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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Gauntlet City (March 31st) PPV RP Archive
The Great Escape: Part II (US Title/Gauntlet - RP 3)
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Sebastian Duke Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-28-2013, 04:10 PM

Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - 12:48 AM EST

Duke looks up at Jonathan trying to climb the fence. Then back at Silas with that agents gun to his head. He has a fateful decision to make. In his head, he deliberates the consequences of both reactions.

First, Jonathan is climbing the formerly electrified fence. If he helps Silas, Jonathan is sure to escape.

Second, if he goes after Jonathan, Silas will surely be dead with a DEA agents bullet lodged in his skull.

Third, he vowed to end Jonathans life tonight.

Fourth, he made a commitment to protect Silas.

The decision he makes will have ramifications no matter what he does. He jumps to his feet.

The DEA agent still has the barrel of his pistol flush with Silas’s forehead.

AGENT: “Do you honestly think I wouldn’t recognize you?”

SILAS: “Go fuck yourself.”

AGENT: “They will be happy to know where you are…”

Out of nowhere, Sebastian Duke nails the agent in the side of his skull with his boot. Blood flies from the agents mouth. The agent falls to the ground unconscious. The gun flies into the darkness and lands on the ground. Silas rolls the rest of the agents body off of him.

Sebastian helps Silas back to his feet then looks up toward Jonathan just in time to see him drop to the ground on the other side of the fence.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “C’mon! We gotta go!”

SILAS: “Where?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “The garage! We’re going after him!”

Duke, side by side with Silas, turn back toward all of the confusion. He looks on as many of the Brothers lie in handcuffs. Other Brothers continue to run and fight off the law enforcement officials. There were a few Brothers that were chasing Jonathan along with Duke and Silas, they remain on the ground.

SILAS: “What a mess!”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “We don’t have any other choice. We need to get to Jonathan before they do!”

“Get your asses up and back toward the building!”

Duke and Silas begin running back toward the Compound. It’s free sailing for the next few hundred yards or so. Most of the action is close to the building. The Brothers nearby, laying on the ground, answer the call to action and start running back toward the building. They run between the two parked choppers as Duke and Silas go around the DEA chopper away from the action.

Duke stumbles and nearly falls but keeps on running. Silas has put a little distance between he and Duke as they run full steam toward the garage.

They get about 500 feet away when a state trooper, previously unseen to both Duke and Silas, grabs Duke by the ankle as he runs by, tripping him to the ground.


Duke calls out to Silas as the cop begins trying to cuff Duke. Duke struggles to not allow it to happen.

COP: “You are under arrest for trying to flee the scene of a crime. You have a right to…”

The cop gets tackled to the ground by Silas.

SILAS: “YOU have a right to shut the fuck up!”

Silas helps Duke to his feet and they continue to run toward the back door of the garage that is connected to the right side (from the rear) of the Compound.

One of the numerous DEA agents run full speed ahead toward Duke. Duke sees this one though, and as the agent reaches Duke, he gets caught with an elbow to the jaw sending him to the ground in obvious pain.

A Connecticut state trooper is after Silas and, much like the agent with Duke, the trooper receives a vicious stiff arm from Silas.

Silas has now pulled away from Duke, obviously much faster. He’s ahead by 20 or 30 feet. A DEA agent and a state trooper both set their eyes on Silas. Coming from either side, they’re destined to meet Silas at the same time. They charge toward Silas. Silas sees them coming.

Just as they draw near and within a few feet of Silas, he somersaults to the ground and the cop and the agent crash into each other, spilling over one another and falling to the ground.

Duke laughs out loud to himself as he witnessed the collision of human bodies. He jumps over the two cops as they nurse their wounds. It seems to be easy from this point, no more cops or agents around. Duke and Silas finally reach the back door of the garage.

Here comes some DEA agents.

Getting closer.

And closer.

Duke and Silas enter the garage and slam the large steel door shut. Duke hits the dead bolt locking it just as the agents start pounding on the door. Duke and Silas lean against the door for a moment, trying to regain their breath.

SILAS: “We got to hurry, Duke!”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “We have a minute. That door is nearly an inch and a half of solid steel. It’ll take time for them to get through it.”

SILAS: “What next?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Get to the truck! Holy shit, Silas! I’m much too big a man to run like that! When this is over, I might sleep for a week!”

SILAS: “Suck it up! Let’s go!”

Silas pulls Duke by the arm. Duke runs toward the driver side of the old beat up pickup. Silas jumps into the passenger side of one of the Suburbans. Duke notices and grins. Silas seems oblivious that he’s in the wrong truck. Duke rolls down his windown and just leans on the door waiting for Silas to notice. Silas’s window was left down by its previous user. Duke just stares at him through the windows of the Suburban that sits between them. Silas looks around looking for Duke.

More beating and banging on the large steel door.

SILAS: “What the fuck, Duke! Where the hell did you go!?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Wrong truck, dip shit!”

Silas hears him, but doesn’t see him.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Hey asshole! The real truck!”

Silas spots Duke in the old beat up Chevy truck. He shakes his head and exit’s the Suburban. He runs in front of the truck and jumps into the passenger side.

They both hear the wood starting to split on the door jam.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Silas, this is Big Bertha.”

SILAS: “Duke, you name your fucking cars?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Ha! Just this one.”

SILAS: “I don’t know ‘bout you Duke!”

Duke flips down the sun visor and the keys drop into his lap.

The agents are nearing an entrance.

SILAS: “This thing even start?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “She’ll start!”

Duke pumps the accelerator and the engine roars to life and dies out.

They can hear the cops yelling that “they’re trying to get away!”

Another few pumps and again the engine roars to life, then dies out again.

SILAS: “It’ll start right?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Shut up, mother fucker!”

This time he doesn’t pump. He turns the key and the truck roars to life.

The cops are now ramming the door with something.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Told you she’d start.”

Duke puts the truck in gear and it instantly dies out.

More ramming the door from the cops outside.

SILAS: “I told you she'd start" (in a mocking tone) "God damn it Duke! Just take one of the other trucks! They start right up!”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Be patient. She’s cold blooded. Just getting all her parts moving.”

SILAS: “She better fuckin’ start moving faster! I’ll cut a bitch!”


SILAS: “See what?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “You talk about her like she was a real lady, too! She has that effect!”

SILAS: “Fuck you Duke!”

Duke turns the key again. This time the engine turns and turns but doesn’t fire.

SILAS: “Shit!”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Relax! She got this!”

Again, it turns and turns but won’t fire.


This time Duke says nothing.

He turns the key one more time. Again, it won’t fire.

He pumps the accelerator a few times…

The cops have just busted through the door. The door lands on one of the Suburbans and then drops to the floor with a loud bang.

They see no one and start searching with their flashlights.

Duke again, tries to start the old truck. She’s trying and trying, but no fire.

The cops and agents are just feet away from the rear of the truck…

…To Be Continued…
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