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Lucius Fyre Offline
The Living, Breathing Bad Omen

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

01-13-2015, 10:32 PM

I've never seen someone miss the point of something so insignificant before. It's fucking hilarious to see how mad Pat got at my little jabs at him. Holy Hell, dude, you get worked up so damn easily. I'll try to stop laughing and offer a rebuttal to your promo.

Point One was just that I don't like your hair. I think it looks preppy. I don't like preppy. I do like punching preppy douches. But then you say my 'do looks like a chimpanzee with Parkinson's made it. At least mine would have some effort put behind it then. If you're so hoiti-toiti, then why do you have a generic quiff? Spend some money on a fucking comb so you don't look so cookie cutter. That's why my hair is like this. It gives me a quality in wrestling called "The Look." It actually looks like I can kick your ass. And I can.

Point Two is very true. Your face looks so temptingly punchable. That's why I will punch it until I feel like stopping. Oh, and about the punch that I pack, these "limp wrists" have racked me up 67-1 in the octagon. I am more than qualified to punch your face in. And I will.

Point Three goes back to the face. You both look and act like you would shit next to a toilet just to inconvenience someone else. Don't deny it, you totally would.

Point Four isn't meant to be scary, you dipshit. I haven't seen you prove that you are worthwhile here. Yeah, I know i'm sort of calling the kettle black, but I still have a win and a tie. That's one more win and one more tie than you have. I'm not a toothpick, and if I am, you're going to be beaten up by a toothpick.

Point Five is that John White fucking sucks. End of debate, he sucks donkey chode out of a straw.

Point Six is that you have a cookie cutter moveset. Suplex, strike, DDT, yawn. All things I know how to reverse. You can't reverse a moonsault Styles Clash. I win.

Point Seven is that you are almost exactly like Ric Flair's character; a high roller who resorts to cheating to win. Ric Flair did a great job of being punchable.
But then you call me archetypal. No, Cain is archetypal. Motherfucker, YOU are archetypal. You have no place to call me generic! I am more of an interesting character in 500 words than you are in 50,000. I am actually entertaining to people. You are just another generic-ass bad guy.

I actually have a new point! Point Eight is that this list is my own reasons for disliking you. You reacted like an angry feminist, all passive aggressive and shit. That means that I got inside your head, and bothered you enough for you to debate ALL of my comments. Rule One of the Lucius Fyre instruction book is never let me get in your head. I am fully inside of your head. Better start praying to your god, because i'm not coming out until you give up.

You think that your words are enough to extinguish the flames? Bitch, I am a fucking forest fire. You are just another thing to engulf. Good bye, preppy cunt.

"You shouldn't play with Fyre"
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