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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Gauntlet City (March 31st) PPV RP Archive
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Sebastian Duke Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-27-2013, 10:18 AM

OOC NOTE: RPs for Flynn have a different story compared to RPs for Trio. Don't look for the typical continuity you'd typically find in Duke RPs.

Sunday, March 24, 2013 - 12:22 PM EST

Sebastian Duke enters the Compound for the first time. Fresh off the heels of Shove It and the biggest main event of the year. Tired and not in the mood for all that awaits him on this Sunday. Still lingering over the Compound is the secrecy surrounding Silas, the upcoming death of Jonathan, not to mention Gauntlet City looms in just seven short days.

As he enters Brothers surround their Leader. He is forced to stop dead in his tracks as the Brothers rattle off things that have happened since he's been gone. Jonathan this, Jacob that, Father Asmodeus's sermons, Silas this, messages from this guy or that guy. Finally, he's had enough.


The Brothers scatter. Asmodeus hears Sebastian yell and comes out of the library. Walking up the main corridor with the aid of his cane, he stops about ten feet from Duke.

ASMODEUS: "Is there a problem?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "I just need everybody the hell out of my face! I'm tired and I'm in no mood! Were the hell is Silas?"

ASMODEUS: "In the library. Chatting with Jacob and I like normal."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Send him to the garage. NOW!"

Slightly taken aback by the nature of Dukes demeanor today, Asmodeus turns and walks back toward the library. Duke heads down the main corridor toward the back of the building.

Duke reaches the garage and leans on the bed of his old truck for a few minutes as he waits for Silas.

A few minutes later, Silas enters the garage. He walks toward Duke and the truck.

SILAS: "Whats up Duke?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "C'mon. Get in the truck."

SILAS: "Where we going?"


The two men climb into the truck and Duke hits the device on his visor. The garage door opens slowly as he fires up the truck. As the truck exits the garage, you catch a glimpse of the Connecticut license plate: BERTHA

Duke navigates the truck down the long driveway, slowing as he nears the end allowing the large gates to open up. After they open, Duke nails the gas hard and the trucks engine screams as they take off up Galileo Drive.

About a mile up the road, Duke makes a left onto an old, unnamed dirt road. Neither man utters a word until now. As Duke navigates the road and enters the wooded area, he decides to speak.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "I wanted you to know the Black Circle is coming."

SILAS: "What? Coming where?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "The Compound."


SEBASTIAN DUKE: "I invited them."

SILAS: "AHHH! Why would you do that!?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Simple. We need to discuss strategy for Sunday."

SILAS: "You know they and I have... history."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "I know. That's why you're here right now."

SILAS: "I don't think I should be around them, Duke."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "I agree. That's why I want you to lay low and stay in the background. Nathaniel and John Madison... well mainly John Madison is libel to be up to some crazy antics while they're here. I'd like for you to stay away from them completely."

SILAS: "I don't see how I'd have any choice. Is Madison familiar with the whole 'Silas' thing?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "There's no indication he's aware of anything other than Sid Feder.

"Be that as it may, if he realizes we're keeping you a secret and your not really Silas, then odds are he'll attempt to discover the truth."

Duke clears the wooded area and enters a clearing. He steers the truck to the right and accelerates to a much higher rate of speed as its only grass and small hills.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "I hate to have to do this to you. You know I like you to be as comfortable as possible while you're here."

SILAS: "Well that flew out the window, didn't it?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Relax man. I don't see them staying more than a day or so. Just lay low and hang out over at Asmo's house."

SILAS: "Alright. I'll do that for you. I just have one question."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "What up, man?"

SILAS: "How could you possibly align yourself with them?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Ha! It's just business. I don't expect many to understand it."

Duke rolls the truck to a halt at the lakeside and kills the engine. He exits the truck, leaving Silas with his own thoughts.

He stands at the lakeside and lights up a cigarette. He inhales deeply then waits a good fifteen seconds before exhaling.

"You know, I love the peace and tranquility of this lake. It does a lot to clear my head from the constant who beat who and who did that to him and all the backstabbing and forming of unions that happen weekly on XWF television.

"I'm not really a man of words. I'm more a man of action. I think everybody knows that. Not much has changed in that regard. I don't suspect it ever will.

"You have some real loud mouths in the XWF. Certain guys that love to be heard. Guys like Feder and Flynn. They run their mouths a mile a minute hoping somebody listens to their mindless repetitive drivel. This isn't about Sid Feder or Mark Flynn.

