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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Turning Point PPV
You can not fill these shoes.
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Gator Offline
The Walking Disaster

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

01-23-2015, 08:53 PM

*Gator sits in a dimly lit room. He looks at the camera and a smile forms under his mask*

GATOR: "Miss me?"

"Of course you did, just been counting the minutes since you saw this pretty mask looking at you from behind a screen. So, my week's been hectic to say the least. If I was a lesser man like Iceman I would have dropped everything and not done any work whatsoever, but I'm a fucking professional so here I am. So let's get to it shall we?"

"I honestly think I've said all I can about Mazzy. Same shit from him as per usual, may get his final thoughts before tonight but it'll be the same shit. I am going into a match and I will win because I'm that damn good, this will be my turning point, that's the way the cookie crumbles blah blah blah. I'm recording this before he puts out a promo today, the twenty third of January, if he puts one out anyway. But, if I get it right, you guys owe me a beer. So apart from that, I'm done with Mazzy. Nothing new from him and I doubt he'll say anything else new. He's as good as dead and then I move on to number two. Scully two in fact."

Scully "Title shitter" Two Said:I might not have gotten much done, but at least I did more than you registering a few paragraphs on my transcripts, just spouting mindless facts.

GATOR: "Really? Because when I looked at the transcript of your promo, I got one paragraph of weak trash talk and no progress. So, what are you trying to get at here? I doubled your work from you're previous promo, don't get fucking mad at me because the only thing you have to say is stupid nicknames that every single person in the fed realised was a dumb fucking nickname about a month after I was here. A five minute rant? You watching my promos in slow motion or something? No I could have just said you're an idiot and let you be but I had to nail the point home that what you said is fucking . Actually try my best to get it through your thick skull that you are a dumb cunt who goes for easy targets. Fuck, next your going to make Deadpool comparisons... Oh wait. You did. Well fucking done Iceman, you are truly a king of insults."

"Don't you fucking listen? Did you hear me talk to Knight about this Deadpool shit? It did not work for him, not one bit. What you are doing right now is taking other people's past failures and re-using them! You fucking ! Yes, the mask is a similar design, same with the suit. Fuck you, I don't have to explain my gear to you. But since we're going for this stupid shit, why the fuck have you modeled yourself after Randy Orton? Same haircut, same tattoos, same shit style in the ring, you cut promos as well too but that is way too much of an insult to Orton. You both whine and make excuses, you're both fucking liars. Next you're going to say you went AWOL too. Just get the whole of that cunt package in you. I may have a similar suit but I don't model myself after Deadpool. You? You're so desperately trying to be Randy Orton junior I can see you popping his dick out of your mouth before you start your promos. I wouldn't be surprised if you start wearing a a mold of Orton's butt so you can shove your head further up that prick's ass."

Randy Orton's less succesful, dumber son Said:he managed to do one thing you cannot and will never be able to do: Defeat Azreal Erebus.

GATOR: "There's that name again. No shit I won't beat a ghost. Great logic. Really puts me in an impossible situation when you say I can't beat someone who has never existed. Hey Iceman, maybe after I beat The Creature From The Black Lagoon, maybe then you can ass rape the Loch Ness Monster! If you don't do it, you're a fucking pussy and everyone will hate you more then they already do. Fucking idiot. Say this person did exist, and say we agreed to a match that was meant to happen on this pay per view. Say there is documented proof that this match was going to happen but then this fictional character disappeared. So instead of beating him, I'm having to face three dumb fucks who don't deserve my time or respect."

"You're tired of talking about Un? Thank god, this dude you hired to pretend to be you is finally getting boring to the man who came up with this plot. Welcome to everyone else's world when you announced the birth of Un. So you just want to drop this? This fucking Un thing that you spent so long trying to convince everyone that this Un was ruining your matches, fuck you. He's an out. You're using a fucking scapegoat to cross out your losses and it's fucking pathetic. No, I won't let you drop it. You can say whatever the fuck you want but I am not letting you live this stupid shit down."

"I'm not bringing good comebacks? Hahahaha. Are you fucking serious!? No, this stupidity speaks for itself. Ladies and gentleman at home, watch Iceman's promo then watch mine. Does it really look like I'm the one who can't find his words? Bullshit Scully Two, you've been lost for words as soon as you saw the card. You just thought, welp, I'm doomed. Might as well call up Un and get him ready to take the fall for me because I'm too much of a fucking pussy to fight Gator by myself."

