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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Gauntlet City (March 31st) PPV RP Archive
Decision Time (US Title/Gauntlet - RP 5)
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Sebastian Duke Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-29-2013, 04:35 PM

Friday, March 29, 2013 - 10:44 AM EST

All has been relatively quiet throughout the Compound the last few days. A much different atmosphere then it was with all the chaos Monday night and Tuesday morning. Life, for the most part, has gone back to normal. Silas has even been keeping up with his false persona as a member of the Brotherhood.

As is the norm, Silas, Asmodeus, Jacob and Sebastian Duke himself, sit in the library away from the hustle and bustle of the others. Drinking their coffee and planning their next moves. Moves against the Vatican? Former Pope Benedict? Jonathan?

Point blank and quite simply put, nothing is off the table.

Duke sits in a comfortable looking chair against the wall. Silas in an identical chair next to him. Between them is a round end table. Across from them sitting on a similarly fashioned sofa, sit Asmodeus and Jacob.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “We have to come up with something! Not doing anything is NOT an option!”

ASMODEUS: “I don’t see what we can do! We’ll have to wait!”

JACOB: “I will stop at nothing. I will get my hands on that bastard!”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Jake, I promised you’d get your hands on him. It’s a promise I don’t intend to forget. Let’s try to be patient.”

SILAS: “Any word yet, on how much longer until these construction crews get the hell out of here?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “By the end of the weekend, I’m told.”

ASMODEUS: “Do they make you nervous, Silas?”

SILAS: “I just liked the feeling of not having outsiders around. That changed pretty rapidly this week.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Yeah. Should have been here when the security was going in! Weeks.”

SILAS: “What made you get the additional security anyway?”

Duke doesn’t answer. He just gives Silas a half smile. Moments later, the silence is broken by the phone on the table between Sebastian and Silas.

ASMODEUS: “Who is it?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Unknown Caller.”

SILAS: “I’ll bet its Jonathan.”

JACOB: “Answer it!”

Duke hit’s the speaker button while shooting a stern look toward Jacob.


???: “Sebastian Duke.”

Realizing right away it’s Joseph Ratzinger, Sebastian holds his finger to his lips, telling the others in the room to ‘shhh.’

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What can I do for you, Joseph?”

JOSEPH: “I just wanted to see how things were.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Right! Like you give two shits how I am.”

JOSEPH: “My memory isn’t what it used to be, Sebastian. I’m a very old man now. So, correct me if I’m wrong. The last time we spoke, did I not warn you?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Warn me of what?”

JOSEPH: “I’m certain I warned you not to harm one hair on that boys head! Did I not?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “You did, indeed.”

JOSEPH: “You went ahead with your plan to eliminate him, didn’t you?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “How would you know?”

JOSEPH: “I’m not sure why, but it was all over the news in my part of the world. All the police invading your property. I bet that was a sight to see!”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Can you get to the point?”

JOSEPH: “Very well. Sebastian, I wanted to see if we could, bury the hatchet?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I think it’s a little late for that, Joseph.”

JOSEPH: “Ahhh. Perhaps. At the conclusion of this phone call, you will not hear from me again. I suspect I won’t hear from me. I’m much too old to carry on an ancient war.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “A war started by your side, no less.”

JOSEPH: “I can’t argue with that. All I can say is, this war is over, Sebastian.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Joseph. I hate to break it to you. Whether you’re exiting the war or not… Jonathan won‘t stop.”

JOSEPH: “I had a suspicion you’d say that.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “The thing is, Joe, I will get my hands on that boy.”

JOSEPH: “I pray you don’t.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Revenge, Joseph. Revenge is the single most intoxicating feeling in the world. We will have it.”

JOSEPH: “There is just one thing you might not be aware of.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What’s that?”

JOSEPH: “I’m not the one that sent the police.”

Duke and the others kind of give each other a knowing glance. As if their suspicions were just confirmed.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Goodbye, Joseph.”

JOSEPH: “You didn’t really think I’d send that boy in their alone did you?”

Without waiting for an answer, the ex-Pope ends the call leaving Sebastian and the three others with their own thoughts.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I think it’s obvious now, boys. We already thought it, but he just confirmed it.”

SILAS: “What, exactly?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Another rat.”

Friday, March 29, 2013 - 5:14 PM EST

Silas paces Sebastians private office. Alone. His pacing gets faster and faster. Sebastian walks in, not expecting Silas to be there. Without saying a word, Duke motions for the chair and Silas takes a seat. Duke walks around the desk and he takes his typical seat as well.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What’s up?”

SILAS: “We need to talk.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I kind of gathered that. What about?”

SILAS: “I need advice.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Advice. Advice about what, Silas?”

SILAS: “I’m thinking about taking off out of here.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I see. Why would you do that?”

SILAS: “They obviously know I’m here, Duke. If they don’t yet, they will soon.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What makes you think that?”

SILAS: “Remember the other night? That cop that you basically kicked the jaw off of? He wasn’t trying to arrest me. I think he intended to kill me. Not only that, but he said something about me thinking he wouldn’t recognize me.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “So, they definitely know. Or at least they will know. I should’ve killed that prick. Do you honestly think you’d be better protected out there, rather than here?”

SILAS: “Honestly, Duke. I don’t think it matters anymore.”

Duke leans back in his chair. He clasps his hands behind his head and rests his feet on his desk.

SILAS: “What would you do? If you were me.”

Duke remains silent a minute, pondering his response.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Silas, I’d hate to see you go.”

SILAS: “I don’t really want to go. I just… I don’t see any way around it.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I can’t tell you what to do, Silas.”

SILAS: “Duke, I don’t want you to tell me what to do. I want to tell me what you would do.”


A moment of silence as Silas takes in Duke’s response. Silas seems as if he’s unsure whether he wanted Duke to tell him to stay, or if he wanted Duke to tell him to go.

SILAS: “You realize, if things don’t go my way, I may not….”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I know. You have to do it though. You have to take the fight to their doorstep. Fact is, they know you’re here. They will be back. There are no guarantees, Silas. Next time, things may end differently.

“Its now more then just should I or shouldn’t I. You NEED to do it!”

SILAS: “What about Jonathan? You’re going to need my help.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “We’ll handle it.”

SILAS: “I gave you my word, Duke. To help you…”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “You did. The mission I needed you to do was accomplished. Asmodeus is back here safe an sound. And annoying as hell, sometimes.”

SILAS: “I also agreed to help you end Jonathan.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “You just worry about what you need to do. Leave Jonathan to us.”

The scene fades out as Duke and Silas begin to stare at each other as the harsh realities of what they've been through, and what is coming next, begin to set in.
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