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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Gauntlet City (March 31st) PPV RP Archive
King of XWF Gauntlet
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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

03-28-2013, 06:43 PM

The camera fades from black, showing 'Slick' Rick Jones, leaning forward against a concrete wall, not looking at the camera.

3-27-13, everyone, including Knight Mask and World 1 International thought I should be taken lightly. Now if you watched Warfare on Wednesday, you should start thinking different. I stole his chance at a winning streak away from him. I speared him into the canvas, choke slammed him on to the mat, and KO'ed him with the Game Over.

He turns his head towards the camera.

Now to steal a quote from CM Punk,"Do I have everyone's attention now?" Of course, I haven't told you much about myself yet. I started my career in wrestling on many independent circuits, winning multiple Tag and World titles. I have gotten kicked out of a circuit because I was "to aggressive", when I hit the piledriver from the top rope, onto the floor. I was fined and threatened with legal charges of assault. If I didn't quit, I would have been charged.

Now, do I believe that I should be crowned with the title of King of XWF, not yet. This is another statement. I made one Wednesday, and I plan on eliminating anyone who is willing to fight, not just in the gauntlet, but in XWF.

Wrestling is a sport of agility, strength, skill, grappling, technician, and most importantly, pride. You must not be to brave if you have to have someone interfere. Or have someone tight your battles for you, but tag teams are different. Those are harder than singles matches, having to rely on, work with, and trust your partner. Anyone who fights me in a handicap match or attacks me after a match, will be punished. I am the Judge, I am the Jury, and I am the Executioner. My punishment will not be handled exclusively in the ring, anywhere I can get my hands on you.

And if anyone gets me started about shove it, you will be listening to things that the Shovers don't want to believe. I'm not here, living off success from another company, I'm not here to be racist. I'm not here to "entertain", if the audience loves me, fine. If they don't, fine. I am here to fight, win championships, and earn respect. I will be successful in this business. If you don't believe me, you're in for a surprise. Steve Sayors referred to me as "The Slick One"

He smiles at the camera.

I like the sound of that. March 31, the PPV debut of The Slick One in the King of XWF Gauntlet. Catch the end of the world as you know it live on Sunday. You'll have to see it to believe it.

He gives a weird, sick smile at the camera. With that the camera fades to black.
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