"Next the Mazzy stuff. You're right, it's none of your business. I honestly don't remember that, the Madison thing. I just saw Mazzy comment that on the Stars of the Month getting title shots and briefcases from now on and made the assumption he thought he too, was going to get a case. Harmless mistake if you're right, which I honestly doubt. Mazzy probably used that title shot. Maybe he used it here? Who knows. Who cares."

You're as cold as ice. Willing to sacrifice, our love Said:Scully Two. Yes, you fucking heard me. Scully Two. The same man who just can't decide on a gimmick. One week, he seems like an ordinary dude. The next? He's in a group with a business man who has his son- in- law picking up the slack, the business man's son- not the son- in- law who is doing good, mind you- a man who seems to be attracted to teenagers, and a fucking racist. The next? Dude goes fucking insane. Must have watched one of Pest's fucking sprees or some shit. The next? Dude goes back to fucking square one. It's like he can't make up his mind. And complain about dodgy officiating?

GATOR: "Ah yes. And I'm the one who goes on rants. What was the point of bringing this up? I thought I made it clear how similar you and Scully are, you just reminding everybody of the points? Would you like me to draw the comparisons? ... Very well. Boring nobody with no gimmick. Also you when you came in. Still a faceless nobody you were going to join the same group you're shitting on before backing out and backstabbing a close friend, because you couldn't be bothered. No pressing matters mind you, just too fucking lazy. Next dude goes insane. Like you trying to spread conspiracy stories that Un will ruin our matches and that he actually exists. Next dude goes back to square fucking one. Back to being a faceless nobody who just cannot get shit done for the life of him. And complain? You more shove the blame on another person completely. Anything else? Would you like me to draw the comparison about how much you fucking suck? How little I respect either of you? Step your game up son, this trash with these points your making has more holes than a M. Night movie."

"... You actually scream yeowtch. Are you a fucking cartoon cat? The hell is wrong with you? And yes, a fucking tumbleweed. Because you did nothing, you should be happy an animated gif made the nothingness you said more entertaining. All in all, you're a piece of shit. You keeping telling me to bring new stuff but carry on calling me a name every single person who knew Lazarus thought of the moment I walked through the door. I know, you want revenge for the Iceman thing. But you're not going to get it. I can make shit stick when I want it to, the fans love me and my friends are loyal to me. I can make this place a fucking nightmare for you and all I would have to do is ask. How about I ask Ozy to ban you from Warfare, then you can only be on Madness were I will ask Loverboy, Sane, corVus and anyone else who wants to be a good friend to me to constantly interfere and ruin your matches. Maybe break your legs just for the hell of it. I'm already a nightmare, a walking disaster but I can make that piece of shit you call a life a lot worse and make that brown streak you call a career even more of a joke. But, I won't do that. Because I honestly don't need any help to do that. Moving on."

"Scumbag Knight. Says he's not going to focus on the other two, proceeds to shit talk them for a minute or so. No, the reason I focused on Mazzy was because I'm actually going to face him first. Same reason I focused on Iceman, because I'm going to face him second and then I'm going to face you. I didn't do it to humble them, like I give a fuck what any of you say. I did it because I'm going to be fighting all three of you! So happy to see that crippling still has it's foot on the gas pedal, chewing up that dirt in the ditch and just digging itself a deeper hole. Ha! You openly admitted Ryan Reynolds is a bigger threat then you. The pampered up pretty boy is a bigger than the supposed professional wrestler. Even with a gun you shouldn't be afraid of anyone, the fuck is wrong with you? You build up how great you are and knock it down by being scared of a fucking actor. Anyone can get a gun. It's fucking America! Go get yourself a gun, clean the shit out of your pants then you can come down to the ring."

"The Dane- Ah you know what fuck it. It's been the same shit all week, I give up. I'm tired of repeating the same thing to you over and over again. It's like I'm talking to Frodo. I don't care if you find me funny, I don't care what you think at all. Most people find my jokes funny, if you wanna be either a joyless bastard or a liar, that's on you man. Actually, what the hell are we doing? Yes, we. We're going after each others humour like it actually factors in the match. Yes I know people laugh at your in ring capabilities all the time, so maybe making your opponent laugh to death is a decent strategy. But this is a wrestling match, not live at the Apollo. So, please go after my comedy again. It's really helping you win this match."

Knight Knight Said:You said I watched How to Train Your Dragon? You didn't even think at one point I owned the book?

