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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » Lethal Lottery 3
Time for a Visit - Close Friends
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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends
The 24/7 Shot!

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-25-2015, 01:25 PM


"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names."

― John F. Kennedy

[Image: Kd641BT.png]

Oh, but there's so many . . .

Have we been here before?

It was a dark and stormy night.

The Ex-Detective laid motionless in his bed. On the other side of the curtain was another person. Maybe as sick as he was, for better or worse, he had company all the time.

He laid still with the breathing tube resting in his throat, controlling his every breath. He's been awake now for about a week. He can't move, he can't speak, and he can't open his eyes. But he hears and knows everything that's going on around him. He's even able to recognize voices and tell the time of day based on who is in to see him. It's been kind of boring to the Ex-Detective... All he's done is sleep and think.

It must have been a bad night for his roommate. As the Ex-Detective laid awake, all he heard was crying from just a few feet over. The sobbing went on for what seemed like hours, and when you're in the position he's in, could seem like days.

He finally heard the door open to the room and praised that it was finally morning. Only he did not hear the soft, cantabile voice of the morning nurse, he heard strange whispers echo through out the room.

He was unable to make them out. It sounded like several different people, not a crowd... but more definitely more than two. The crying even stopped and was talking back to the voices, still undecipherable, however. A strange cold sensation then took over the room, it was one of the few things the Ex-Detective could actually remember feeling in the past month, year, or decade he's been lying in this bed.

He assumed the murmuring he was hearing was the morning nurse, so he waited patiently in his sedated little world. The voices then grew louder and became even more indecipherable. The small group of voices then turned into a room full of voices trying to talk over each other. Then like a zip in time and space, the voices ceased and a single one entered his head.

earlier . . .

The Doctor sits on his throne, his crown upon his head, his Universal Title resting on his lap. The room around him his dark and echoes with consecutive drips of water.




And so on.

An eerie glow reflects off of the Doctor. The smoke he exhales from his cigar adds to the glow and swirls out into the void. The Doctor just stares blankly into blackness like a deer caught in headlights.

Hello, my friends.

So here we are. Several days removed from the Stampede. You know, in my profession here, I am not one to fall back on the old saying, "I told you so." It'd be working backwards in my opinion. It's not my job to prove anyone wrong around here. It's my job to help the XWF competitors adapt and overcome the odds! I think I've done a splendid job thus far and I believe that my services here are still very much needed. Not a single one of you has what it takes to overcome the odds and take me down. And not a single one of you has proven to even step into the ring with me. Gator and Gator alone holds a true victory over me, my friends. All of those months ago, Gator better'd the old Doc. But, how the tides have turned. Last Monday, I defended the Universal Title. I took everything that Gator and the Defiance have spewed out of their ridiculous mouths since they decided they wanted to take over and thrown it to waste. Does it matter what you believe you hold over my army? Does it matter now? You're all falling apart at the seams and you all have a lot of work to do to get back on track.

Look at the pay-per-view, CorVus is the only member from Defiance even on it. What's the deal boys? You need a week off after getting beating from all angles? I'm surprised Mister Fernando isn't jumping all over that X-Treme Title match.

Where's that spunk, Mister Ferndo?

Where's the kid that would relentlessly challenge me for my X-Treme Title before? Hm. It can't be because you're good buddy Justin Sane is the champion . . . We all know what happened on Warfare. It must be a deafening blow giving up your briefcase to your pal CorVus and losing the X-Treme Title a week later. I wouldn't know. And, of course, Jacob.

Jacob, my friend. I told you it was going to be an epic battle. It was one of my greatest battles to date as well. I hope that any disrespect I may have gotten from cashing-in on you has doubled since I beat you fair in square in the middle of Mister Heyman's Chamber of Horrors.

Has anything changed since that fateful night that Defiance fell into nearly nothing? Not really. I proved that night that I'm the standard in the XWF. I am everyone's goal. I am the 'guy to beat'. I'm still the bar here and I keep rising higher and higher week after week. I am the future of this fine federation and there isn't a single person here that can oppose me.

Now I was a bit tickled when I seen the three of you absent from the Lethal Lottery event, but even more tickled when I seen who I was defending my Universal Title against.

The Aerial Knight and Mister TJ Wallace . . . . .

What a combination, am I right? Two men I've beaten with little effort in the past, are back for my Universal Title. The most coveted belt in the universe!


It's a good thing you boys failed and lost during Lethal Lottery. If not, you'd be stuck in some main event later in the card fighting over one of those stupid little briefcases. Instead, you're in a match for the Universal Title. How does that work? At least the XWF officials were smart enough to finally put a decent stipulation on a match such as this. In order for you to walk away with my title, I have to be pinned.