"This is about the Black Circle continuing to show our dominance. Look back at the recent history of the Black Circle before Sebastian Duke. Nothing relevant. Sure they've strung together a win here and there. Decapitated a weak link or two. But nothing of importance.

"They sought out someone who could turn the tables back in their favor. They sought out one man on this roster that could single handedly turn them from the hunted, to the hunters. They sought out the one man that enabled them to become the single most dominant and destructive force this company has ever seen. They sought out...

"Sebastian Duke.

"On Madness a week or so ago I released a video warning everyone that the Black Circle was coming to Gauntlet City to unleash hell. That is exactly what we've done since Sebastian Duke entered the mix. It's time for a history lesson.

"Day one. I join the Black Circle and we destroy just about everyone in our way on Shove It.

"Two days later on Madness, the Black Circle destroy not one, not two, but six! Count 'em! SIX men in one evening! We were just getting warmed up.

"This past week on Shove It we one again proved our dominance in a victory over five other XWF superstars! We even added some young blood to the mix when we added Luca Arze... Arze... Hell, I can't ever remember that boys name!

"Facts are facts, ladies and gentlemen! No one has been able to stop the Black Circle since Sebastian Duke was welcomed with open fucking arms! We are one giant well-oiled machine! No more infighting. No more decapitations of its members. Just a group of men hellbent on destruction!

"This Sunday night at Gauntlet City, the world will witness, yet again, just how dominant we are when we lay claim to the first ever XWF Trio Tag Team Championship!

"Take a look at our competition, if you want to call it that. I don't really consider any of them competition.

"Team one: CM Punk, Ann Traxx, and JP Corino. Hell, is that even a team worth viewing? A man who talk and talks and talks about things he's done in the past somewhere else like any of us give two shits! Then he has two bitches as partners. Ann and Corino. One bitch, two bitch, three bitch, WHORE!

"Once the Black Circle dispatches of you three dip shits, I think maybe we'll keep Ann as a trophy. Pass her around like the screaming whore she is. In the meantime, maybe... just maybe we'll decapitate that loud mouthed juiced up cunt that is JP Corino!

"Team two: Chris Macbeth, Mr. Natural, and Steve Davids. Who the fuck are these guys? Next.

"Team three: Donathan De Sade, Tyler Decker, and Mr. Satellite. A man who can't fight for himself teaming with a man who can't wrestle, teaming with a man with one god damned arm. That should be all I need to say about that.

"Donathan De Sade. 'All I have to do is snap my fingers and Mister Mystery destroys Sebastian Duke.'

"That's what you said, right? Tell me, Don? How'd that work out for you? As you can plainly see, I'm still standing. A word of advice, you can not destroy the indestructible. Sebastian Duke and The Black Circle will never go quietly into the night! In seven days, you stand face to face with us once again. Once again, we'll sit you back down. Believe it, bitch!

"Last but certainly not least, perhaps my favorite team! The one I can't wait to destroy the most! Mister MysterySid Feder, Peter Gilmour, and Unknown Soldier.

"Let the facts speak! Yet again, I'm forced to remind you, Feder and Gilmour, you had to resort to 3 on 1 to defeat me last time! I'm not coming alone ladies. Your time is definitely up!

"Unknown Soldier... I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. It just seems like it was only yesterday that you took me to the woodshed and beat me from pillar to post. That day was December 12. It's not December anymore, Soldier! I'm not the same man I was! I think you can attest to that! The man that ran his mouth and laid down the biggest beating of my life...

"Just got squashed on Shove It by Sebastian Duke! See, not only did I defeat Unknown Soldier, as well as right a wrong in the process, I am the FIRST MAN to ever pin Unknown Soldier! Ohhhh how sweet it is to right old wrongs!

"I vaguely remember telling you so many months ago, that all streaks end, all men fail... eventually. Does it haunt you now? Does the echo of my words back then, enter your tiny ass little brain like a ghost of the past?


"Mark my words, Soldier, Dante Kyllen, whichever of your useless personalities shows up to take yet another beating from Sebastian Duke! Write 'em down! Record 'em! I don't fucking care! A moment will come on Sunday night when you stand face to chest across from me! I will relish in the very moment that you look into my eyes and your first glimmer of doubt enters your very soul!

"How times change, Soldier! The man that embarrassed Sebastian Duke upon his arrival in the XWF... gets set down with relative ease 3 and a half months later by that same man!

"As I said, mark my words Soldier...





"Ladies and gentlemen, I warned you all that the Black Circle was coming to unleash hell. That's exactly what we're going to do...

"Trust me!"

Duke lights up another cigarette and climbs back into the truck as the scene fades out...
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