GATOR: "Not really, kinda thought you couldn't read. Learn something new everyday. But, may I ask this. You didn't start with that move when you came in, you only recently added it. So, that makes me think you watched the movie recently but since you want to act like one of those pricks who says, the book was better, now I think you read through a fucking children's book and decided; Oh gosh golly, Hiccup is so cool, I wish I could ride a dragon like I ride on dick! So, now that we've established you can read at a comprehensive level, maybe you can come up with some better barbs? ... Guess not. Everyone likes movies. What are you getting at? Every single person references movies. Sorry, I almost forgot you're a stuck up prick who pretends to read the books to say they're better than the films. Just giving you that high of arrogance when you point out the differences, maybe you can start sniffing your own farts too. But again, this doesn't have much to do with the match. I just love pointing out every irritating flaw you have. Which is a fucking lot."

"You wanna mention Scarlett and Todd, and my dog? Shall I mention doubt? And how there is a snowballs chance in hell you would become any kind of all powerful dictator... Maybe dick taker. But not dictator. No amount of dumb masks and self help books can make that fucking fantasy happen hahahaha. Sorry, I was laughing at you, not my own joke. Guessing I need to clarify that from now on. Also, I don't care about your fucking cambot. Call me old fashioned but I think the XWF's own cameramen do a great job. Look at you, you cunt. Taking jobs away from people in the same industry as you, for shame Sir Knight."

"But look at you. Serious bastard with self-esteem issues. Think you're so deep with this whole doubt trip you're going on. Mother fucker I took that trip back at War Games. It'll open your eyes but you'll be so fucking dumb to not realise what you have to change, you say you will but I know you won't. You'll just carry on down this line and end up where you don't want to be. I mean, what exactly have you changed this week? You've been doing all this and saying, oh no! But you go back and talk the same old shit as always. All this, what you're doing is fucking pointless. You are so fucking pointless."

Doubtful Knight Said:You're right I didn't have a lot to say to you, because I was too busy getting tormented in my own thoughts to focus on you.

GATOR: "And I was being hunted by people who want me dead. That's no fucking excuse. I still find the time for you sweet cheeks. You know, I've noticed something. Whenever Knight doesn't have any real comeback he just says ugh, fuck off. Like a damn teenager filled with angst. I ask you to actually give me some trash talk, you know, like you're supposed to fucking do and you bitch and moan about it? Get the fuck over yourself John. I get it, you have your own problems, guess what dude. Every single person in the world has shit to deal with, they still do their jobs... Wow you really do sound like a damn teen here. Haha, I don't have to do what you say! You're not my real dad! Hahaha, fucking pathetic man, you're hitting forty and you still act like this. It's sad.. Oh oops. Brought up your parents, please don't cry again."

"Oh and you call Scarlett a whore again. You know what, serious for a moment. I'm going to break your fucking neck. Seriously, I'm looking straight down the lens and into your fucking eyes. I will fucking murder you, you piece of shit. Do you fucking understand? Am I coming through crystal clear? I am going to wipe the fucking floor with you, leave you a bloody mess on the mat, make every single person in the world happy because they no longer have to deal with that cunt Aerial Knight Johnathon Heartsford. That's nice of me right? I'm going to make the XWF happier by killing you and making sure no one has to deal with your boring promos and you're pathetic excuses you call matches... This is between me and you. Bringing up Scarlett is not helping you win, it just makes you look like an asshole going after an innocent girl. It's sad, you're fucking pathetic. MacClay awarded you this shot because you came in third place? TJ got a shot, Lane won MVP, Swann is somewhere and you? You get the consolation prize. Pretty big prize for a loser.... What the hell is wrong with you? Again, you said before that you know you could beat me, but here we go again, openly admitting that you got your ass kicked. Really shoving your confidence down everybody's throats. You are so fucking dumb it makes people like Kim Kardashian look good."

"Ha, didn't think a dry wall could burn me so so bad.. Sarcasm. You're a waste of space. You pissed me off with what you said about Scarlett, but you never made me mad or even feel anything when you took a shot at me. I don't know whether you think you're barbs were inflicting pain or not, but I can tell you for sure you're in a losing battle. Oh, and don't call me kid. You may be older but you are nowhere near as experienced as I am, with all the stupid jokes I make I still manage to act like more of an adult than you do too. So, child, learn your place. All this stupid shit you've said to me, it's nothing. I wish you could have learned from last time, I wish you could have put up a better verbal fight, and I wish you could put up a real fight when we're in that ring. But I seriously doubt you could do all that. Oh, and you didn't put me through my paces that last time, you haven't here now. I'm honestly going easy on you here, you're not worth my time when I'm at one hundred percent."

"That's all. Good luck and see you at your losses fuckers."

F A D E 2 B L A C K

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