weeks? No one gave a shit.

You disappeared when you couldn't hack it anymore? No one gave a shit.

You're back? No one gives a shit.

When you leave again-- No one will give a shit.

Congratulations, you're sandwiched between the US Title which hasn't had a decent contender since who-knows-fucking-when, and the UFO-Who-Gives-A-Fuck Match. You won't restore dignity to the European Title, you'll just be the mediocre champion that it needs. A champion that no one cares about. Titles are a thing of the past, Neonero. "GG NORE" was never even a thing. People want to see heads fly off, literally. But you go ahead and keep carrying around that fossil and see how far it takes you.

While you're on filler duty (in both the Gauntlet and the card itself), I'll be winning a match which consists of actual, main event caliber competition. Hell, they even brought in CM Punk for the occasion. CM Punk; a guy who held a World Championship for four hundred something days. Jeff Hardy? Well, his best moment was stumbling out to the ring to get dropped on the mat by Sting. Yeah. The point is, they're bringing out all the stops for John Madison's matches. Neoneros-- not so much. You'll fill up ten minutes of air time and then everyone will move on to the next big thing.

In your eyes: I've done nothing. I've achieved nothing. Is that in a song too, Neonero? Fuck me!

I'm still higher up on the card than you. No, I'm not trying to turn this into some cock measuring contest (I think I got "cock measuring contest" from a movie), I'm simply throwing facts in your gook face since you seem to have it in your head that I've fallen into obscurity since War Games. Oh look, I resorted to racism, you can spend five minutes talk about that now. That's like a must hit point for any Neonero promo. Talk about my alliance with Nazis too because no one has ever hit on that before, right? Have fun with it. It doesn't matter what I do. I still garner more attention than you and any belt that you end up holding, and any half ass catchphrase that you manage to throw together. People want to see John Madison destroy everything in his path, including Neonero. I cut heads off, I piss on people, and I fuck corpses. You win shitty titles, lose them a couple of weeks later, and then leave with an ache in your butt.

But I'm glad that you're back to what you're doing, Neonero. Like I've said before; history will repeat itself this Sunday.

You'll win the European Title, and they will all stand up and pretend to give a fuck like they did the first time. You'll probably get burned out in another month and fade into obscurity again. That's your story-- that will always be your story.

Meanwhile, I'll be adding two more multi-contestant matches under my belt. I'll do "nothing" (as you like to infer) for two more months, and then I'll win whatever the next big thing is.

Dissect my words all you want, Neonero. The fact is; the old John Madison never left and you don't have a clue what you're talking about. You went to Gamestop? Oh, I'm laughing so hard at that; I think it might be the most interesting thing you've done in your entire career. That's what idiots like you would call "LMFAO," right?

I don't even know why I'm wasting my time here. You drew number six, and we both know you'll only make it past MacBeth and maybe CM Punk before you fail and walk home with that little participation trophy you call the European Title. What happens after you're done lying down for Donathan? Does Donathan get a "RE?" Hmm, it might be time to take your attention off of little old me, buddy! Why are we even bothering with this pointless discussion which started off with you fantasizing about "old John Madison." What's the point when we both know that you don't stand a chance in this Gauntlet. You won't even come close to whatever number I draw. Go bug someone else. Tell Mister Mystery how fucked he is or something. I think Macbeth is bored, tell him how much of a world of pain he's going to be in. Who else can you bother, let's see... Oh, there's your future challenger Martin O'Connor, he looks like a lot of fun!

Or just keep gunning for me; it doesn't make a difference. As long as you're having fun talking, then I'm having fun talking too. Maybe I'll find some more Fred Durst lyrics to hit you with since that seems to bring out your artsy side. Would you like that?

You won't make it this Sunday. You'll have to settle for that European strap again. Congratulations on that by the way; you should be so proud.

After Sunday, I doubt we'll ever see each other again seeing as how you'll probably settle for a convenient Eurotrash (Oh boy, there's the subject of your next five minute rant! I should go back and edit over that with just "European" in order to save Neonero's viewers from the rant of a lifetime.) Title reign on Mediocrity Monday.

So Neonero, I only have a couple of things left to say to you and all of your future performances in the XWF. And I think you'll appreciate the amount of European Champion-level creativity I put into this.




Bye-bye, Nero. It was all fun!
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