Let me let you in on a little secret, my friends. That's only happened one time. I'm sure you've heard me say it over and over again. But when you lack the faults that many of you have, it's hard to come up with much else to refer back to. Well, actually let's refer back to the first match I had with Mister Knight.

It was all set up to be the Doctor versus the Knight, one on one. Then a certain, Wyatt Reynolds decided to involve himself in the end of one of my sessions.

The Doctor unbuttons his shirt and reveals "IN WYATT I TRUST" branded into his chest.

I had to take a few matters in hand, so I agreed to Mister Reynolds joining us in a session that same week. I apologize now Mister Knight, this is the second instance in our time here together that our session is crowded with a third party. You could look at it this way though, you did walk away with a "W", technically.

I would like the chance to have you one on one, but time just doesn't seem to be our friend. To be honest, after I became the Universal Champion, I figured that you and I would never meet in the ring again. I seriously thought about that. Simply because there is no way that you will ever amount to anything even close to a Universal Title shot.

Well, they certainly proved me wrong, didn't they?

I suppose after you've lost to Gator six or seven times, why not give you the guy that has beaten Gator himself. Does it fill you with butterflies? Just think about the fact the you stand absolutely no chance in this battle.

You're not alone, though. You're standing right next to your old faction-mate, TJ Wallace. Where did your friendships go wrong? The Underground was the most dominant force on Monday Madness, and now, they're reduced to a single Vinnie Lane. What happened, my friends?

Not that it would matter now. My Asylum is spreading throughout the XWF like a wild fire and nothing, including the Underground in it's finest day, would stand a chance in stopping it. Mister Wallace, you know what it's like to be in the wrong place at the wrong time . . . Just a couple of months ago, you were challenging me for my X-Treme Title. I was defending against Ferrari Punk, Maverick, and yourself. Now I thought back then that a few of you boys were out of your league. I haven't seen much change in what you have to bring to the table as of late, so again, I feel that you're being fed to the wolves. I didn't win the match? Then how in God's good grace did I remain the champion? You were no where close to winning that match, Mister Wallace. I simply let you handle the dirty work. You see, those two gentlemen fall even further down the totem pole than you do, yet, if Ferrari Punk wasn't there to take the fall, I'm sure you would have.

I'm not sure how you and Mister Knight's history goes. Like I mentioned, you two were the best of friends in the Underground together. I know you two have been involved in your own matches. Tell me, how did you boys do head to head? Do one of you hold a single win over the other? Are you dead even? Was Knight or TJ Wallace completely dominant throughout all encounters, much like the Doctor? Rather than who's the better out of the two, which is irrelevant, which game plan are you boys going to go with? The two of you alone obviously doesn't amount to much, so working together would almost be ideal in this situation. So which is it, will you combine your forces and try to take down the Doctor? Once I'm out of the way it's just between the two of you, until you have to make the pinfall of course. Remember, it is the Doctor's shoulders and no other's that have to be down for the three count. Yes, will you go back to your Underground days and work together? I'm excited to know how you both answer to that. Because I think it will be the opposite. I believe that the two of you are too stubborn to put differences aside. You just see the Universal Title and that is all. Your little egos and dislike for each other will be your demise this time, gentlemen. You have no idea how prestige this match and this opportunity is for both of you. I can already feel the static in the air. I know what you two are feeling. You're feeling like there's no chance in the world you're coming away from this battle in one piece. The Asylum is running hot and I'm unstoppable. What is it that I have left to prove? I have no beaten every single competitor that I've encountered here.

The officials of this fine organization may as well retire the Universal Title now, as well. Create something new as they've done in the past. Not because of any mishaps or discrepancies, oh no, but out of respect. Gator, the unbeatable Television Champion. After months and months of defending the title, leaving, then coming back and defending the title, the XWF finally had to adapt. They took the title out of the picture, let Gator keep it, and created the "Show Titles". I'm not particularly saying you need to come up and something completely different, but something else to work for. The Doctor is bored and needs a new goal. It's lonely at the top gentlemen.

The Doctor rests his chin back upon his fist and closes his eyes. The throne he sits upon slowly fades away and the void around him fills in with life. The Doctor now appears to be riding in the back of a large city bus. Other patrons sitting all around him, he sits quietly awaiting his stop.

The light suddenly comes on and the bus begins slowing down.

It read,

"Rose Medical Center"

The Doctor rose from his seat and approached the front of the bus. It then stopped, opened it's door, and the Doctor stepped off of the bus.

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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